The Beginning of the End

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If you haven't watched/read the my hero academia series, or read the description, I highly suggest you do so


Life is miserable. You make friends, then lose them. Get bullied for being a nerd, or for not being special. It doesn't matter what you do in life, it will always be miserable. I picked my head off of the desk it was laying on and stared at the clock on the wall. I was in the middle of my 3rd year in middle school, and I was already fed up with everyone. I envy the people who are invisible. The people who didn't draw any attention to themselves probably had the best lives that anyone could imagine. I wished daily that I could go through a day without someone shoving me into a locker, or punching me in the stomach just for walking down the halls. I wished daily that I could stop hearing their whispers and feeling their eyes on me. "Quirkless," they all say. So what. Does having a quirk make that big of a difference? Even people with quirks get picked on, so why should I have to deal with the other kid's gazes. It doesn't matter what you have, someone always has it better, and they make sure to rub their superiority in your face. I could be the nicest person on the planet, but it's impossible to make friends with people who only see you as a punching bag. The lunch bell rang and I sprinted out of the room. If I'm not gone before everyone else leaves, Katsuki Bakugo will find me. Katsuki, or Kacchan, used to be a friend. But, his superiority kicked in and he started bullying me as soon as he found out I was quirkless. Me and Kacchan had known each other since we were 2, but 4 years of friendship was nothing in front of my quirklessness. Here, heroes were a huge thing. Since the development of quirks, crime rates rose tremendously. Heroes are supposed to protect the common civilians from criminals and villains. The police back the heroes by processing and jailing the people the heroes catch. Heroes couldn't help me, though.

Pain blossomed from my back and stomach as Kacchan kicked me into a locker. The door wasn't open, so I wasn't inside the locker, just against it. At some point, I had just stopped caring. "Hey quirkless Deku." Kacchan said, trying to gain my attention. I had gotten the nickname when I was in kindergarten, pretty soon after I found out I was quirkless. It was supposed to mean useless. I turned my face towards Kacchan. "Y-yes Kacchan?" I stuttered. I hated how my voice stuttered around him. "If you can't even fight back against me now, how are you gonna be a hero. Not like you would ever get the chance anyway. They don't accept quirkless losers like you." I just nervously smiled. Honestly, I only really wanted to be a hero when I was young. All Might, the current number 1 hero, looked so cool fighting the bad guys in the eyes of a 5 year old. I had never really wanted to correct Kacchan, because that would require me to spend more time in his company. I kept up the old habit of keeping notes on every hero I've ever watched, only so that I might prove Kacchan wrong about me not being able to be a hero. Kacchan kicked me in the fore-arm, gaining my attention again. "DON'T IGNORE ME YOU STUPID FREAK!" He shouted, furious at me for thinking of anything other than him at this moment. "S-s-sorry K-kacchan." I said, turning my face back to him. He kicked me in the stomach again. "What could you possibly be thinking about other than how bad your ass is going to get kicked right now?" I made an oomph sound at the kick. Kacchan's followers in the background began to laugh. Then, the real abuse started.

It was close to the end of the day, and I was tired, sore, and hungry. I didn't really have enough time to eat during lunch. I was too busy getting my daily abuse from Kacchan. To combat my tiredness, I started making notes on a hero fight I had watched this morning. I had been walking to school, like I do every other day of the week, when a villain appeared in the middle of the street. A famous hero, Kamui Woods, and a brand new hero, Mt. Lady, arrived at the scene and quickly took care of the villain. I took notes on Kamui Woods' Lacquered Chain Prison, which was him using his tree-like quirk to grow branches out of his arms to surround the enemy. Then I wrote about Mt. Lady's gigantification quirk. She basically can turn into a giant. I must've not noticed the bell ringing, because next thing I knew, my notebook was ripped out of my hands. "Hero Notes for the Future. Volume 13." Kacchan read. He scoffed at the title and the contents. "You really think this is going to make you a better hero? In your dreams. You'll never beat me, no matter how hard you try." Kacchan used his quirk, explosion, to blow up my notebook. Then he tossed it out of the window. Kacchan's quirk made him secrete a nitroglycerin-like sweat from his hands, and he could ignite it at will, causing an explosion. Kacchan kicked me out of my chair and flipped my desk. "If you really want to be a hero that bad," He started, "Take a swan dive off of the roof and pray for a quirk in your next life."

Kacchan's lackeys all looked a little surprised at what Kacchan had suggested I do. Heck, even Kacchan himself seemed a little surprised. I, on the other hand, expected nothing less. Kacchan tried to save face and tried to exit the room almost immediately. I calmly got up from my chair and managed to catch his shoulder before he exited the classroom door. When I spoke, I spoke evenly. "I don't know about a swan dive, but will you watch the show?" Kacchan looked confused at my words for a few seconds. I walked passed him, and almost as if in a trance, Kacchan and his lackeys followed behind me. Kacchan looked a little worried when we started up the stairs towards the roof. Finally, I opened the door to the roof. A light breeze pushed the air lightly around us. "A good day to die." I mumbled. I started walking towards the edge of the roof when a voice stopped me. "Wait!" Kacchan shouted. I turned around. "Please don't do this, I'll be nicer." Kacchan seemed like he was panicking. I didn't really care. I was tired of it all. I turned back around and hopped onto the edge of the roof. The view below was a bit sickening. We were 4 stories up in the air, and the ground looked so far. It didn't really matter though. I wouldn't see it when I fell. "You only care because you could get in trouble for it." I told Kacchan. I turned to face the people behind me. "You told me to take a swan dive, now you are feeling guilty. You don't actually care about what I do at all, you are just afraid of it being traced back to you." Kacchan seemed a little down about this statement. "Well, it doesn't matter now. Have a good life, I guess." With these final words, I saluted to Kacchan and fell backwards. My final glimpse of life was of the sky. The clouds were pure white, and looked super soft and fluffy. I felt no pain when I hit the ground. My vision just went black. That was the end of Izuku Midoriya.

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