at the age of seventeen

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She would sit days after days in the hospital, waiting for her father to be better. But it didn't seem like he was going to get better. He drove her to and back from the hospital.

She wondered if her love could grow even more. He was asking himself the same thing.
There was just this one little stupidity. They were both too afraid of losing their friendship.

They were both very smart. So she didn't really care about all her schoolwork. She just cared about her father. If he would die, she had nobody. Not a single family member.

It was November 28th when she got a message saying her father was in coma. Her body went numb and automatically she went to him.

She saw him kissing another girl. At the time, it was just too much to comprehend and she fainted.

All he could say was 'sorry. I didnt't mean it.' All he could think was 'oh damn, I've f*cked this up.'

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Love, Isa

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