The Start of my Journey at UA High

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I walked towards UA, getting ready to take the entrance exams. So much has happened over the past year. I got a new baby sister, Haruki. Her name means 'shining ray of hope.' I also gained control over my quirk. I worked tirelessly to try to gather enough control of my quirk that I had at least basic knowledge of how to work my quirk. I didn't hope to gain the 11 years that Kacchan has had to practice with his quirk, but I think I did pretty good for someone who didn't have one not too long ago. I haven't been able to extend the time limit at all, but I learned to work around it pretty well. I almost even got a recommendation for UA from my teacher, but I wanted to go the normal route. Speaking of teachers, when I just walked into class one day, back from the dead (literally) it was no exaggeration to say that my teacher and classmates were dumbfounded. Kacchan started to act completely different to me in school after I returned. He started to stick to me like glue. I don't mind though. Because he chose to stick with me, we are now trying out for UA together. We even have a competition going. Whoever scores better on the entrance exam gets one month of free boba from that boba shop on the corner of that strip mall. The boba there is so good it's not even funny. I walked up to the front of the school, ready to start my test, when my foot caught on a stick on the sidewalk. I plunged forward, and Kacchan, who was walking next to me, looked at me wide eyed. I was just about to face plant into the concrete when I felt a light touch on my shoulder. Suddenly, I was floating.

I stared at the concrete ground that laid parallel to me. "Well, this is a funny feeling." I told Kacchan. He was looking at the person who saved me. "Hi! My name is Uraraka. I'm sorry that I used my quirk on you without permission, but I figured you wouldn't mind." The girl said. She had shoulder-length brown hair that had layers to it. Her cheeks were so naturally pink that it made her look like she had blush on. She seemed like a nice girl. I looked to Kacchan. "So... wanna help me down?" I asked. He snorted and then lifted me into his arms. Uraraka released her quirk and said her goodbyes. Kacchan and I continued our walk into the doors of UA High.

I had just gotten done with the long written portion of the test. I was getting bored, but it's not like I could do anything other than sit. I laid my head on the desk, attempting to go to sleep. Just as I was drifting off, the timer went off and I shot my head up. Kacchan was sat a little bit down my row, and was laughing at me. I stuck my tongue out at him, and turned my attention to the teacher who just walked in. The test consisted of different robots worth different points. There is a 0 pointer, which is more of an obstacle, a 1 pointer, a 2 pointer, and a 3 pointer. The teacher explained the practical exams with almost no difficulty, though there was one stop when a blue-haired kid complained about some of the information on the sheets of paper in front of us. Finally, I was standing in front of the gate to the exam site. The gates opened, and all of the children stood there, waiting for the count down. When we were told there was no count down, we all made a mad dash into the gate. Kacchan was placed at a different test site than I was, but I did catch a glimpse of Uraraka. I neared a bunch of 3 pointers. They saw me and started coming at me, full speed ahead. I astro-projected a couple of feet before they could actually hurt me and grabbed a piece of the metal piping that ran along the walls of what looked like houses. I guessed the piece was supposed to be the drain portion of the gutters, but I didn't care. I jabbed my broken piece of metal into their glass eyes and then dropped the metal pipe. I moved back into my body, and repeated this process throughout the entire test.

The test was nearing its end when I felt a giant rumble. At first I thought it was an earthquake. Then, I saw the massive thing that was making the ground vibrate like that. The 0 pointer was moving toward me as I ran in the other direction. Then, I heard a scream. Uraraka was stuck under some debris, and the 0 pointer was getting closer to stepping on her by the second. I quickly used my quirk to eject myself from my body and I grabbed hold of the pole I had kept from earlier. I flew up to eye level with the thing and plunged the pole into its many eyes. My time was running out quickly. I returned to my body, and took the pole again. I didn't think I would need it, because the head of the monster robot was smoking already, but I just wanted to be sure that I would have something to fight with in case of an emergency. The robot fell down, Uraraka was freed, and I returned home without a scratch.

Couple weeks later

Today was my first day in UA. I had won the bet with Kacchan, and he was a little salty, so he left this morning without me. I was looking around the school, getting used to being lost, when I finally found my classroom. The door was so big I didn't even know what to do. I pushed it open, finding it surprisingly light, and watched the atmosphere in the classroom. The blue haired kid from the exam was here, and he was yelling at Kacchan to take his feet off of the desk. I walked up to him and swatted his feet, throwing them off of the desk. I think the entire room collectively held their breaths. The people in the room had been there long enough to find out Kacchan's personality, so they looked like they were waiting for Kacchan to blow up. To everyone else's surprise, Kacchan just tsked and put his feet properly on the floor. Then he turned to glare at me. "Yes Kacchan? Do you have anything to say?" I asked. People looked at me in surprise. Again, he tsked. I chuckled. "Come on Kacchan, we haven't even been here for a day and people are already getting the wrong impression of you." He chuckled harshly. "Like I care what these extras think." I sighed and ran my hand through my hair, smiling slightly. This was going to be some long 3 years.


This story has been sitting in my drafts for a long time, completely unfinished. I read through the story and thought that it was a really good idea, so I finished writing it and posted the parts

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