*Chapter 28*

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                          *(Y/N)'s P.O.V*

I saw Chucky looking at me with his stupid icy blue eyes, he grabbed his bud and put it between his lips, he inhaled it, he kept looking at me, I looked at him with full disappointment, he put his bud down.

He chuckled, I saw Glen looking at his dad very confused then he turn his head and he saw me. His eyes widen, he dropped his bud and he put it out with his foot.

Glen said while his dad stopped him, my (c/e) orbs looked at Chucky, he huffed out smoke out of his mouth while smiling.

I blushed but still glared at him.

"I don't know what the fuck are you doing, Chucky. But I don't like it." I crossed my arms.

"Oooo.. using my name.. how scary-" He chuckled, "Mm.." he put his bud between his lips again while he inhaled and he exhaled while the smoke came out of his nose, "Eh?" He smirked.

My whole body shivered, I looked at Glen, I open my mouth to speak but Chucky cut me off with him talking.

"What's wrong, doll? Seems like this-" he rose up his hand to show his bud while he looked at it "-like it's gonna hurt my son." He said while his orbs turn to look at me. I looked at Glen and I spoke up, "Glen." He looked at me with fear in his eyes, "Y-yes, miss (Y-Y/N).." he said and Chucky looked at him and whispered something to him that I couldn't hear. "Glen, how old are you."


I turned to look at Chucky and he just looked at me, "I'm disappointed in you." I told him while I slammed the door.

I sighed and walked to my bedroom, I closed the door and locked it, I walked away from my door and I jumped to my bed.

'Why would he allow such a thing? I mean, yeah sure I guess Chucky allows it but that's not right! It's bad for his lungs! When did Glen start smoking..?UGH- whatever, I'm going to sleep'

I got comfortable and I slowly knocked out.

The next day

I woke up, and looked around, Chucky wasn't There. I sighed, I got up and unlocked the door.

I walked out and went to the bathroom, I turned on the light and I brushed my hair, then I brushed my teeth. I washed my face and dried it. I walked out of the bathroom Turing the lights off 'Seems like Chucky didn't even try to wake me up to sleep with me. Is he that upset because I am right?' I thought when I walked near the kitchen, I heard some talking, I kept walking more to see Chucky and Glen Talking.

I stood quiet, I walked to the kitchen to grab a cup, I filled It up with some water. I looked at Chucky while he gave me a full on glare.

I looked at him in shock, 'so he is really mad at me..' I looked away and I felt someone staring at me, I looked at Glen to see him staring at me with sadness in his eyes, looking like he wants to apologize.

I looked away, I grabbed my cup tightly and walked away.

I went outside And sat down.

The cold air hit me I shivered, 'I should've made tea instead..'

I heard footsteps and the corner of my eye I see hot tea set down next to me, I turned my head to see a worried Glen, my eyes looked into his and I could see tears. "Glen- what's wrong-" I was caught off by Glen's Tears and he fell to his knees.

"I'm so sorry, (Y/N)!" He cried, "I-I didn't mean to make d-dad hate you! And I do-don't want you to hate me!" He said while he covered his face, I looked at him in shocked, "Oh Glen, it's fine, I was worried about your health during that situation.. and of course your father's, but none of this isn't your fault.. you need to be careful.." I moved the hot tea to the side and I hugged him tightly.

"B-but it is!" He said while he hugged me, he pulled away from the hug and wiped his tears, "if I-I didn't ask dad, he wouldn't hate you because of this!" He said while more tears came out of his eyes, I shook my head, "oh, Glen.. it's ok.. relax" I said while I wiped his tears with my thumb, "it's fine.." I smiled at him, he smiled back while he wiped his tears, "I-I am sorry about me crying.. I just.. didn't know what to do.. because I saw how dad, looked at you and like.. I didn't know what to do at that situation-" I stopped him and smiled, "it's fine, Glen. You're too young to be panicking over small things, go back inside, it's cold and you will catch a cold." I told him, he looked at me and nodded.

I saw Glen got up and walked inside, I sighed.

I grabbed the hot tea, and took a sip of it slowly till I hear some footsteps again, and someone sat next to me, I smiled "Glen, hon, it's ok! Go get.." I turned my head to see Chucky "some.. rest." I looked at him while he looked at his hands.

I turned my head away from looking at Chucky, I took more sips of my tea, till he spoke up. His deep voice hit my ears, "Doll.. I-" I interrupted him, "Chucky. What you did.. hurt me a lot. You even hurt your own son, thinking that this whole thing is his fault." He stood quiet, then he sighed, "I know, I fucked up because I thought I would be a cool dad for once for Glen. Seems like I blew it" he finished, I turned my head to look at him, while he looked up, "And I am so sorry, Doll that I hurt you, and I know you can't forgive me, but.. I didn't know what I was thinking. I'm a old fuck that doesn't know what's good or fuckin bad. You need to teach me, Dollface." He turned his head to look at Me.

I smiled and I kissed him on the lips, "I forgive you, you asshole. You're lucky that I love you" he chuckled, "I know"

I looked down, I grabbed my tea and took some sips of the warmth drink, "ya know.." I started, and I looked at him, "I didn't know you would get so soft.." I smiled at him, while I put my tea down.

He looked at me with shocked in his eyes, he glared at me and he flicked my forehead, "ow!" I said while I rubbed my forehead, "jeez.. I can't believe I became so soft- ugh!" He said while he got up. "I'm going out." while Chucky spun his knife and put it on his knife holder on his hip, I looked at him in shock.

"Chucky wait-" he put his finger on my lips, "shush. Don't tell Glen.. I'll see you later, Doll." He grabbed my face and kissed me on the lips, he let go of me while he walked away with his black hoodie he was wearing when we started talking.

I sat there in shock.



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