Needy's Night

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"Ugh!" You hear an exasperated Needy whisper yell. "Chip I'm telling you, she wasn't normal... It wasn't like anything I had ever seen."
Chip looks at Needy quizzically. You didn't know what Needy was talking about, and you weren't sure Chip did either.
"What do you mean?" Chip affirms your assumption. You felt a bit awkward eavesdropping, but you had time to kill before your next class and you didn't know where else to go. You pretended to busy yourself at your locker— tidying things that were already tidy. You didn't like disorganization so you're locker was practically spotless.
"She came into my house all bloody and hunched over. That was the first clue that she was unlike herself." Needy answers hastily.
"The first clue was that she was bloody? Maybe it was from roadkill; you and I both know she can't fucking drive." Chip replies almost uninterestingly.
"Yes, but no. The first clue was that she was hunched over. She doesn't believe in bad posture, even when she's drunk, she said 'bad posture is for ugly virgins.'"
Needy continues as Chip rolls his eyes. "She just stands there and growls like a fucking bobcat!" Needy begins to pace a little. "And then, she threw up this almost tar-like... prickly... black goo that was practically bubbling at the surface." Needy finishes with her nose turned up at the memory.

Had she been talking about Jennifer? You assumed she was; you've never seen Needy with anyone else outside of school— besides Chip of course. What she described sounded horrific. Black goo? Covered in blood? Growling? What was she a fucking demon? You weren't entirely sure this was about Jennifer though. You also weren't entirely sure you should be listening, but that didn't mean you were going to stop. Needy affirms your suspicions about 'her' being Jennifer.

"When she finished puking, she ate a cold rotisserie chicken out of my fridge with her bare hands. Her eating calories after nine o'clock? I don't think so." Needy says in disbelief of her own statement.
Okay yes, this was about Jennifer. Although the 'bad posture is for virgins' was indicative enough, the calorie counting bullshit solidified your hunch. You believed calculating calories was an illusion to healthy living. Also, what did you look like doing math outside of school? Counting and calculating calories? Everyone is gonna die anyway.

"Look, she probably threw up all that gross stuff from inhaling the smoke."
So this was the night of the fire.
"She also might have been stress eating? The near death experience might have made her act like a normal person for once." Chip lightly smirks at his dig at Jennifer. Needy is seemingly over the conversation as she looks defeated at Chip's dismissal of her encounter.
"Jennifer is far from normal." Needy says as she's interrupted by the illusive being herself.
"Hi Needy... Chip" Jennifer greets and provides a forced smile.
"I see I'm the topic of conversation. Even when she's with you Needy can't get enough of me." Jennifer remarks clearly in an effort to annoy Chip. Chip stares blankly with small, squinted eyes. Chip doesn't like Jennifer. Why would he? She kinda treats Needy like shit. Needy stands sort of awkwardly. Clearly the interesting part is over; you decide to stop 'busying' yourself and close your locker.

"Hey dead girl." Jennifer addresses you. Needy looks embarrassed.
"Jesus Jennifer you can't say things like that. Three people died this week, hello?!" Needy looks around apologetically, presumably to offer a nonverbal apology to all who heard Jennifer's unnecessary and inappropriate jab.
Jennifer doesn't care and her attention doesn't leave you. She's looking through you. She's reading you. This makes you nervous and she can see that. She loves it.
"Hi Jennifer." You acknowledge her greeting. Jennifer walks your way, well it's more of a saunter really, she wants you to watch her. You do. "Starting a new trend?" She directs her attention to the hole in your jeans. It was ragged and oddly placed; it clearly wasn't on purpose. You give an awkward toothless smile.
"Interesting choice. Very... affordable." She casually insults. You say nothing and rock back and forth clearly uncomfortable with the new attention. You preferred to be off of her radar and now she had spent the whole day making notice of you. You look up and Chip is gone. Needy watches your interaction with Jennifer silently but inquisitively. This was out of the ordinary after all.

"Yeah well, I do like to save money." You answer lightheartedly. You obviously could have insulted her disproportionate asymmetrical eyebrows, but you weren't really interested in doing that right now. You were more curious to why this was happening. You also wanted to talk to Needy. Chip wasn't interested anyway; she would probably love to have someone who believed her. Jennifer interested you and she was an enigma. You could probably come close but you would probably never 'reach' her, unless you were Needy. If you were going to learn about Jennifer, you were going to learn Needy first. You didn't mind that though. Needy seemed nice; you'd love to get to know her anyway. Lost in thought, you didn't realize you were staring at Needy and you watched as her face became flushed under your gaze. Jennifer notices.

"Should I leave so you guys can get a room or?.." Jennifer quips, annoyance clearly present in her tone. You weren't sure where her annoyance lied, with you or with Needy.
"Anyway," her mood shifts "I have a paper I need to write." Jennifer's eyes bore into yours.
So? What does that have to do with me? My confusion must be apparent as she continues.
"We're going to write it at your place."
"Why would I do that? You haven't even spoken to me until two hours ago." You ask almost offensively. Of course, this is why she's talking to me. Dumbass is too lazy to BS her own paper.
"I'm not fucking dumb." She says as she grits her teeth. You become stiff at the realization that you said that aloud. She sighs quietly.
"I know you're like the best writer in the school and you obviously don't have any plans. You don't have any friends." Jennifer continues.
"I reallyyy need an A. You'll get me an A." She finishes as she twirls a stray hair of mine around her manicured index finger coated in cherry red nail polish. She was right; you didn't have any plans.
"Fine, but can we do it at yours? It'll be a bit chaotic at my place; my little sister is having a sleepover." You elaborate.
"We'll do it at Needy's." She answers firmly and quickly. You look to Needy for affirmation. Jennifer sort of made more of a demand than a request after all. She gently nods.
"I guess I'll ride with you after class?" You suggest to Needy. She agrees.
"Yeah I'll meet you guys there." Jennifer says. This puzzles Needy. "I have a few errands to run first." Jennifer explains as she walks away.

You and Needy go your separate ways. You were excited; you could talk to Needy without Jennifer around. Maybe you would get some answers and maybe you and Needy would become actual friends—if Jennifer allows that that is. You were reaping benefits from a paper you haven't even written yet. You also were genuinely looking forward to writing the paper. You liked writing papers because they were satisfying and you were able to articulate yourself more eloquently than you ever could verbally. You found yourself getting gradually more excited as the day went on.

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Another filler! (Boo you whore! I know) the next chapter something *actually* happens though lolol. - K 🖤

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