She's Not Like Other Girls Cause She's a Fuckin Demon

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Needy's House:

You wake up to delicate arms wrapped around your waist and striking blue-green eyes studying you. Pretending not to be both intimidated and terrified at Jennifer's touch and gaze, you squeeze your eyes tight as you raise your shoulders to stretch both arms. Jennifer tightens her grasp. "You're looking at me like a maniac would.." you trail off half-jokingly– addressing Jennifer. "We were supposed to play boyfriend and girlfriend, remember?"  her eyes bore into yours.

Your eyes search the room for clues; you don't remember falling asleep. As you scan the room, your eyes land on the TV. The Aquamarine loading screen repeats on loop waiting for someone to press play. 'Where is Needy?' you wonder. "Ok power couple I hate to kick you out, but I have to meet Chip in like thirty minutes ssooo..." Needy states as she enters the room.

"Of course we'll be out right away Needy we can't keep your psycho jealous maniac boyfriend waiting oh and god forbid he finds out we slept in your bed." she exasperated as she quickly puts on her sweatpants and shoes. Needy rolls her eyes. As you slip on your shoes you thank Needy for her hospitality and make your way downstairs alongside Jennifer. You open the front door to make your way to Jennifer's very 2008 Honda accord. Jennifer cranks the engine and peels off.

"I haven't given you my address?" you question. "I didn't ask for it?" She mocks your questioning tone. "I have errands to run." she states. You look at her puzzled. "Sssoo that means we have errands to run, duh." she continues. You were kind of annoyed, but damn, bossy women are hot.


You rode with Jennifer for hours, but you enjoyed it. You found yourself practically restraining yourself from staring at her the entire drive— not only was she gorgeous, but she was a closed book unlike yourself. You often leave your emotions on your cover. Jennifer interrupts your thoughts.

"What's going on in the big head of yours MegaMind?"
You snort. "I won't lie Jennifer that was pretty good... nothing much though just letting my mind wonder."

"Where is it wondering to? I guess I should get straight to the point... what are you wondering about me? I know you're thinking about me— you always are." She states confidently as she turns her head to face you as she parks the car. Her striking gaze studies your face which likely shows how flustered that statement made you. Did that statement have a double meaning? Did Jennifer know about your... "preferences"?
What kind of question is that? Of course she does; you're not the best at hiding it, you might as well write "BIG HOMO" on your forehead.

"Careful, if that head of yours gets any bigger your neck could snap." You say to relive the tension she somehow always creates. "I was just thinking about how closed you are." You express to Jennifer.

Jennifer looks puzzled; "Closed?" she asks.
"Yeah... I don't really know you... I mean I know who you are, but I don't know who you are. I never truly know what you're thinking or feeling. You're such a closed book." You make eye contact with her as you finish your answer. You see her eyes light up.
"I knew you were thinking of me baby..." She lifts her manicured hand to your left cheek. "I think everyone is technically a closed book, but it's pretty easy to open a book right? Make a little effort to open my book and read the pages." She smirks as she  removes her hand from your face— dragging her hand across your chest along the way, and turns to open her driver's side door and leave her vehicle.
You temporarily sit stunned in the passenger seat. Not because of her cute little poetic sentence, but because a very gorgeous Jennifer Check just looked you in the eyes and called you baby. You got yourself together, exited the car, and followed Jennifer into Target. You were mentally preparing yourself for the rest of the anxiety Jennifer was going to give you and for the damage your wallet was about to experience because gotdamn it Target does it to you every time.

Needy's House

"Chip you're being so condescending I know what I saw!" Needy explains frustratedly.

"Hey! I'm not saying you didn't see it, but maybe you saw it differently than you're remembering?" Chip replies defensively.

"Chip... she put a fucking lighter to her mouth, burned the tip of her tongue, and her tongue regenerated itself. That's fucking obscene! I wouldn't tell you about it if it didn't happen." Needy starts.
"She's been doing all of this weird shit since she went with those weirdos from the band the night of the fire... I don't understand any of it. I don't understand what they did to her." Needy finishes her statement quieter than she began it. She pulls her hair back in a stressed manner and slides down her wall forming herself into a ball.

"Not only is she acting weird but she's practically obsessed with Y/N all of sudden..." Needy almost whispers.
Chip furrows his brow and releases a simple "hmm". This makes Needy raise her head.

"Hmm? What does that mean?" Needy challenges Chip.
"Nothing... it's just a simple hmm." Chip answers.
"That definitely had layers to it Chip; I'm not as dumb as you've been making me out be lately." Needy retorts annoyedly. Chip couldn't help but smirk; he hates to see Needy bothered but god she was attractive when she got sharp.
"I don't think you're dumb babe, I just think your tone was interesting..." "She's practically OBSESSED with Y/N all of a sudden." Chip exaggerates and mocks Needy.
"My tone was entirely normal Chip I don't know what you're trying to say." Needy lies— she knew where this was going. Chip has hinted at this many times, it sometimes felt like he wouldn't shut up about it actually. Why can't men just be silent? They're so much more attractive when mute.

"Needy, all I'm saying is you and Jennifer get kinda weird sometimes. You guys have this kinda... homo-erotic friendship and maybe you guys get kinda possessive over one another at times. I doubt she's as obsessed as you say." Chip replies as he struggles to find the words.
Needy simply shrugs off his statement. Needy and Jennifer had a sandbox kind of love. Knowing your best friend since you were both toddlers can make you possessive, Needy didn't find it homo-erotic just... protective.

Chip sighs and changes the subject. "Look babe... I believe you, but I'm saying these are some pretty strange occurrences so it definitely wouldn't hurt to have some proof? Like what's your goal anyway? To tell the police?"

"Hi officer, my bitchy best friend went with some weird emo guys last week and now she's a fucking demon come arrest her, thanks." Chip chuckles at his own "joke".

Needy remains silent, but registers Chip's accusation. Jennifer isn't normal because she's a fucking succubus.


I read a comment that said "a week turned into months which turned into two years" and I was like damn,,,, lemme get my act together. Here ya go besties <3 an update just for you.

P. S not gonna put an estimated update time because apparently I'm a liar anyway and I lie a lot soooooo I will update semi-soon?
tehe don't kill me... or do... it might be kinda hot

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 23, 2022 ⏰

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