Chapter 2

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The days passed slowly and Jimmy got to know more and more villagers. The short person he saw outside the flower shop was apparently named Shubble. She was the owner of the flower shop.

Then there was Katherine. She was also often to be found in the flower shop. She was usually there talking to Shubble according to Gemini.

After a few more days the blond got to know more people and he became more and more part of the village.

It was now early November and Jimmy was walking through the village with fWhip. After a while he saw a few people whose names he didn't yet know, and he nudged the ginger next to him to get his attention.

"Who are those two at the cottage kind of house?" asked Jimmy and fWhip turned his head to see who the blond next to him meant.

"Oh. Those are Joey and Scott. Or the local gays as Katherine calls them."


Looking a little closer he saw that Scott was the cyan-haired one he had seen helping Shubble a while ago outside the flower shop as he walked home from Gem's bakery.

"What are you going to do for Christmas?"

It took Jimmy a moment to realize what had been said to him and he looked up at the man beside him who was smiling. The blond didn't know what to say. He didn't want to dump the whole story on someone he had only just known and he could tell the rest again and so the whole village could go back to talking and whispering just like the old one and then he would have to move again and that would take a while again.

He could lock himself in his house but at some point he would have to get out to buy food.

While Jimmy was running his mind Scott had walked towards the duo and left Joey behind who was now on the phone talking to someone.

"Hey Fwhip everything okay with him?" the cyan-haired one pointed at Jimmy who had been brought back from his thoughts by his sentence.

"Oh what? Everything is okay with me." The blond stuttered and the other two started laughing.

Scott introduced himself to the blond and started talking. After a while, Fwhip had to leave. He said goodbye to the other two and went off to do his own thing.

Scott and Jimmy got into a conversation and after a while the blond went with the other to his house so they wouldn't have to stand in the cold all the time.

When they entered Scott's house, the blond thought for a moment about how the other had actually saved him from explaining what had happened last year. He did like these people but he wasn't close enough with them to feel comfortable to tell them what happened.

"Fancy a glass of wine?" was asked by Scott and Jimmy nodded. He could use some of that now. Now Jimmy thought about it. He hardly ever drank alcohol.

The blond had never really been a fan of it.

"I don't have much in the house because I actually wanted to go to the shop after the conversation with Joey so if you don't like you can grab a glass of water" explained Scott as he handed Jimmy a small glass of wine. "Alright."

The two walked to the living room where Scott had a large couch and the duo sat down.

They struck up a conversation and soon became good friends. It turned out that Scott had a younger sibling that Joey had been on the phone with a while ago. And like the man in front of Jimmy, Scott's sibling also appeared to have cyan hair, but a few degrees darker because they didn't want to look like twins.

Scott began to tell Jimmy about the others when they were children. The blond listened intently. It turned out that a lot of the people that lived here also were born here.

A flower for Christmas (Flower Husbands)Where stories live. Discover now