Dairy Free Dude

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"Wtffff Jennifer oh my god!" Needy sits balled up in her computer chair still taken aback— reasonably so. Jennifer rolls her eyes so hard you would think they'd get stuck there. This was very awkward for you because you were panicked but not typically panicked like your anxiety would have you. You were gay panicked. Needy and Jennifer were very pretty and all of this made you extremely nervous. Also, Jennifer kept her eyes open during the kiss like a fucking psychopath! You could feel her staring at you during the entire fiasco, but your eyes found anything and everything else possible.

"I told you we were playing boyfriend and girlfriend like we used to." Jennifer states matter-of-factly. "Needy you're making our guest uncomfortable."
"We've never fucking made out!"
"Boyfriend and girlfriends didn't do that yet." Jennifer starts. "I know you and Chip have done more Needy; that's probably why it smelled like Thai food when we came here."

Needy doesn't really acknowledge Jennifer's statement, but it made you crack a smile. Jennifer's pretty funny; yes it's in a mean-spirited way but that's what you liked.

"I don't get the whole Chip thing anyway." Jennifer states blankly.
"What does the Chip thing mean?" You ask.
Needy rolls her eyes. "Jennifer doesn't get why I'm with Chip. She says it's confusing."
"I like Chip?" You question and answer simultaneously.
"I like Chip" Jennifer mocks you. "You wouldn't get it." She starts. "Every time I hangout with Needy he acts like a jealous psycho boyfriend maniac."
"He literally doesn't." Needy replies addressing you.
"He does! He's so jello; he's lime green jello and you can't even admit it."
"Chip doesn't like when I hangout with you because he thinks you can be mean and bossy."
"Uh it's called being a bad bitch Needy, maybe he can look it up?" Jennifer replies shortly.
That makes you snort.
The paper!
"Uh Jennifer what exactly are we-"
"So I brought Aquamarine on DVD; it's about this girl who's like half-sushi. Let's watch it."
"Needy you should set up the blankets and we'll get the snacks."
"Bossyyy." Needy whispers. You giggle.

Jennifer heads to the kitchen and grabs your arm leading you there with her. She opens the fridge. "Oh look it's Chip." She mutters you herself. Jello cups sit on the second shelf.

"You'd never act like that would you?" She asks.
"What do you mean?"
"If I was your girlfriend, you wouldn't act like Chip does would you?"
"Ah well I don't know how Chip acts exactly but I suppose theoretically— or hypothetically rather, that I wouldn't act jealous if ahh if that's what you were asking so yeah! No answering your question the answer is no."
"Ahh well theoretically— hypothetically rather, that was exactly what I was asking so ahhh yeah! You've answered my question." She mocks you; she didn't even look in your direction during the entire thing. You see her smirking to herself as she continues to gather random snacks.

"Are you going to pick anything out?" She asks.
"Oh I'm not really into that many things here besides like popcorn I guess."
"Oreos?" she asks.
"Only in ice cream."
"She has vanilla ice cream."
"I don't eat dairy."
"Ouch!" She punched you. Bitch.
"Why'd you mention ice cream?" She asks blankly.
"I eat dairy free ice cream."
"Needy! We're going to the store! She thinks your food fucking sucks!" She yells to Needy.

She pulls you from the kitchen out to her car— a 2008 Honda Accord.
"Get in loser, we're going shopping."
You climb into the passenger seat and take inventory of the car. Zebra print steering wheel cover, hot pink dice dangling from the rear view mirror, black upholstery for the seats, and her initials in hot pink on the passenger side corner of the windshield.
"You like?" She asks as she starts the engine. "Yeah I do actually."
"Really? I didn't think it would be grunge enough for you." She peels off from the curb.
"You think I'm grunge?"
"Everyone thinks you're grunge."
"Who is everyone?"
"Everyone important."
"Like who?"
You snort. "Oink oink" she mocks.
"You've called me a zombie, a pig, and poor all in the course of a day."
"You're calling yourself a pig snorting like that."
"I thought you didn't hang with ugly people or lame virgins."
"I'm not calling you ugly; your laugh is ugly."
She pulls into a parking spot on the side of the building. The red Target sign illuminates across the empty spaces. You both open your door and step out onto the pavement.

"Okay, what about lame virgins?" You ask.
"You're a virgin?" she asks. Her eyes slowly trail from your head to your toes. She seems to spend extra time taking in your shorts she acknowledged earlier. It feels like she's studying forever and it makes you nervous.  What does she see? What is she thinking? After all that time, she casually goes "hmm".
She locks the car and heads inside the store.

"Can you elaborate on that?" You ask as you both head to the grocery section.
"Elaborate ooonn??..."
"Hmm" you start. "Is that derogatory or complimentary? Of offense or compliment?"
"You're such a dork; why do you speak in nineteenth century English?" She asks.
"Well you got my point..."
"Yeah but I feel like I'm talking to a Shakespeare character. I'm not in school I don't want to think."
You both enter the freezer section and you get so cold your legs start to shiver. Jennifer seems does not seem disturbed in the slightest.
"Here's your fake ice cream. Take your pick."
She glances at you.
"Oh wow you're freezing, huh?" She asks.
"You can see me shivering?"
"No." She answers quickly.
You take in your appearance and your nipples look like fucking traffic cones. You cross your arms hastily. When you look up, Jennifer is extremely close to you. She pulls you into her to open the freezer door behind you. You're completely still.
"Almond cookies n creme, right?" Her lips are directly next to your ear. You heard her but failed to answer. She repeats the question.
"Uhh yeah yeah! Yes." She removes herself immediately.

<3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3

New update next week? I feel like I owe you guys!

You guys I got played by the first person/girl I've ever liked— like EVER and I didn't feel like doing anything lmao. She told me she wanted me to be her girlfriend for like three or four months and then said she needed to take time to work on herself— which is fine and super responsible. She said she couldn't/didn't want to be in a relationship until she liked herself more; I was kinda confused because why pursue me if you already knew that yanno? I genuinely appreciated the honesty though!

After telling me that, we would still talk everyday and one week she didn't talk to me for about four days I think? So I asked if everything was okay (because I can be oblivious as fuck) and she told me she slept with the guy that she liked more than me the entire time lmaaaooooo. Which was kind of insulting because she would always half-joke and say that I was gonna leave her for a boy because I'm bi and she's lesbian.
Anyway, I was like uuhh okay? Why would you tell me that so casually? Then she started saying how excited she was because she never thought he would give her the time of day and how she'll be so excited if they get to start dating and how she's gonna make him hers and I felt really used and dirty lol. I felt like she viewed me as another number/fling even after repeatedly telling me how much she'd want to be with me and telling me she understands how important this is for me considering I've never been able to like someone. It all just felt like a big fuck you LMAO but I'm back to normal now.

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