My Flower

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I smiled so widely knowing that at last after four long years of being married at last I was with child. I had yet to tell a soul. I sat in my lovely mahogany bed with the sweet lilac curtains flowing down from the posts, matching of course with the white and lilac covers, said curtains pulled back a while ago. My breakfast on my little tray across my lap, with a beautiful bunch of lavender flowers in a small vase, my egg in its cup, my toast on its rack and a bowl before me of fresh summer fruits as well as my little tea cup of tea with the little sugar cubes so perfectly in there little pot. Once I finished up my breakfast I climbed out of bed and dressed for the day doing my hair and not really much make up I wasn't going anywhere today. And I hurried out of our lovely bedroom down the stairwell and hopping into the study expecting him to be sat there in his usual wooden 'torcher' chair or so I called it, where he usually say working on prices, writing at his little desk, playing his violin, perhaps even cleaning or caring for one of the many he owns. But the curtains wide open, the papers nearly in their piles and the room was empty.

"Hummm curious" I pondered so I headed down to the living room but that too was empty, to the dinning too and still empty, I even popped on my own office in the theory that he may have gone there looking for me and gotten lost in one of my many books but my desk sat perfectly facing the window and river, my books all perfectly in there shelves as I left them "curiouser and curiouser" I said before I hurried down to the kitchen and pantry expecting to see him with a cup of tea or perhaps some of my cookies but still empty "ohh." I sighed "where has that damn boy scampered off too now?" I sighed. I hitched my dress a little and went out to our garden and there I spotted him, surprised I hadn't heard him, as he sat under the willow tree, watching the river flow on by, surrounded by daisies and dandelions. His violin to his neck gently playing such sweet songs.

He was dressed for the day in his usual summer garments, his light blue and white clothes his Jacket likely still inside his waistcoat open enough to expose his purple braces. He spotted me a sudden smile across his lips so he turned to face me a little more and began playing the little tune he wrote for me while we were courting making me giggle as I adjusted my dress and sat down in the grass beside him

"Good Morning My flower" he cooes putting his violin down and giving my cheek a kiss

"Good morning Samuel. Pray tell what are you doing out here? Wouldn't you rather be in your study?"

"Umm, yes my study is perfect for the acuatics of my writing but I don't feel like working today. So I thought I'd just come play by the river. Besides I didn't want to bother you"

"It's no bother I like waking to your songs" I smiled "no work today?"

"No. Not feeling particularly in the mood"

"Don't you have that peice for Lord Bridgerton you need to finish?"

"Don't remind me, my flower" he sighed leaning against the tree "no. Not feeling it today master compositor deserves a day off every once in a while" he explained "and lord Bridgerton can stick his overbearing, overcomplicated symphony right up his over important arse" he explained


"Sorry y/n. I get tired of being creative sometimes. Some days I just wanna sit by the river with you and play little tunes that my lovely wife to sing for me"

"That's sweet samuel. It's alright you can't force creativity you'll just hate what you made" I told him "I don't really feel it either"

"Umm well michel will wait forever for your manuscript if you asked it off him. Your far too good my flower the world would wait forever for you to finish"

"And I'm sure the world would wait for your music too samuel" I smiled, giving him a kiss and taking his hand "samuel... I need to tell you something"

"What is it?" He asks sitting up and holding my hand tighter

"How long have we been married now samuel?"

"Four amazing years my flower" he smiled, giving me a little kiss "why?"

"And how long have we... wanted children?"

"I mean. If we're being technical we talked about children while we were still courting so I suppose a good six years now"

"Well at last" I smiled Moving his hand to the bottom of my stomach

"You mean it? Honest and true?"

"I am sure of it. Beyond any doubt"

"Ooohh my beautiful little flower" he cooes pulling me into an passionate intense kiss as he hugged me as tightly as possible I couldn't help my giggles as I hugged him close too "you are going to be the most beautiful mother in the world. And the most spoilt I promise"

"You don't-"

"I do. I shall spoil my little flower while she carries our little baby. So what do you think? Boy or girl?"

"I don't know yet but I hope for a little boy as sweet as his father"

"Well all I care about is that we have a lovely baby. But if they could be as beautiful as their mother I would be overjoyed." He smiled "come on let's go inside, you can read me the best chapter of your book and I can play you the next part of the piece" he smiled helping me up getting his violin and we headed back inside our lovely little house.

Samuel Brawne ImaginesWhere stories live. Discover now