δεκαπέντε: The Gardens of Diomedes

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"Frame their lies so tightly none can test them. But you, What grace you give your words, and what good sense within! You have told your story with all a singer's skill."

This is the place that we decided he would be, the other locations didn't seemed to fit with the timeline my father gave me. If I was thinking of a place it disappear to then this would sum it up well. But first I must inform my father of this information, after all he was the one who wished for me to locate my uncle it is best to see where he wishes to go from here. It's not like there aren't more places to look. It's not like there somewhere else, somewhere we missed. But I knew what my father wanted from me, so I went. My Uncle is at the garden of Diomedes. That is what I believe.

After informing my father of this information, he told me to go and see what I find and if my uncle is indeed there to bring him back home.

With the approval of my father, Aro, Caius, Marcus and myself made our way to the Gardens of Diomedes. I had an idea of how I'd find him, but it was only that an idea, so as I sat on the plane I was thinking of what I would say to him if we did indeed find him. It has been so long since I last saw him.

Since when could I remember. But I did, I remembered him. Even as a kid I remembered him. It's been so long since I thought of him in those times. And now I am going to talk to him again and tell him everything that happened. The stories I have heard about him from his children. It will all be so much better once I get through telling it to him. Maybe he won't even listen.

My head is full of images of us being together, him reading to me when i was little or sitting under a tree telling all about life and the wonders it brings. There were so many memories that were just too good to leave out of this tale. It felt like I'd forgotten them, almost like they were something that had slipped out of my grasp. I can feel them, but I just can't reach them, it seems like they are further than any dream I've ever had. 

They had lived during the time when everyone believed in the gods for a time even they did themselves but they never once thought it would be possible it meet one. But here, this very moment they were on their way to see not just any of the gods but the king of gods and he just so happened to be their mates uncle. Yes they had met her father Hades but for some reason this felt different.

The plane touched down and I got off, following my mates who lead us in a rolls-royce ghost it was a quiet drive, everyone occupied by their own thought, it took us about 30 minutes to arrive at the Garden. It was quiet outside, so quiet that I could hear the birds chirping and the wind blowing through the leaves above me. It seemed like a paradise. The smell of the flowers surrounded me like a cloud and a cool breeze blew, making my hair flow freely. It was such a peaceful and lovely environment. It felt like a haven. The sun shone through the gaps between the leaves casting the shadows of the branches upon the ground creating a beautiful pattern on the earth. As I looked around me, I felt myself drawn closer to the garden until I found myself standing by one of the bushes. With a few steps, I was close enough to touch the softest petals of the flower without feeling my fingers touching the rough bark. After a moment of hesitation, I moved towards a large opening in the trees. The branches opened to reveal a pathway inside, leading deeper into the grove of trees. It led me to a clearing with a small pool of water and a waterfall, cascading down and creating a stream which flowed slowly across a moss covered stone wall. And there he stood, in front of the pond watching the waterfall fall. There he sat, still and calm, his back turned towards me so I couldn't see his face but I knew it was him.

Slowly taking a seat near him on one of the stone benches, the sound of my boots hitting the ground echoed in the small space and I was surprised it wasn't louder. "Hello uncle," I called quietly. I don't know why it was so easy to call him that in my mind, but it sounded right coming from my mouth. It brought forth feelings I couldn't describe and they were strong and overwhelming. But I knew now why this place was familiar to me, as he continued to stare into the waterfall. My uncle loved this place so much he told me about it once. It brought peace. But that was long ago, and I didn't know he still visited it. "Hello Persephone" he greeted me turning around and smiling warmly at me. My breath hitched in my throat at the sight of his smile. It lit up his face and made him look older somehow. His smile faded a little bit. "Are you ready to come home?" I asked softly. He nodded. The corners of his lips curved upwards slightly. I felt myself relax a little bit as he smiled. But he remained silent,

"I'm sorry for leaving" he said finally breaking the silence. My brows furrowed slightly as I frowned. "You don't have to explain yourself to me uncle, i'm just glad you are safe." A smile grew on his features and he rose to his feet. Looking at me carefully. He walked forward slowly till he stood directly in front of me. But he wasn't looking at me rather something behind me. Turning my head, I followed his line of sight to look where he was looking. Aro was there, his dark gaze into mine. Marcus and Caius stood beside him. They all looked calm. "Uncle I want you to meet someone. Meet Caius, Marcus and Aro", my attention was pulled away from theirs and onto my uncle. I stood "My mates".

He nodded and smiled "It's nice to finally meet the ones who stole my niece's heart". I blushed slightly as he spoke."I guess it's fair to say that we did that." Caius spoke

"And she stole ours" Marcus replied sweetly. I rolled my eyes lightly at his antics.

I looked at my uncle and saw something that made my insides flip over. He was smiling, a real smile not one that was just an act to fool the others. It wasn't forced. It was genuine. Aro was nodding, agreeing with whatever he said. I noticed his eyes glaze over a bit while he talked and he stopped talking abruptly. He cleared his throat. "You've grown into a beautiful young woman Persephone. It has been a while hasn't it" he asked kindly. "Yes. Too long", I replied simply, "I'm sorry it took me so long" I added. He smiled wider and took both of my hands in his "Don't be sorry child, I'm sorry I took so long." I squeezed his hands reassuringly.

We all stood in silence for some time before Zeus decided to break it "I suppose it's time to return home, isn't it?" he said looking at me. "Yes i suppose it is. Goodbye Uncle"

"Goodbye Persephone, until I see you again" and with that he was gone in a strike of lightning. Leaving me and the boys alone in his place.

"Soooo are we gonna go home or what?"  Caius asked in joking impatience. I laughed a little at his behaviour and nodded. We started walking back through the trees, towards the car and then the gardens I knew my Uncle kept very close to them. On the walk back, no one said anything and I didn't either. I think I'm still trying to process the fact that I have met my uncle once again. That doesn't happen everyday does it?

When we reached the car I sat inside while the rest of them entered the car as well and we drove back. The ride wasn't quite silent, but it wasn't full of words either, I think I prefer this silence anyway. "How are you feeling my love" Aro asked when he was sat beside me. The way he was speaking made me smile softly."Better now that I know he is safe, it was nice to see him again after so long" I said smiling at him. He smiled.

"So what do you propose we do now?" Marcus asked


Sorry Guys for the big waiting gaps between chapters, Enjoy

Have a wonderful Halloween 🎃👻

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