Chapter 27: Last Ackermans

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Hanji's POV

Raven was right. Well, to a certain extent. We had twins. When Levi and I revealed their new siblings, Raven wouldn't stop jumping up and down. We all expected them to have one last sibling. Now, they had two. Every second her twin siblings were up and awake, Raven wanted to hold them. I remember she said she thought they felt like a heavy loaf of bread. Zayne... he didn't like his siblings. I had to scold him with a stern voice whenever he tried to cover them with pillows when the twins were crying. I understand he was trying to keep them quiet, but he doesn't know that he would hurt them. For some reason... it reminds me of something that Levi would do...

A few days after I gave birth, everyone came by to see the newest additions; they were surprised as well.

"Twins?!" Gabi shouts before Falco clasped her mouth shut with his hand. 

"Shut up, Gabi... before you wake up the babies."

Gabi nods her head before Falco lets go. "I... I didn't know it was possible to have twins. I thought only Marleyans could have twins."

"It happens to everyone- not just to one." I chuckled, gently rocking our son. Levi had our daughter. "And it was surprising. Levi freaked out when I began to give birth earlier than usual."

"Am I not supposed to be worried?" Levi scowls at me, gentle to not wake them up. "You started screaming in the middle of the night about something happening. I couldn't get out of the bed properly. And it was early. You gave birth early. Doctors said it was dangerous for you to even have children at a late age... and I couldn't lose you again."

"What are their names?" Armin asks as he carefully leans over my arms, looking at them with a soft smile.

"This little one is named Jayden Farlan, and the one in Levi's arms is Iris Isabel. Their middle names were from Levi's old friends. I remembered them, and I thought that it'll be fitting for the twins. Two little peas in a pod." I nuzzled Jayden, smiling softly at them. "A few names fitting for them..."

"They're adorable." Onyankonpon chuckles, asking Levi to hold Iris. He gets permission, and he cradles the infant. "I never thought you two would be the ones to have these adorable children. I knew you guys were close, but never this close. Have you guys thought about marrying?"

We had this discussion before... Levi and I.

Levi spoke in my place, "We have, and we agreed to not marry."

"What? Really?" Jean asks, running his fingers through his mini beard. "Why not?"

"What's the point in being married? Being married is to have vows to never leave each other. There's no point in celebrating our relationship- I don't want people to disturb us. What's the point to marry her?"

"Well... uhh..." Jean stammers on his words.

"We have our vows to never leave each other. We don't need to be married. We know that we would always have each other."

Pieck slowly raised her hand slightly. "Are you guys going to have more babies?"

I shook my head. "As much as I would want to, I'm growing too old."

"Can't you use the serum?" She asked, "You said it technically makes you younger-."

"We only have one," Levi murmurs under his breath. "The last one we used was on Petra... our daughter who couldn't live. Hanji and I agreed to try to use it... it doesn't work on Ackermans. Even though Hanji is an Eldian and our children are half... it's because of me that it wouldn't work on our children."

"But you can't blame yourself for that, Levi." Onyankonpon smiles softly, "I'm sure she's in Heaven, watching over you. She's at peace."

"I hope so." Levi says quietly, "When we die, I want to see her. I'll show her to our fallen friends. To show them that we would live a normal life after their sacrifice. For now, we'll take care of the twins."

*   *   *

Waking up from their nap, I overheard Armin telling wild tales and fantasy stories to the children as Mikasa began to knit a few dolls. She said she wanted to do that again... for Raven and Iris. She thought making dolls would be her gift to them. Jean quietly listens to Armin's stories. According to Levi, he wants Raven to love his stories, so he's studying from the one person who has their stories loved.

Gabi and Falco were busy in the kitchen with Onyankonpon, helping craft dinner for all of us. Reiner and Pieck... well, they often went into town to get supplies. Gabi was a beginner chef, so she often made mistakes. From time to time, she got scolded by Levi for using the wrong tea leaves or burning water. How do you get burnt water? When I tried it out, it was water... with a very burnt taste. We were all confused.

We wanted to be left alone, but being here with them... it was peaceful enough. 

Levi and I locked eyes in the middle of this, and we both shared a small smile. Whatever happens from this day forth... we would always know that we will be there for each other. Forever. No matter what happens... we will always be with each other. I will never let him go. He wouldn't let me slip through his fingers as he feared. In life and death... we will always be here for each other.

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