Chapter 6: Insanity

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Levi's POV

"Levi, enough-." Onyankonpon gripped onto the handles of my wheelchair, stopping me from falling down the basement doors to Hanji's old laboratory. "Sooner or later, I'll have to get you a guard to watch your every move. When was the last time you slept?"

"Does it matter?"

"It does. You're slowly killing yourself. I don't think one of the greatest soldiers who helped defeat Eren to die from insanity." Onyankonpon stayed silent for a few seconds before concluding that I wish he never brought back up. "It's about Hanji, right? You want to see her again..."

Growling softly, I jerked my head to the side to avoid him.

Onyankonpon sighed, pulling me away from the stairs. "I may not share the same bond as you and Hanji did, but listen to me: this isn't the way. Think to yourself- would Hanji want this? You may not believe in whatever I believe in, but I believe Hanji is watching over us. Live for her-."

"How can I live for her when she's gone? The one time I've seen her after she died... I can no longer see her. After I saw her, there was a letter addressed to me about how everything was going to be okay. She left me an iris flower... a flower she loved. No one else but me knew that. She's here... somewhere... everyone says it's a ghost. I know her better... I'm going insane, Onyankonpon. She's here... somewhere..."

He began to push me towards my room, chuckling to himself for a little bit. "All you need is time to rest. You need to sleep more."

"I'm sick and tired of resting, Onyankonpon."

"But you need to. I'll get you tomorrow morning, okay?"

I didn't answer him. As he tried to tuck me into the bed, all I can think was how I used to do it with Hanji. Everything that I do or think... it all revolves around her. Onyankonpon said a few words before closing the door behind him. How long has it been since I saw her...? A month or two since she died... a few weeks since she made her reappearance as her ghost.

I want to hear her voice again... I want to feel her touch. I wish we were back in that forest... I want to live with her in a cabin in the woods... just the two of us...

*   *   *

"Levi... Levi..." Her voice flutters into my ear as I was being shaken awake. When I opened my eyes, I could see a lit lamp next to her... and I could smile softly towards her. "Wake up..."

"You're... here..." I smiled, trying to reach out for her. Onyankonpon explained that ghosts are nothing but spirits. They don't have physical bodies. But her... I could touch her hand. "I thought I'll never see you again..."

"I told you that I'll be back, didn't I?"

"You began to haunt me when I was at my lowest point. I... you're dead..."

"Am not. I'm right here." Hanji chuckles, putting a familiar-looking box onto the bed. "Levi... I have something that can heal you. This is why I came back... how would you like that?"

I rolled over, groaning and wincing. My leg was acting up again... "Hanji... Hanji, enough... stop giving me false hope."

"False hope? Levi, listen to me- I was dead. At least close to being dead... someone injected me with this serum. Sure, it took me a few weeks to learn how to walk, use my hands, everything. But I can do this... I can bring you back to your former self- your wounds gone."

I could feel her rubbing her hands on my back, gentle and careful of my wounds. I'm... doubting that she's... a ghost... is her story true? What's going on? "Hanji..." I turned back towards her, grabbing her hands forcefully. My fingers began to dig into her skin, and I waited for her reaction.

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