επτά; Something Beautiful

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"...But sometimes, We have to let go.

for something new to begin"

After everything that has happened is it possible to feel such happiness? is it possible to be loved? To be allowed to bond with another on more than a brief second.

And what happens when they both want the same thing at the same time, who gets the final word, even if it isn't theirs to take?

She didn't know where her thoughts were going or why she was feeling this way but here she was thinking about the worst possible scenario. She had the worst possible scenario whirling through her head as their little fable unfold before her eyes, but still... what would happen if they were meant to be together? How would life change for them if they were actually real. She hadn't realized how much this all affected her until now. Would there be resentment from others when her new found mates started spending so much time together? What would her father think?

As time moves along, the Fates decision becomes more engraved in stone. This was her fate! A decision that could finally be the light in the world of darkness that consumed her. She couldn't deny it any longer. The reason behind her new found strength, new discovered happiness and that smile that was like none other, which caused no end of havoc, while only a small one it was a true smile only few were blessed to see.

The mystery of a love forged in fire and eternal affection blooming into the present was enough to put her at ease. No matter what happens they would always remain together; that's just how things worked out in the stories. There are no happily ever afters life just simply doesn't work that way. Even in books, death was an eventual reality and nothing was perfect no matter what anyone says or thinks. It's something one accepts, rather then lives in fear.


Within the walls of the castle the three Kings of the vampires sat in peace and tranquility, gazing softly at their mate, with the Queen of the supernatural whom was staring at the flames of the fire dancing within the fireplace with a thoughtful look held in her Blood red eyes.

Their gaze held elements of curiousness to the thoughts of the Queen. "What has captivated your thoughts so much?". The peaceful silence was broken by the soft voice of Marcus,  who although somewhat older, showed the traits of youth. His voice quiet yet laced with confidence. As he spoke his glance moved between the other two members of the trio.

"Life, is what holds my thoughts" Persephone respond in the same soft tone, her gaze moving around her companions."This I do agree with" said Marcus. "Although I have been raised to believe life is not a fairytale, there are some aspects that hold more than it seems and we must always strive towards those". Marcus's eyes glanced up towards the ceiling as though in thought before returning to their previous point.

Talking her eyes away from the dancing flames to look between the three kings that sat around her. Marcus was to her right, whilst Aro and Caius were sat together on her left. "Tell me something." she paused "about you". moment of silence before Caius spoke "what do you wish to know?"

"Anything and Everything"

The remainder of the evening the four royals talked about exactly that- anything and everything.  They laughed, they discussed many debatable topics. They played cards and wine, they drank. And in general, they just enjoyed each other's company. it was a peaceful, calming environment to by within. A moment of calmness as the world past by them. A few people would pass by the library, but mostly they stayed hidden from the prying eyes in the shadows. As the night grew upon them and the light of the sun retreated away the only light came from  the moon as it casts down its own light upon them. Wishing they could stay like this forever with no stress of the outside world. But alas, they cannot.

The day would arrive, and there would be work to do. As soon as it does, the kings and queen get up from their places within the enchanting library and retire over to their bedroom. They had planned to spend the rest of the night in bed just relaxing in each others presents of affection and comfort.

It's not every day that you have a night all alone, even if it is an illusion. But it's true love, and the lovers know better than to waste any time. They are going to be together for eternity after all,  And so they make plans, they settle down and doze away, cuddling. But as the hours go by, as they talk and laugh and share kisses, the queen looks to be asleep, but she isn't. She lies there, with her eyes closed.  Her long, white hair tumbles across the pillow, like a waterfall. The moonlight streams in from the open window, making everything glow softly and silvery. She looks beautiful.

They were all thinking the same thing. A goddess. Her face is so perfect, so ethereal, I a man to be blessed with such a gift to look at her and see love. I would not have given it to any other woman but her, for she is my heart's desire, and all the gods in heaven could not make me look elsewhere. The day she walked out onto the field, a woman whose beauty made my dead heart wish to once more beat. Reluctantly I draw my eyes from her to look at my other halves, Aro and Caius, to find their eyes fixated on where mine once were. "A blessing this truly is Amores, such beauty, what sight to behold". My statement gets answered by humms of agreement. "Agreed, and she is ours as we are hers". Aro answered most lovingly. His gaze fell on me, and the way his eyes lingered on me made my heart tighten is love inside my chest. leaning over he bent his head down so that our faces were inches apart. I felt the tips of my hair brush against his cheek before he kissed me. It was a gentle kiss but held passion within it's tenderness. We both pulled away and Aro pressed one last lingering kiss on my lips before settling back next to me.

I turned to Caius to only find his on my with such adoration held within them.  A wave of warmth rushed over me as I smiled at him. He returned the smile, then leaned in so our noses touched lightly.  His lips brushed mine softly. The lightest touch, yet it sent shivers all through my body. He loved me too as I him. After a moment, he leaned back and rested his head in his hand, staring at the beautiful view. As always, Caius' presence was so soothing. I pulled him back to me connecting our lips once again but more passionately this time. Our tongues tangled together. My hands moved down his chest caressing his abs. As he pressed against me, I moaned softly as desire took control and I felt myself begin to fall.  Caius moaned in response, causing me to smirk against his ever so soft lips.  I continued to explore his delicious body. As I moved my lips to his neck just below is ear, he moaned when I delicately bit his skin before whispering in his ear "Ti amo sempre" (I love you, always) I kissed him once more before turning back to our Persephone.

"Come ti amo, tutti voi con tutto il mio cuore come farò sempre" (As I love you, all of you with all my heart as I always will.) Caius spoke quietly you could hear to love within his heart. The rest of the night was spent cuddling with each other.


Hello readers, it's been a while I know forgive me, i will be updating as much as I can

thank you all for reader, hope you all had a wonderful christmas/ holiday and new year


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