My Grave

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Kacchan was walking home after school. I knew the way to Kacchan's house by heart, because when he bullied me, I needed to avoid the paths he took. My house and Kacchan's were really close to each other. He took a path that I had never seen him take before. I curiously floated behind him. "Where are we going?" I asked. He grunted and just continued walking. I shrugged and continued following him. Finally, we came to a large, fenced in clearing. I realized where we were. I also realized why Kacchan had stopped to buy flowers. We were visiting my grave. The clearing was a graveyard. He walked into the graveyard and went to the back. He took a left and walked all the way down the row. There, at the end, was a brand new grave and headstone. The grave was still open, because they hadn't filled it yet for the people who came to pay their respects late. Though, I highly doubt there were many people coming. There were already flowers in the flower holder next to the headstone, but they were already dying. He removed the flowers before he replaced them with the flowers that he had bought. Then he took a deep breath and looked at me. "I'm not doing this to disrespect you in any way." He said. I was confused, until he started climbing into the grave with my casket. He had apparently brought some rope, which was now tied to a tree trunk and his waist. I was freaking out, because who knows what would happen if the rope broke, or he got caught going into the grave. He had already started attracting the grave diggers. He took the handle of the casket and popped it open. He breathed deeply again, probably mentally preparing himself for what he was going to see. The grave diggers were reaching him now, yelling at him to get out of the hole and how disrespectful this was. He reached down and opened the casket, and I stared in horror. There was nothing there.

Kacchan and the grave diggers stared, confused, at the empty casket. It hadn't been long enough that my body would've decomposed. Had somebody robbed my grave and took my body? Kacchan looked up at the grave diggers in surprise. "What happened to the body?" He asked quietly. The grave diggers looked at each other and shrugged. Kacchan gradually grew tears in his eyes. I was about to hug him when a screen popped in front of me. 'The greater ones had to borrow your body. They need to know how to replicate it when you come back alive. Of course, the original will be destroyed by then, so you won't be getting that back.' I sighed in relief as I went back to hugging Kacchan. I thought my body had been stolen, and that maybe I wouldn't be able to come back alive if I didn't have it. Kacchan began to climb out of the hole and the grave diggers just watched him leave. I think they were too stunned to say anything. Kacchan walked out of the cemetery and walked home.

I hung out with Kacchan in his room. I didn't want to tell him about my conditional, new life, but I also didn't want to watch him cry over something that is a good thing. I tried my best to explain, but he looked at me like I had grown a second head. "What?" He questioned. "So you can come back to life if you learn someone's secret? Does that mean that you are trying to find out my secret right now?" He asked. I looked at him, uncomfortable, but nodded.

Kacchan's POV

To learn that he was sticking around me because he wanted to learn my secret was a little bit irritating. What secret did I have that he would want to know anyway? Deep down, I knew what it was. I couldn't tell him, or else he would disappear, but I would have to trust that he will learn of it himself. I mean, with how I've been treating him lately, he must have some clue about what my secret is. It isn't something that is hard to guess, so why hasn't he come back to life yet? What can I do to make my secret even more obvious? I just wanted to see him alive again. My happy memories with him have all turned into sad ones, and I really wanted to be able to make new happy memories with him. For that, though, he had to be alive.

Deku's POV

Kacchan seemed deep in thought. Then, his eyes focus on me. "Come with me for a second." He said, waiting for me to follow along. Of course, I immediately followed him. He walked over to his closet and started searching for something. When he found a notebook, he held it out to me, waiting for me to take it. Then, he seemed to remember that I couldn't take it. He opened the notebook and cleared his throat. "Sep. 6th, 20XX." My eyes widened. The date was from 6 years ago. "Today, Izuku and I talked a little bit. Of course, it was more me telling him not to become a hero than anything. I'm really worried. He wants to be a hero so bad. He's going to get hurt though. Heroes with quirks die everyday all over the world. Some have extremely strong quirks, like All Might's, but he still wants to be a hero. He's going to get himself killed. I know that bullying him is hurting him too, but at least he's alive. At least he returns home safe at the end of the day. I really hoped beating him up would make him realize how much being a hero would take out of him. I might have to step up the bullying soon." I stood in shock. Kacchan turned the page, and started reading again. "March. 31, 20XX. I feel really bad today. I said some things to Izuku when I was worked up. I just got so mad that he won't stop trying to be a hero. Can't he see how worried I am about him? I mean, I even started this dumb journal to write down all my worries. Maybe someday I can give it to him as an apology for all of the things I put him through. I won't be expecting forgiveness, but I do hope he won't hate me." Kacchan goes to turn to the next page, but my mind was wandering elsewhere. He cares about me. I was staring into space when a screen popped up in front of me. 'Secret found. Analyzing method.'

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