Sparrow P5

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I walked slowly up the stairs carrying breakfast as I went, making sure to push the door open and quickly close it behind me, I noticed Samuel still sleeping so I set his breakfast on the table and pulled open his curtains a little where the wind had blown them in, I began my usual work of cleaning, tidying and organizing his medication when I heard a little whistle slow and soft I turned and saw Samuel's eyes open looking at me as he held his pillow

"Good morning Samuel" I smiled

"Good morning little sparrow," he says stretching and coughing away as he sat up

"How are you feeling today?"

"Like I have been gargling razor blades, washing with sandpaper, and eating ashy cigarettes for the last six months," he says

"Ohh I see" I answered "well, medicine. And I brought you a lovely breakfast of porridge, crumpets and tea" I explain sitting down to help him with breakfast and his medicine

"Porridge? With Honey?" He asks

"No honey I'm afraid only blackberry jam," I said and he tried his nose up at it "Samuel, don't be rude now"

"I don't like blackberry jam" he pouted

"It's good for you,"

"But I like honey with my porridge, and honey's very good for me"

"Well we don't have any, toots finished up the last yesterday on her toast at supper," I told him "come come" I smiled offering the spoon "little train, choo choo"


"Samuel. If you eat all your porridge we can go out for a little sit in the garden?"

"We can? You think I'm well enough?"

"Not for too long and you'll have to stay out of the flowers but I see no reason why not, so long as you finish your porridge"

"Alright," he nodded begrudgingly eating it once he was done with breakfast and his medicines I helped him into some fresh clothes for the day he sat on the edge of his bed his feet inches from the floor still wheezing "you really think I can?"

"I'm sure of it Samuel" I smiled offering my hands he took them using me to pull himself up and bend if I was holding most of his non-existent weight he gasped in shock "what's wrong?" I asked

"The floor's cold," he said making me giggle I grabbed the stick for him to help him hold himself up and slowly but surely he took a step clearly he struggled and often we had to completely stop for him to cough or just to get his breath back from the few steps be had taken often times I would tell him words of measurement or having to take the weight for a moment, the stairs proved fairly easy which made me smile as that had been worrying me, I could tell he was once again getting breathless

"Whoa, whoa, whoa slow down. Deep slow breaths okay" I remind him he nodded slowly stopping to take long breaths often times I breathed with him to help him keep a rhythm once we got to the door I pushed it open and rushed out into the grass to find a chair I got one and put it close to the flowers I stood by the chair and smiled at him "come on you can do it" I smiled he nodded fearfully being slow and rickety his legs barely keeping straight his breaths low calculated as If he has to focus on each and every one of them. He practically fell into me having lost his balance again but I helped him sit in the chair, I smiled seeing him sit there getting his breath back as I took the stick away

"I only came from my room to the garden. Christ, you'd think I'd just ran from Portsmouth to Hampstead" he joked still catching his breath

"Ummmm I'm so proud of you" I smiled giving him a hug and his head a kiss

"Thank you, I can't remember the last time I sat out here. Probably before I started getting sick" he says looking at the tree, the flowers, the birds on this beautiful spring morning I sat beside his chair in the grass as we just sat and did as we often did, we talked and joked together about everything and nothing

"I heard you once" I spoke up

"Humm?" He asked since having shut his eyes to bask in the warm sunshine

"Play, one Christmas at Hampstead hall I thought you were splendid"

"Aren't you sweet" he smiled "such a sweet little Sparrow, I don't know how I could ever thank you"

"For what?"

"For taking such good care of me, most doctors gave up on me, even the nursemaids have up caring for me and just left me to die. Thank you y/n"

"Your welcome, but you don't have to thank me I'm happy so long as your feeling better. We have a ways to go yet Samuel but"


"But I think, if a boy who as I was told was weeks from death before I arrived, can walk himself down to the gardens by spring, we have nothing to fear of the winter to come" I smiled

"You have an awful lot of faith in me"

"I have to." I smiled holding his hand he smiled at me before he pushed himself from his chair I was puzzled and alarmed even more so when he moved and collapsed onto the ground surrounded by the flowers I was about to start rushing but he turned and smiled laying in the flowers looking up at the tree "you scared me"

"Sorry, I just wanted to lay in the flowers" he smiled holding my hand tugging me to lay with him it was pleasant laying among the flowers watching the birds in the tree, seeing the sweet sun passing behind the various clouds,

"My sweet little sparrow" he smiled stroking my face "would you allow me something?"


"To... kiss you?"

I blushed unsure how to answer but I nodded he smiled more before pulling me a little closer to him he pressed his warm slightly shivering lips against my own it was a small kiss, soft and gentle but with a sweet glow behind it of pure affection and passion the sweet gentle pucker of his lips against my own so slow and sweet till he pulled back his face flush and his smile wide

"Are you alright?" I asked in panic checking his face

"Fine. Tis the honey glow from your sweet kisses my little sparrow" he smiled holding me close to him his fingers gentle exploring my dresses fabrics "if I was to die. Right now. In this exact moment I'd die with the most wonderful feeling of joy, and a wide smile across my face" he smiled

"That's sweet Samuel" I smiled giving his nose a little kiss

"But, if the heavenly angels themselves came down to usher me away to paradise, I'd tell them no. My little sparrows looking after me, And I wanna stay here with her" he smiled stroking my hair before pulling me into another kiss

"Samuel!" A voice smiled making us pull back seeing toots stood running from the house, he say up gently and she ran over hugging him closely and giving him a squeeze "are you feeling better?"

"Much better munchkin" he smiled "look how big you are, nearly as tall as me"

"Can we go for a walk together?"

"No no just sit here, we can sit and you can tell me about everything okay" he smiled to her I got up so she could sit in the flowers with her brother and I noticed stood in the open door was his mother, she didn't look happy so I walked over.

"I thought it made it clear... to keep him inside. Where people wouldn't see him so sick"

"And I thought we had an understanding that you don't question me or the things I do. He needs fresh air, exercise, and not to be locked in a dark dusty attic to die," I explain

"I know. I know he does. I trust you ... completely. I thought I'd never see him so happy again, much less out in the garden with his sister" she said a tear in her eye "you're a miracle worker sweet girl, whatever you're doing. Keep doing it" she says before she headed inside.

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