The Game Begins

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Bakugo's Pov

I felt like my life was in slow motion. Deku stood on the edge of the roof. We talked. He saluted. Then he tipped backwards. My feet moved on their own. I ran towards the edge of the roof, hoping to catch him before he fell. I was only a single step away from the roof edge when I heard a sickening crunch. Knowing what the sound was, I slowly leaned over the edge. What I saw made me puke. Deku's body was mangled. Both of his arms were bent the wrong way. The bone of his kneecap was sticking out of his body on one of his legs. On the other leg, his ankle was folded under his body and the bone was sticking out there too. His face was crushed in, so much that if I hadn't just watched him jump, I wouldn't know who he was. Brain matter scattered on the grass below. For me though, the blood was the worst. There was blood everywhere. His hair was so soaked with blood that it had turned the color of blood instead of the green it once was. I was shaking. I was hyperventilating. I was puking. I didn't know what to do, and the guys with me seemed just as confused. "911." I rasped out. My hands fumbled for my phone. I had just gotten a grasp on it when an extra spoke up. "Bakugo, don't. We'll get in trouble." I snapped at his statement. "We'll get in trouble? WE'LL GET IN TROUBLE?! A PERSON'S LIFE IS ON THE LINE AND YOU DON'T WANT ME TO SAY ANYTHING BECAUSE WE'LL GET IN TROUBLE?! WHAT IF THAT WAS YOU DYING DOWN THERE!" I grabbed the extra's arm tightly. "WOULD YOU WANT US TO LEAVE YOU BECAUSE WE'D GET IN TROUBLE?! IF YOU JUST SAW WHAT HE LOOKED LIKE-" My last half-sentence made me need to puke again. "...Bakugo, he's dead. There's nothing you can do." Another extra said. My voice came out small. "You don't know that." I dialed the police as fast as I could.

Izuku Midoriya was pronounced dead at 4:23 the very same day. For our part in Izuku's death, me and the extras got a very stern talking to and a 5-day school suspension. He deserved better. The people who killed him were walking away with pretty much no punishment. I had had several people tell me good job for calling the cops. Their good words all sounded like sarcasm to me. How did I do a good job when i'm the one who put him on that rooftop in the first place? People were congratulating me for killing a kid and then calling the authorities so they could pick up his body. I was sorta glad to be missing out on the next 5 days of school, because if I had to listen to my teacher break the news of his death to our classmates, I would break down crying in front of the whole class. I felt sad. I felt angry at myself. Most of all, I felt guilty. I felt like I had enough guilt on my shoulders from his death that if it had an actual weight, it would way twice as much as an elephant. I was the the one who told him to jump. That's practically pushing him off of the roof myself. I stared at my ceiling, just wishing that all of these emotions would go away.

Deku's Pov

When I woke up, I felt nothing. There was no pain in my body surprisingly. I was laying down, so I slowly sat up. I took a look around and jumped. My mother, dressed in black, sat on what looked like a church bench. Kacchan was here with his family too. Kacchan looked miserable. His eyes were red and puffy, like he had been crying. I looked back at my mom. I hadn't thought about her when I jumped. I walked over to her. Again, my body didn't hurt. I leaned down to give her a hug and my arm passed right through her. At first, I was confused. Then the situation clicked. The reason I didn't feel any pain was because I was dead. I looked at the bed I woke up in and realized it was a coffin. I was at my own funeral. I looked to my mother and tried to hug her again. I just wished to be left alone, I didn't really mean I needed to die to do that. Now all I wanted was to be alive again. If I was alive, I could hug my mother. Suddenly, I screen appeared in front of me. It kinda looked like the screen of a video game. It read 'Your desire to live is being evaluated.' Then the screen changed. 'Second life granted by unanimous vote of the eternal beings.' While I was wondering what the eternal beings were, the screen changed again. 'Mission created. You must find out what major secret a selected person was keeping from you. If you get told the secret, your selected person will change. You get a total of 3 people. If you don't find out their major secrets by figuring it out yourself, you will be trapped as a ghost for eternity. In case you were wondering, only your selected person can see you. If you manage to be revived, the great beings have also given you a chance to be granted a quirk.' While I was taking that in, the screen changed again. 'Evaluating secrets.' Then, the screen changed one last time. 'Secrets evaluated. Good luck!'

My mom got up to make a speech. Apparently, my mom had a secret she was keeping from me, because she was my selected person. I have no idea how I knew, I just knew. She stepped up to the microphone. "I..." She started. "I still see him sometimes." She said, looking directly at me. "I never got to tell him so many things. I always wonder, 'on that day, how many times did I tell him I loved him? If I had told him just one more time, would he have jumped?'" Tears glistened in her eyes. "I was gonna tell him something important that day, when he came home. But, I never got the chance. You see, Hisashi came to visit one day when my Izuku was still in school. Unfortunately, he couldn't stay long enough to meet his son, but he met me. He told me he was gonna come home for good soon. He was tired of working abroad. I had just found out the day Izuku died, a few hours before I got the phone call, but..." She trailed off. Tears were streaming down her cheeks. "I'm pregnant." My mouth dropped open. The screen popped up in front of me. 'Secret found. Evaluating methods.' I was still dumbfounded. 'Verbal confirmation given. Switching person.' Suddenly, I was in front of Kacchan. He looked just as dumbfounded as I felt.

"I killed him..." I heard Kacchan mumble. "He always wanted to be an older brother, but I killed him before he got the chance." Tears laced his eyes as he tried his hardest not to cry. I don't think he realized that I was there yet, but on instinct, I flew over to him and tried to wrap my arms around him. I put my arms in a position where they wouldn't go through his body, but it wasn't like he could feel my hug anyway. I did my best and just held him as he cried.

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