A Very Huggy Wuggy Christmas Special

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(Happy Chrismahannukwanzakuh.)

(Y/N) Your Name. (L/N) Last Name. 

You're a nineteen year old girl named (Y/N) (L/N). You live in the city of Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania. You live on your own in a one room apartment with the bathroom being separated in another room. 

It's one of those studio apartments that's above a business, so you have a pretty small place. You don't have a bed, but you do have a couch that can fold out into a bed. So that's where you sleep. Your kitchen is on the other end of the studio apartment, closer to the door leaving your apartment.

Lately, you've been feeling kind of lonely. But the problem is... you're not really into anyone. You've dated some guys. Some girls. None have sparked your interest except for one girl who was into video games. Her name was Abigail Lopes. You dated each other for two days. Just two days. Turns out, she stole money from you and you had no choice but to call it quits. She moved on.

Now you come to realize that you're not into human beings now. And what's sad is, Christmas is just around the corner. Three days left. You'd be lucky enough to receive a robot companion or something to feel less lonely. You've even resorted to body pillows with anime characters on it. Nobody knew about that, much to your joy. But it wasn't enough. You needed a thing that could move.

As you watch TV, you get the news anchor saying, "Hello. Welcome back to Channel 9 News. Just here in Pittsburgh, something strange has happened at the abandoned toy factory known as Playtime Co." You listen in.

The anchor says, "We now go live to news reporter Maya Lockhart. Maya? What's your take on this?" The camera switches to a female news reporter with red hair, glasses, a curvy body, blue shirt, gray pants, etc. 

She says, "Hello, John. Yes. I am standing right outside the gates of the once very known toy factory, Playtime Co. We've been getting reports about four teenagers sneaking in here and having gone missing. It turns out this was all out of a dare. We've decided to talk to the very young man who was the fifth to tag along, who stayed outside while his friends went in. He told us his side of the story." 

It pans to a teenage boy with curly black hair, an Avengers shirt on, etc. The name under him reads Scott Briggs. Age fourteen. Maya says, "Young man. Is there something you have to say about this whole incident?" 

Scott says, "Yeah. My friends and I came here one night. We all dared each other to go in. But I refused and stayed back. They went in. Something about the place doesn't seem so nice. I know it's abandoned and it's supposed to come off as scary... but I haven't seen my friends in three days. They never came out of there. I waited all night for them that night. I got tired and went home. I came back here... and they were still not out of that building. I think they might be dead."

You say, "Holy shit. Four teens died in a toy factory? Was it a machine that crushed them or something?" The news reporter says, "That's a real shame. And just right before Christmas, too. My heart goes to the families of the teens who went missing in that toy factory. We hope at least the boy who spoke up was safe and sound at home with his family. We'll be back for more on it..." 

You turn the TV off. You get up and you say, "I'm just gonna get on my laptop and listen to something on YouTube." You fold your couch out into a bed and you plop down on it. You grab your laptop and you get on YouTube. You listen to some Deftones songs and you watch Helluva Boss until you get tired and go to bed.

(Time skip.)

It's 5pm. You're home from your job at Baskin Robbins and you're sitting on the couch. It's folded back to being a couch as you watch TV. The news is on again and it's the same story. The reporter Maya Lockhart says, "We've got more on the story about the four teens that went missing. Police have decided to investigate the mysterious disappearance of the teens and went into the abandoned toy factory. What they found was shocking."

You listen in. Maya says, "They happened to find the bodies of the teens who identified as Tanya Blair, Steven Matthews, Britney Rice and Evan Roth." It shows a picture. You're shocked by one of them and you yell, "Tanya?! Holy shit! That's my parents' neighbor's daughter! Oh, poor Barb's gonna be devastated as fuck." 

Maya says, "But that's not all. Something else shocks and stuns the police as they went in there. And I can't believe I'm about to say this but... They've stumbled upon a blue fuzzy twelve foot toy with razor sharp teeth in its mouth. It appeared to be alive."

You say, "What?" Maya says, "One of our officers said the thing tried to attack them and called for backup. The FBI got involved and they went in. We spoke to the officer that called them. Officer Henry Wilson."

It pans to an officer wearing the PPD badge. It's Officer Henry Wilson. He says, "Yes, ma'am. We were in complete shock when we saw this thing. I'm sure whatever the hell it was, it was responsible for those poor kids' deaths. It tried to attack us. I got a hold of the FBI and they came in. They tranquilized the thing and that gave all of us an opportunity to take it into the hands of the authorities. The thing is now being held in a laboratory..." 

It shows a video of the blue fuzzy thing and you gasp. You take a look at this tall blue fuzzy thing strapped to a table. You weren't gonna lie... it may have been possibly deadly, but for some reason the thing looked pretty good to you. You say, "So that's what got to them?"

One of the scientists speaks up and says, "We've got him, thanks to the FBI. We've got the thing known as Experiment 1-0-0-6. We've searched more on this thing and we've discovered something pretty interesting. Well, I'll put it this way. The monstrous thing happens to be a male." You nearly choke on your drink and you say, "The thing has a dick? How?" 

The scientist says, "We're keeping this thing held captive in our hands for now. Who knows how dangerous he is? It's bad enough he happens to be my favorite childhood toy. He was known as Huggy Wuggy. Not so huggable now, is he?" 

You say, "Huggy Wuggy?" The scientists says, "Let's just hope he doesn't escape and run amuck. (Amuck. Amuck. Amuck.) For the sake of the citizens of Pittsburgh. We can't risk any more lives than this thing has already possibly taken." 

The anchor says, "Well, now that we've heard the story about this experiment, I would advise that all citizens stay in their homes after sunset. New curfew as of now as to not risk stumbling upon this thing is 7pm. Keep your family and friends safe..." 

After that you turn the TV off. You say, "Wow. Huggy Wuggy. Where did I hear that? I've heard my thirty three year old cousin Jane mentioning Huggy Wuggy. Might be part of who she mentioned before. Poppy Playtime. Guess that's him. He had to look friendlier than that, though." 

You get up and you say, "I guess I could drive to the grocery store while it's still bright out. I need some more food in my house." You head out of your apartment, taking your phone and keys with you.

(To be continued...)

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