13. *Still needs a name* part one

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Warning: pain kink, force kink/CNC kink, homophobic slurs, mention of rape, 

This was requested :)

Rebecca is Herny's wife and Charlotte is William's wife.

*Some back story of this chapter is that Rebecca saw Herny and William having sex in the office when she went to go see Henry at work*

As Henry walked into his house he saw Rebecca setting on the couch. Both of her hands were on her lap, and she is fidgeting her fingers a lot like she is anxious about something. "Dear, why are you still up? It's late, you should be in bed by now," says Henry as he puts his keys and coat on a hook. When Henry hangs both items he makes his way to the couch where Rebecca is setting but as he did she stood up so this stops him mid-way. As Rebecca stood up there were tears forming in her eyes. Henry still didn't understand what is happening. But then Rebecca finally spoke up. "H-how long has it been going on?" is all Rebecca could say. "how long what, Rebecca?" Asked Henry, raising his eyebrow. "You know exactly what I am talking about Henry" "Rebecca, I have no idea what you're talking about, so please tell me.".

Rebecca didn't answer him, she is just standing there with tears running down her cheeks. Henry was surprised by the tears so he moved closer to her so he could clean off her tears but before Henry could wipe the tears off her cheek she pushed him away causing Henry to fall back where the tv was at forcing it to fall on the floor. Henry was shocked that she pushed him but then he realized the tv was on the floor. He moved back a bit and tried to regain his balance. After he did he turned to look at Rebecca. "What is wrong with you, Rebecca?" Yelled Henry at her. This time Rebecca answered back to him. "What's wrong, with me?!? What's wrong with you, your fucking your best friend!!!" "W-what?". Henry's eyes widened with shock, how did she find out about them? Henry didn't even know how to respond or what to do in this situation. He never planned on her finding out about them. But then Rebecca said something that brought him about to reality. "What is wrong with you Henry!? was I not enough for you?!? Did I not satisfy you as a woman?!!". "Rebecca it's not that-" "then what did I do wrong that you had to go to William for sex?!" ".... Rebecca I always been attracted to William before I meet you.." "y-you w-what?" "Rebecca, I'm into men".

Rebecca's body started to tremble due to the fact her husband just told her he has been gay the whole time. She couldn't believe it. She won't believe it. "How can you be gay?! you married a woman and had kids?! how can you just turn around and say your gay?!" "I married you because you got pregnant, I didn't want to marry you! You were just supposed to be a one-night stand!" "So now it's my fault you had to get married?!" "I'm not blaming you, Rebecca" ".....". "Rebecca....," Henry said in a sweet tone to try to calm her down. Henry tried to move his hand to her shoulder to calm her, but she slapped it away. "Don't you touch me, you Fag!" She yelled out, Henry flinched when she called him a fag. "I want you out of this house Henry" "Rebecca, you can't be serious-" Henry was cut off by Rebecca slapping him, "I said I don't want you here, you Fag!!" After Rebecca said this to Henry she turned around so she didn't have to look at him. But when she was done talking Henry clenched his fists and then said "I enjoy every moment I spent with William than I ever did with you".

Rebecca turned her head around, "w-what-?" "I said I enjoyed every moment I spent with William than I ever did with you!". Rebecca turned her body fully around to face Henry once again, and said "take that back, H-Henry!" "Why?!, that's what you wanted to hear, right?!!". Rebecca started to cry even more. "I t-tried to be a g-good wife, Henry-" "well I guess you didn't try hard enough!!" "Fuck you, Henry, I tried, and I gave you kids, and I know damn well William can't give you kids!!" "Yeah, he can't but he can at least make me happy!!"

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