Τέσσερα: Realisation

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"Να Θυμάσαι ότι αστέρια δε σβήνουν επειδή σκοτεινιάζει ο ουρανός." 

"Remember that the stars do not go out because the sky is dark."


"Who are you" the still unanswered question that lingered in the air.

"Ah yes how rude of me, not even telling you my name. I am Queen Persephone of the Supernatural, Princess of the Underworld, Daughter of Hades" ... "Does that answer your question Young Isabella", the words rolled off Persephone lips as she spoke Belle's full name. Gasps of shock scattered across the field, but also of realisation of the truth. 

"Enjoy life, and all the mysteries it brings. Fair warning shall I have to make an appearance again I will not be so friendly." The tone of her voice grew colder towards the end. Towards the hidden, but promised threat. As she turn to leave a voice call out to her. which for once made her stop.

"Wait!" Marcus shouted almost desperately, which quite literally shocked everyone, as he was always portrayed as the sad/ depressed king.  


When Edward announced that we had company, I felt a slight pull to the one that stood at the front, the leader as it seems. More so a queen. She was utterly beautiful, I was so entranced by her I zoned out with what was going on and look at my bond sight.

Golden stings.

The beautiful golden stings attaching me to Aro and Caius shined brightly as ever. As such as it pains me, they weren't as forward as I was about our relationship. But I was shocked to see another golden sting attaching me and my mates too Persephone.  I gasped in utterly delight, we finally found our missing piece, our other mate. 

The trial was over the Cullens returned home, as did the witnesses. Both happy and relieved about the outcome, even if it was without Alice visions. When I seen Persephone was going to leave I couldn't stop myself. I just found her I wasn't going to let her go not yet.

"What is it Marcus" Aro questioned curiously like always.

"Το λουλούδι μας. Το κομμάτι που μας λείπει Aro, Ο σύντροφος μας".(Our flower. our missing piece Aro, our mate) I softly spoke

"είσαι σίγουρος Μάπκοους"(are you sure Marcus) I growl at the seductiveness in Caius voice when he says my name in our native tongue.  "ναι αγάπη μου είμαι σίγουρος" (Yes my love I am sure).  I replied. being true mates gives us the ability to share thoughts and memories through our mind to each other so they know I am not lying. 

"μπορώ να δω" (can I see). The small whisper breaks us three out of our trance, we all stare at our mate, as she slowly approaches us. None of us have even realised that everyone else has left. It is just us and a couple of her and our guard still here. 'She must know we three are mated that's probably why she is being so cautions when approaching us.' I thought and Aro hums in agreement and Caius nods at the thought. I am the first one to snap out of our little conversation and approach her.the other two let out a whine at the loss of contact.  But I am stopped by two of her guards who appear in front of me blocking my way to her.

"Move" she hisses at the guard, allowing me to continue my way to her. once I am in front of her I reach out but remember when she said to young Renesmee and stop. A flash of emotion washes across her face, which I couldn't decipher, at this action before she grabbed my hand and brought it to her chest where her heart would be. Her eyes held the same far away look Aros' does when he uses his gift, it was obvious that she holds a gift similar to Aros'. 


When the unexpected arrivals came I immediately felt a pull towards the middle one. she is beautiful, 'looks like a goddess'. I couldn't stop myself asking who she was, curiosity got the better of me ask my inner beast desperately trying to move closer to her. I looked at Marcus, expected him to know what this feeling was, the slight uneasiness that filled me. I have already found my mates. Very sexy ones at that, I smirk just thinking of Marcus and Caius. I am pulled from my own daydreams when I hear my mate Marcus gasps in surprise. 

"What is it Marcus"  I questioned curiously like always.

"Το λουλούδι μας. Το κομμάτι που μας λείπει Aro, Ο σύντροφος μας".(our flower. our missing piece Aro, our mate) Marcus softly spoke

"Είσαι σίγουρος Μάπκοους"(are you sure Marcus) Marcus growl at the seductiveness in Caius voice when he said his name in our native tongue. "ναι αγάπη μου είμαι σίγουρος" (yes my love I am sure). He replied. 

"μπορώ να δω" (can I see).  the small whisper of our mate, her sweet voice was so captivating. I had to refrain myself forming purring in contentment. Marcus approaches her, which indicates that he if willing to show her. When she reaches for his hand I see Caius take a step forward, obviously feeling worried for Marcus. Caius is the most protective out of the three of us. 


When the unexpected arrivals came I immediately felt a pull towards the middle one. she is beautiful, the authority in her voice is something else, it takes my whole being to not go to her right now. 'what  this feeling' I glance at Aro and Marcus hoping they would know what this feeling is. I watching my other two mates closely for a reaction, Aro looks to be in his own world. Marcus is just staring a the new comers. 

"What is it Marcus"  Aro questioned curiously like always.

"Το λουλούδι μας. Το κομμάτι που μας λείπει Aro, Ο σύντροφος μας".(Our flower. Our missing piece Aro, Our mate) Marcus softly spoke

"Είσαι σίγουρος Μάπκοους" (Are you sure Marcus) I purred to Marcus knowing that hearing his name in our native tongue in a weak spot of his. "Ναι αγάπη μου είμαι σίγουρος" (Yes my love I am sure). Marcus replied to me. 

"μπορώ να δω" (can I see). the small whisper of our mate, her sweet voice was so captivating. I had to refrain myself forming purring in contentment. Marcus approaches her, which indicates that he if willing to show her. When she reaches for his hand I take a step forward and let out a threatening growl, mostly possessiveness, but I am still captured by her voice. 

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