δεκατέσσερα: Finding the uncle

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"Other things may change us, but we start and end with the family."

After leaving her father, Persephone returns to the land above. Thoughts dance inside her mind. Questions without answers. Answers need to be found. With a sigh she walks into the chambers of the king and her. But she does not stop to acknowledge the others in the room, instead Persephone heads straight to the wall lined with old books, scrolls A second passes by.

"Is everything alright my flower?" inquires Marcus who sat in one of the chairs. His book no longer holding interest as his eyes are fixated on Persephone. The young woman doesn't even acknowledge him. Instead Persephone opens up one of the oldest scrolls, and scans it. She knows these things.

But there is something different, something about this scroll that makes her skin crawl. Persephone cannot pinpoint it, but her intuition tells her something is off here. She can't pinpoint it. The scroll is no ordinary scroll. It allows the user to see the location of anyone or anything. So she returns the parchment back to where she found it and closes the door softly. "Yes, I'm fine." She replies to Marcus' question. But the look on her face doesn't seem convinced in the slightest. And when she looks at her mates, she sees them watching her worriedly. Her gaze softens, but that doesn't relax them. As she moves towards the fireplace, she sits down before reaching for some kindling and lighting the fire within. After doing so she pulls out a small pouch from under her tunic and hands it to Caius. "My father needs my help."

"What does he need from you, can we help in any way?" Aro wondered, he hated seeing his mate so stressed. He had always been able to calm his mate, no matter how hard the situation was." I don't understand, the situation is unique, I don't believe my father wants many people to know". His mate answered. Her voice was quite. It made Aro unhappy knowing his mate didn't trust him enough to share with him what happened." Do you trust me?" He asked gently but not without worry as much as any of the others. " I do, of course I do why would you question it?" She replied looking directly at Aro.

"Then why won't you tell us Amore." Marcus calmly pushes her to answer. "It's a delicate situation Marcus and I don't know what to think of it."There was a long silence. "It's my uncle Zeus. He has gone missing and no one knows where he is. Uncle likes to take trips but always tells people where he is usually with his wife Hera."

"And Hades is sure he is missing, he hasn't just gone on one of his casual trips" Caius asks in a calculated manner."Positive Caius, he was supposed to be at an annual meeting but never showed. He never misses them and this meeting cannot be held without him." Persephone started pacing trying to figure out what happened to him. After all, it's Zeus, so kidnapping cannot be the answer. Maybe he became too drunk and ended up somewhere.

In the name of all gods it's Zeus. He could be anywhere!! 

"Urgh, where is he?" Persephone screamed in frustration. Frustrated that she was getting nowhere. Her gift was not helping. There were too many thoughts and places she didn't recognize. "Darling calm down, it will be OK, we will find your uncle. What is your gift telling you?"  Marcus rushed over to Persephone and took her into his arms trying to calm her. Slowly he started to purr to calm her.

"I don't know, everything looks so unfamiliar. I don't remember these places." It made her feel so useless. What use could she be if she didn't recognize the thoughts flowing through her mind? None of her mates wished to see her like this. Caius placed a blank sketch book and a pencil in front of her. "You might not know the places but we might. Draw them my love. Draw what you see. Let us help you."

"Ok Ok I can do that." Persephone picked up the pencil and began drawing the images that were flowing through her mind. Some of them she could recognize as places on Olympus but the others were foreign to her. She was puzzled and curious as to where these strange images came from. She finished her drawing and sat back to look at it. She had a feeling that something important was about to happen. She carefully studied the drawing and then placed it on the table, sliding it over to the kings who sat opposite her. "Do you know any of these places? I know of some because they are located on Olympus but the others I do not." She spoke in a soft tone watching the kings as they looked through the drawings that she had just drawn.

The kings studied the drawings intently, their faces filled with wonder. They looked at each other, and then back at her. Finally, one of them spoke. "I have never seen anything like this before. It's incredible!" he said, amazement written across his face. The other kings nodded in agreement. "You draw amazingly amore mio."

"I know this place it is The palace of Knossos on the Greek island Crete" Caius said pointing at one of the smaller drawing. "And these" he continued picking up two drawings "are on the island Delos this one,"  he said showing the first drawing which was of three animal statues. "Are the ruins which symbolize the births of Apollo and Artemis. And this one is of the beautiful theater of Delos."  

The kings for many more hours sat around that table describing where these places were and everything they could remember about them. 

After many hours they all decided to call it a day and relax. It was becoming difficult to focus and it would be no good it keep working for the time being.

They all agreed that a break was necessary to help them clear their minds and gain a fresh perspective. After an hour or two, they all felt refreshed and ready to tackle their tasks. They all reconvened and discussed the progress they had made. They were surprised by how much they had achieved in such a short period of time. Satisfied, they all returned to their tasks with renewed enthusiasm. Their newfound enthusiasm was infectious and soon they were making even more progress than before. Soon, they were able to get a small idea of where her uncle could be. That place was The Gardens of Diomedes. 

The Gardens of Diomedes, also known as the Garden of the Hesperides, these gardens are said to be a part of the broader Hesperides, a group of nymphs associated with evening and the golden light of sunset.

The Gardens of Diomedes are incredibly lush and verdant. The vegetation within the garden is said to be exceptionally vibrant and beautiful, with an abundance of exotic and otherworldly flora. The most distinctive feature of the garden is the presence of golden apples. These apples are often depicted as radiant and gleaming with an otherworldly, golden hue. They are said to be the most exquisite and coveted fruit in the world. This remote location is meant to be difficult for mortals to access as it is guarded by Ladon, a serpent-like creature with multiple heads. Ladon are known for its fierce and protective nature. The Gardens of Diomedes are often seen as a symbol of paradise and the pursuit of immortality. The golden apples represent the ultimate reward.

And this is the place where we must search for Zeus.


Hey guys, sorry for the late release of this chapter. Having just finished school I have been busy with work and haven't had much time to write. 

Hope you enjoy this chapter. 😀

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