Jennifer's Glow

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Devil's Kettle has been so cold and stoic. As one would expect, not much happens and when tragedy strikes— it really leaves its mark. The fire left two dead and tens traumatized. Of course not everyone was there, but it really feels like they were. Everyone is moving, but seemingly without purpose... their bodies on autopilot and their limbs lifeless. The students roam from class to class with mundane spirits and poor posture. The melancholic aura is thick and everyone can feel it— well, everyone except Jennifer Check.


As you wash your hands you regretfully glance in the mirror, displeased with the reflection. Your hair was in disarray, all split ends visible, your clothes disheveled— there was a giant frayed hole in your jeans but maybe people would think that was intentional, a stylistic choice, and your eyes screamed exhaustion. Your appearance was a depiction of you felt: frantic and tired. You were there. You were at the shitty little bar that was the hot spot in Devil's Kettle. You obviously didn't start the fire; you didn't even witness it. Why do you feel so sad? No, why do you feel so guilty? What do you believe you could have done differently? As your mind wanders endlessly, you're interrupted by an observation.

"You've been washing your hands for like an hour; god are you like a zombie?"
You check your watch and make note of the exaggeration. An hour? You internally scoff. "It's been four minutes."
You state as you begin to face the observant girl.
"Why are you keeping track anyway? Are you like stalking me?..."
Your tone shifts from snarky to surprised and slightly embarrassed.

Your stalker is Jennifer Check. She smiles and tugs at the right side of her bottom lip with her perfectly aligned teeth.
Her eyes looking up, boring into yours as her chin is tilted down. As your statement registers, Jennifer tilts her head back against the wall— still showing her pearly white teeth.
"You'd like that wouldn't you? For me to stalk you... You want all my attention, don't you?"
Jennifer teases... At least you think so? Her tone provides little clarity and her eyes say nothing, well you assume they say nothing, you wouldn't dare look into them again. Her teasing makes you flustered, presumably visibly flustered.

"Not everyone is as into you as you Jennifer."
A voice answers as the bathroom stall opens. The voice belonged to Needy, you liked Needy; you liked her boyfriend Chip too. Wait... When the fuck did they both come in here? I've gotta get out of my own head...
"Boo you whore. You never let me have any fun."
Jennifer begins her statement addressing Needy and finishes with her eyes on you. You gave a toothless smile at their banter and take in Jennifer's appearance. Her raven hair cascades over her shoulders as she's clad in a bright pink cropped hoodie adorned with darker pink hearts. Her dark blue jeans fit her fantastically as if they were tailored to her, maybe they were? Her skin was radiant, absolutely glowing. How the fuck was she glowing? She catches you staring and you can't read her, but if you know Jennifer you know she loved having all eyes on her.

"Hi Needy" You choose to further address Needy. Needy is so pretty. You wonder if she sees that. You hope she does.
"Hi" She politely replies. "I know you guys were there during the fire," you begin "I hate you had to go through that. I'm super sorry." You finish sorrowfully. Needy smiles with sad eyes.
"Ugh move on dot org." Jeniffer interjects uninterestedly while applying a new coat of gloss to her full pink lips. You're taken aback by her demeanor. The day after the fire she looked distraught but now, merely two days later she's 'moved on'. This confused you; you realize you never understood Jennifer, but how could you? The two of you never spoke. Needy looks disappointed with Jennifer's statement as it's unpredictably insensitive.

"We should get to Biology..." Needy trails off. Jennifer looks to you.
"You heard her. We should get to Biology."
You stare at her perplexed. You don't take Biology with her. You don't take Biology at all.
"I don't take Biology?"
You answer but your statement seemed pensive as if you didn't believe yourself.
"Well I guess I'll have to see you later won't I?" Jennifer asks over her shoulder as she exits the bathroom practically dragging Needy behind her.

You only allow a few moments to pass as you allow the interaction to register. As much as you talked to Needy, Jennifer hardly ever acknowledged you, verbally at least. You could talk to Needy for practically an hour and Jennifer would just stare at you— almost studying you. So what was that? Why did she acknowledge me? She was just bored you answer yourself. You leave the bathroom to make your way to Trigonometry. As you strolled carelessly one question lingered in the back of your mind; how the fuck was she glowing?

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Short I know ;( but I just wanted to get this started. I really appreciate the comments showing your interest. It took me so long to update because I was locked out of this account and when I got back in I forgot about this story lol! So you're all more than welcome to comment asking for updates because this dumb b!tch will forget.

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