Learning More about Kacchan

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My funeral was over, and Kacchan was heading home. He was taking a car, of course, so I attempted to follow him. Unfortunately, I do not fly as fast as a car. As soon as the car stopped moving, I was teleported to Kacchan's house. I was floating around in his room, waiting for Kacchan to come up, when the door opened. Mrs. Mitsuki walked in. I waved nervously, before remembering that she couldn't see me. She grabbed Kacchan's laundry and started walking downstairs. She had been gone for a few minutes when the door opened again. Kacchan walked in and immediately noticed his laundry was gone. "Come on Hag, I can do that myself." He said quietly. His eyes were still red and puffy, and he looked like he was gonna start crying again soon. Again out of instinct, I flew towards him and wrapped my arms around him. He jumped and looked up surprised. "H-hi..." I said nervously. Kacchan's eyes widened as he let out a scream. His voice was rougher than usual, because of the crying. "STOP YELLING, KATSUKI!" Mrs. Mitsuki shouted. "SHUT UP, OLD HAG!!" He screamed back. He turned back to me. "A-are you alive?" He questioned. I shook my head and pointed at my missing feet. "Right." He said, chuckling a bit at his stupidity. "C-can I..." He raised his hand and pointed at my body. I nodded. He stuck his hand through my stomach. "Woah." He said. He sat on his bed and stared at me. After a couple minutes of silence, he asked, "How are you here? And why are you following me? Don't tell me you came back so you could haunt me. I would deserve it." I chuckled. "I'm not here to haunt you, and i'm following you because you are the only one who can see me. I don't know how i'm here, except that I just came back this way." He nodded at my statement. "Well, I've got a lot I want to say, so lets start talking." Kacchan said.

Kacchan first started off with an apology. I didn't really understand why he felt the need to apologize, after all, we weren't close, but I accepted it anyway. We talked a bit about stuff that we had done over the past couple years and reminisced on our friendship that we had when we were kids. He seemed down as we talked. I reached over and tried to pull the corners of his mouth into a slight smile. My hands when straight through Kacchan's face and he smiled a sad smile. "Even dead, you care more about everyone else but yourself." Kacchan said softly. He shooed my hands away from his face and stood up. "I don't really deserve it, but I appreciate that you care, Deku." He walked to the door of his room. "I'm gonna go downstairs, grab an ice pack for my eyes. You're welcome to follow me if you want." I nodded and floated silently behind him. He went down the stairs, turned left, and walked into his kitchen. There was a bunch of metal on the walls of the house, and most of it was covered in burn marks. I touched a mark on the wall in awe, almost expecting the ash to come off of the metal and onto my fingers. My fingers went through the wall and I looked at it surprised before remembering my condition. Apparently, Kacchan had been watching, because I heard him mumble, "Dumbass." He continued on his way to the kitchen. When he had made it, he opened the freezer door and pulled out an ice pack. He pressed in on his eyes and I started looking around the kitchen. It had changed a little bit since I had last been over. "I don't remember the fridge being that short." I said jokingly. Kacchan didn't take the ice pack off of his eyes, but he responded. "Well, yeah. The last time you were here you were shorter than you are now." I  chuckled at the insult mixed in with his response. "Glad to see you're returning to normal. I hate it when you cry." I told him, completely serious. He paused before he responded. His response was more of a whisper than anything. "Me too. I hate it when you cry too."

We talked a bit before he took off his ice pack and put it back in the freezer. Kacchan walked into the living room and picked up the TV remote. Turning on the TV, he turned to me. "What do you want to watch?" He asked. His question surprised me. I wasn't used to him taking what I wanted into account. I thought about it before answering. "That hero show we used to watch together when we were younger. You know, the one we would sit down in our all might onesies and sit on the floor while we watched it." He looked a little annoyed at my answer. "You're so predictable." He said, before changing the channel to the hero show I was talking about. "We don't have to watch it if you don't want to, Kacchan." He grumbled a, "Shut up," and sat down on the couch. I floated above the back of the couch and sat down next to him. Kacchan's eyes were glued to the TV as he recited some lines he remembered from when we were children.

Mitsuki's Pov

I walked past the living room with a basket of laundry, hearing the TV playing. I walked into the room about to shout at Katsuki to turn it down when I saw what he was watching. He was completely absorbed in the TV. I almost dropped my basket. It was the hero show called Heroes in Action that him and poor Izuku would watch when they were kids. I hadn't seen him watch it since Izuku had stopped coming over. Izuku's death must have hit him hard... I was about to walk over and hug my son when I saw my husband, Masaru with a sad look on his face. I walked over to him, set my basket down, and leaned on my husband. We were both watching our son with pity. "I think we should get him some therapy. He lost his childhood friend, and that has to have had some affect on his brain." I whispered to Masaru. He nodded. Just as I was about to leave, Katsuki turned to look to his side and started talking. "Can we change the channel yet?" He asked the air beside him. He paused, like he was getting a response, before huffing and crossing his arms. "Fine, one more episode, but then i'm changing it whether you like it or not." I looked up to my husband and he looked at me, worry plastered on both of our faces. "We should definitely get him therapy." I said.

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