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I stood in the shop fixing the various piles of books, as I had sold many over the last few days but that was pretty normal, I always sell a lot of books in the advent period. I rushed past the window fixing the garland by the window on my way past, looking out to the sweet town centre, all the little shops that lined the streets all with the sweet green of garlands, wreaths, and trees decorating their shops, the warm glow of candlelight from within the shop windows as the midwinter nights grew darker so much earlier, people walked the streets in there long dresses and coats with fur to hid from the cold, the snow covering the cobblestones leaving tracks from the horseshoes and carts that had travelled past, the snow fluttering down from the looming grey clouds, I could hear the sweet signing from the carolers, and I returned to my counter as I heard the Bell toll on the door

"Good Afternoon" I smiled

"Afternoon" He smiled, It was young Samuel Brawne. I was well familiar with him as he liked me and adored to read so he was in the shop very often and we had many debates and discussions of books we had read of late. He had his black boots laced up tightly, his very tight and snug trousers with a red ribbon down the seam, A white shirt done up tightly, with a hint of red suspenders, a textured red waistcoat, a black jacket done up tightly with a red scarf wrapped around him, his hat perched on his head.

"I told you, Samuel, no new publishings till the new year" I smiled

"I know, but still I like to look whenever I visit town" He smiled wondering around the shop

"Alright" I smiled and continue with my work and after a few minutes he came up to my counter without any books "Yes?" I smiled

"I uhhh... I have something for you" he says taking his hat down and holding it tightly

"You do?"

"I really hope you like it" he smiled getting a small item from his coat wrapped with sweet red textured paper and a green ribbon bow

"Ohh thank you so much Samuel" I smiled gently taking the sweet little present

"You're welcome. I hope you really like it"

"Your too sweet"

"I know you don't get a lot of presents at Christmas time and your working so much, I wanted to get you a little something"

"Thank you very much for thinking of me Samuel" I smiled leaning over the counter to give his cheek a kiss which turned him bright red "Merry Christmas"

"Merry Christmas" He blushed taking my hand and giving it a kiss before he headed back out into the snow.

Samuel Brawne ImaginesWhere stories live. Discover now