Wicked Witch of the West Coast

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You found yourself pleased you had gotten back to school in time. During the last period, you went home to change into something less... 'homely'— but still comfortable of course. You had made it back to school just as it was ending— you didn't want to keep Needy waiting.
"Oh good! You're here." Needy starts as she lays eyes on you. "I was worried I'd have to try to find you... I realized I had no idea what your last class was." Needy finishes while fiddling with the sleeves of her shirt.
"Yeah Jennifer didn't really ask any questions. My last 'class' is study hall by the way; half of the time I go home." You reply reassuringly.

Needy visibly relaxes. Why is she so anxious?

"We can head over to mine now if that's cool? I remember Jenn wanted to meet us there." Needy explains.
"Yeah that's cool. Is Chip coming too? Shouldn't we wait for him?" You ask.
"No Jennifer kinda hates Chip. He's not coming over today." Needy chuckles.
"Oh okay total girls night... gotcha gotcha."

"I've been friends with Chip for a while; I have to admit I think it's strange we haven't hung-out sooner..." You trail off as you both walk to Needy's 2006 Toyota Camry.
"Then again, I guess Jennifer isn't exactly a fan of me, so it sort of makes sense."
"Jennifer isn't a fan of anyone, but that doesn't really matter to me. I'm not sure why we haven't hung-out sooner either?" Needy replies.
"I must say, you guys seem like total opposites. How'd you guys click?" You ask. You hoped you weren't being obvious, but you really wanted to talk about Jennifer. You wanted to hear more about that night she was covered in blood.
"You mean Jennifer's hot and I'm not?" Needy asks with an eyebrow raised and a toothless smile.
"No! I mean you seem like a genius and she doesn't!" 'Brilliant!! Insult her best friend!!' you panic internally. Needy smiles a full smile.
"So you do think I'm hot?" Needy teases. "Jennifer is smarter than people give her credit for, by the way."

You both reach her car. You sit in comfortable silence as you both enter the car. She starts the engine. How will you bring up that night? Jennifer has 'errands to run', but how much time will that give you to talk at Needy's?

"I know I said Jenn isn't a fan of anyone, but she rarely pays attention to other people the way she's paid attention to you today— let alone other girls. It's unusual for her." Needy breaks the silence as she leads you out of the parking lot.
"Are you some sort of witch? Have you cast some sort of spell?" Needy jokes.
"You believe I would know witchcraft?" You dodge the question.
"Maybe. Maybe not. Way to dodge my question like a witch would..." Needy replies.
"Ah so you believe in magic?" You probe. Maybe this will lead the conversation exactly where you want it to go.
"After what I've seen, witchcraft seems ordinary." Needy answers quietly.
"Well you can't have such an interesting answer and not elaborate. I need to know what you mean."
You know exactly what she means.
"I've explained this before, but Chip thought I was delusional..."
"Chip's a boy." You reply matter-of-factly. "...What does that mean?" Needy asks puzzled.
"It means he lacks the mental capacity to grasp things."
This gets a laugh out of Needy.
"Okay, promise to hear me out? I cannot handle seeming crazier than I feel."
"I promise Needy insert last name." You reply with your hand over your heart.
"My last name is Lesnicky."
"I promise Needy Lesnicky. I will not make you feel demented."

She pulls into her driveway and parks her car.

"Okay as you know, Jenn and I were there the night of the fire. We made it out and were confused and frantic and everything felt really weird, but the night kept getting weirder."
"We make it out of the bar. It took a lot for me to get her out of the bar. During the fire..." Needy pauses.
"It seemed like she was in some sort of trance."
Needy finishes with her face contorted.
"I tried to bring her back to reality, but she wouldn't budge. We were in the parking lot and I'm trying to process everything and that band— that dumb fucking band, the lead singer" Needy jumbles her words. She pauses.
"The lead singer of the band tries to get us in his band. He like insists that we get in his creeper van."

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