Chapter 1

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The sun slid down like a bird slowly flying to its nest. "Do you smell that?" Robinnose hissed at Vixenheart. Vixenheart nodded. Her mouth filled up with Iceclan's scent right in Fireclan's borders. 

"We need backup, now. There seems to be a lot of cats in our borders," Beesong hissed and looked down at his apprentice, Marigoldpaw. Marigoldpaw nodded and ran off at once. Vixenheart and Robinnose shared glances. The brown she-cat crouched and whisked into the bushes. Vixenheart nodded at Beesong and they follow Robinnose.

As Vixenheart walked on behide Robinnose, she could sense the Iceclan cats. "I see them," Robinnose hissed under her breath. Vixenheart looked over Robinnose's shoulder. There she saw the Iceclan cats. Pebblestar, Boulderstorm, Brakenspring, but then a cat caught her eye. It was a handsome broad shoulder tom. He had reddish fur and his brown gaze held with her green gazes. She gasped and looked down. 

"What is it?" Beesong, the orange tabby tom, asked. Vixenheart looked up at his yellow eyes. "One of the cats saw me," Robinnose gasped. "Marigoldpaw needs to get here soon with backup." 

"Iceclan attack!" Vixenheart heard a yowl from Pebblestar. Vixenheart looked around with a surprised face. Robinnose jumped out of the bush and clawed at the cats. Vixenheart and Beesong quickly joined her. Vixenheart met face with the handsome tom she met gazes with. Her heart quickened. She clawed at his face trying to grasp him to the ground. Soon enough she was able to pin him down. 

The tom smirked a hiss. "You think you can win, eh?" Vixenheart growled. "You fox-heart!" She sank her claws in his shoulders and he left out a yowl in pain. The yowl didn't last long when he pushed her up off of him. She fell to the ground with his weight on top. Pain swelled in her head but then his weight vanished when she heard a battle cry. Marigoldpaw has returned with backup! With relief, she got help from Ravenwing. There, they chased him off. The tom hissed at her and seemed to smirk but ran off into the rocks hidden behind bushes.

"Fireclan retreat!" Vixenheart stared off at Specklestar. "What?" Vixenheart asked puzzled. She let go of the cat that she pinned down. The cat hissed at her and Vixenheart backed away slowly. We almost won! Vixenheart shook her head and ran after her clan.

"Are you okay?" Morningjay asked, the medicine cat. Vixenheart looked at her golden pelt. Her legs hurt and she had some deep scratches. "I think I might need some cobwebs,"

"Cats of Fireclan! I know we would of defeated Iceclan, but we lost cats and I couldn't bare anymore to be lost," Vixenheart looked up at Specklestar who sat on the star shaped rock. Specklestar beckoned her tail to the clearing of the clan. Vixenheart gasped. There laid, Robinnose and Beesong. 

Vixenheart stared at the orange tabby tom and the brown she-cat who was Fireclan's deputy. Vixenheart drooped her head and so did other cats. "Beesong!" Marigoldpaw wailed for her mentor. Vixenheart's gaze saddened and she wanted to comfort the poor apprentice but Morningjay, her sister, ordered cats with injuries into the medicine cat den.

Vixenheart sat there looking at her paws. Morningjay laid her paw on the cobwebs that sat on Vixenheart's wound. "Why did Starclan chose us to lose?" 

Morningjay took out the bloody cobweb and spit it out. "Who knows what Starclan has to do with anything?" Vixenheart flicked her tail. Morningjay took the cobweb off. "You are fine now, just don't stretch the scab open. No leaving camp for today and tomorrow," Vixenheart nodded. She walked out of the medicine den but looked back at Morningjay. "Is Wolfmoon okay?" Morningjay nodded. "He's okay, just needs a bit of more marigold and rest."

Vixenheart loafed the warriors' den worried about Wolfmoon. How much she cared for that tom. Vixenheart flinched as she remembered the tom from Iceclan. His icy brown gaze made Vixenheart shiver. The reddish fur tom seemed to get into her but Vixenheart shook her head. No.

"Are you doing okay?" Vixenheart looked up and saw a dark brown pelt. "I'm fine, Lynxfeather." Lynxfeather held a mouse in her jaws. "Want some?" She asked. Vixenheart nodded and thanked her.

"How was the battle? I bet it wasn't good... Since Robinnose and Beesong died." Lyxnfeather mewed. Vixenheart chewed the juicy mouse and blinked. "We would of have defeated them if only Specklestar hadn't made us retreat." Vixenheart growled in the back of her throat. Lynxfeather laid her tail on Vixenheart's back. "We won in our hearts," Vixenheart smiled. She was glad she had two amazing sisters.

"All cats old enough to catch a soaring bird please come down to the StarRock!" Cats hurried out of their dens knowing what Specklestar was going to announce. Vixenheart settled herself down next to Lynxfeather and Doespots. She looked over and saw other cats from the battle limp and sit down. "As you all know, we lost two cats in a battle against Iceclan. We do not know what Iceclan took but we will find out tomorrow at sunhigh. I say these words before Starclan, so that the spirits of our warrior ancestors may hear and approve of my choice. The new deputy of Fireclan is Ebonysky."  Vixenheart looked at the black she-cat who stood tall as she walked towards the StarRock. The black she-cat's indigo eyes shone brightly. "For the lost of Beesong, who was the mentor of Marigoldpaw, we need to assess and new mentor for her."

Vixenheart looked over at Marigoldpaw who sat with Timberpaw and Sappaw. "Marigoldpaw, by the power of Starclan, your new mentor is Vixenheart," Vixenheart looked up in surprise. Her first apprentice! "Vixenheart will take over the rule of Beesong. She will teach you on from what Beesong did." 

Vixenheart and Marigoldpaw touched noses. How much excited Vixenheart was, Marigoldpaw had a sad gaze in her eyes. I would know how it is...

As the crowd lowered down. A though hit Vixenheart right in the head. The prophecy! I totally forgot about it! I need to tell Morningjay about it tomorrow. 

Vixenheart trotted to the warriors' den and curled up in her nest. Lynxfeather laid nest to her, licking Vixenheart behind the ears. She purred but stopped. A Lynx will run through fire... A Lynx...

Ooh! I bet you guessed what is going on? I don't know! Comment what you think will happen with 'Lynx' 

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