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I smiled widely as I drifted out of my dreams, the house as quiet as a mouse, the only sound the gently cracking of the fireplace as it thought to stay a fire rather than fade to embers barely any light now coming from it. The gray light flooded the room from the window through the white curtains. My soft cotton bed sheets against my skin the warmth of the bed around my body closely. I sat up gently pushing away the covers. I looked to my bedside table seeing my little clock still ticking away reading that it was now 6:18 far too Early for most people to be up and busy but I liked to be an early bird. The sun likely had only really just risen. I flipped over my little calendar reading it was now the sixteen. I pushed my covers away more and turned so my feet hang off my bed slipping my slippers on. I smiled gently as I looked to the white wall my bed rested against. I gave the wall a gentle tap but loud enough it would surely be heard through the thin walls but no answer which was odd. He, like me, was an early bird. Often we wake each other with our taps or be both up reading by this time. Perhaps he was reading late last night and needs a lie in today. I racked my mind with thoughts of how to spend my day, my family away on holiday until next month and I know the family in the other half of the house that we share this house with where going out today we'll the ladies where going off to visit some friends. I forced myself up from my bed and tiptoed across my bedroom to the window. I pulled the curtains back and let them hang behind me looking out to the gray sky of the morning. The sun behind the clouds has enough light to be bright but not enough to burn through the cloud. I smiled hearing that only a few birds were awake now looking at the flowers and trees of the garden and as I did I saw a sweet sight that proved why I heard no knock.

I saw samuel brawne the young man of the family that shares our house, sat under the tree just outside my bedroom window he favored laying there and reading of a sunny summer day be must have been up much earlier than me as he was already dressed and laid in his jacket his head deep in one of his books. He wore his usual boots, brown pants, white shirt, red suspenders to keep the loose pants up his skinny body, and his purple waistcoat unbuttoned as it often was, his blonde hair fluffy and messy where he clearly woke up like that and hadn't had a bath or combed his hair this morning. My family tried very hard to keep Samuel and I seperate given our similar age. He was a year older than me and when we first arrived we were close but my father especially didn't like that as we got older one could say we where… Perhaps courtingly he makes the effort to bring me flowers, tap in the wall a good morning and goodnight and walk with me to town or through the woods even if we have to be secretive about it. We had never officially said we were courting but we both knew our feelings for each other even if they were unspoken. We hadn't even kissed yet every so often he would hold my hand and give my hand polite kisses but no further. I blushed seeing him there, a moment later he looked up as a bird flew down from the tree and he caught my window in his sights, noticing me in it. I blushed bright crimson seeing him looking at me as I only wore my nightie, only the one small layer that concealed me from his gaze. He knew what he was looking at the moment he saw me, his eyes unable to look away from me in my little nightie. I knew I should be a good young lady to avert his gaze, to move away from the window dress in my usual way and apologize to him for not seeing him there but… part of me throbbed with another desire. He waved sweetly at me and as he did I giggled to myself covering my mouth as I giggled making him chuckle too. I couldn't stop this strange desire in me it made my heart race to merely consider it but I took the strings of my nightie in my hand gently tugging on them playfully he saw me and smiled confused what I was doing exactly the knots of my nightie undid letting it hang much looser I ran my fingers up the strings till they met the cotton of my nightie I pushed it gently until my nightie on both sides slipped from my shoulders I stopped as the fabric pooled on my elbows holding the fabric close giggling all the while my skin bare hanging naturally as I had nothing to conceal it, my nipples both hard to the cold morning air, I took gentle breaths even if my heart was racing throbbing with excitement at the meer concept of what I was doing much less knowing samuel sat there to see it. He saw of course unable to take his eyes away even for a moment the book he held in his left hand he shut quickly. I could tell even from here as his pants tightened that he was getting hard from the sight of me. He watched me eagerly for a while before I smiled and playfully waved at him. Absentmindedly he waved back still unable to even blink he smirked a little and brought his hand to his lips blowing me a kiss I giggled and moved as quickly as I could away from my window leaning against my bedroom wall holding my nightie close to cover myself, I felt so… thrilled my heart beating out my chest the knowledge of this dirty sinful thing I did now a secret between samuel and I. 

I secretly peaked out my window once more trying to make sure he wouldn't see me he was stood now grabbing his jacket from the floor dusting it off and walking into the house I giggled and for dressed for the day in my stockings, my dress, my corset and began working on my hair for the day still all bubbly and giggly when there was a tap on my door which puzzled me considering my family was away.

I went opening my door and was taken aback a moment when I saw it was samuel. 

"Good morning Mr brawne to what do I owe this pleasure?" I asked 

"Simply here to wish a young lady a good morning" he smiled offering me a little Daisy "may I come in?"

"I don't know the things our families would say they knew you'd been in my bedroom" I smiled playfully

"And I could tell then much worse" he whispered "about what I saw" he smirked so I let him in taking the flower I went putting it on my vanity as he shut the door 

"Why are you really here samuel?" I asked as soon as the door was closed looking at my reflection in my mirror fixing some hair it barely took him a second he threw his jacket on the chair by the fire coming up behind me pressing himself against me completely his hands cradled my corset kissing my exposed neck 

"Ooh master brawne!" I giggled faking offense as I felt his body against me his hard on pressing against my back

"You can't really expect to show me that and I not react my angel" he cooed 

"I don't know to what your referring" I smiled playing innocent "I have done nothing but awake and dress this morn"

"Don't you?" He smirked staring at me in the reflection making me blush hard as he kissed my shoulder then my neck then my jaw and whispered in my ear "then is the little whore who showed me her tits" he growled "or is my little angel going to admit she flashed me this morning to get me all riled up while her mummy and daddy are out of town" 

"I don't know what you're talking about me brawne really I don't. An honorable lady such as myself would never even consider it" I giggled

"Yeah?" He smirked and before I could do anything not that I really wanted to stop him anyway he tugged at the ribbons of my corset until it was undone and he yanked down my dress exposing my breasts "Humm these are definitely the breasts I saw" he smirked instantly his hands taking them fondling me and gently twisting my nipples to harden then more so as he kissed and left a hickey on my neck pressing himself against me more pulling me tight to him

"Samuel, is that a carrot from the kitchen in your pocket or are you just happy to see me this morning?" I giggled playing with his hair 

"Ummm you know what it is, my angel. Don't worry…. I've already cum" he whispered in my ear 

"Really?" I giggled

"Well when a beautiful honorable lady takes her dress off at her window for me, how can I not… explode with excitement" he smirked 

"Ooohh samuel" I giggled bright red from his words his hands left playing with me to hold my hips turning me quickly to face him his head against my own gasping

"I want you." He whispered again to my lips "I've wanted you since the first moment I saw you. After that little show at the window, pray tell my angel… Do you want me too?" He asked breathy and never breaking eye contact

"I do Samuel."

"Y/n. My angel. May I make love to you?" He asked slowly rubbing his nose against mine 

"On one condition" I smiled

"Name it" 

"That… your name and mine shall be the same after" 

He smiled pulling me gently into a soft slow kiss I kissed back happily till he pulled away leaving the feeling of his kiss on my lips "it shall be done my angel. There's been a ring for you hidden in my room for the last year, you can have it as soon as we're finished" he whispered

I giggled and grabbed his shirt pulling his lips back to my own. His hands held me close. I began to pull so he started walking me back to my bed as soon as my legs hit it we pulled away and both jumped into my bed eagerly.

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