4. 69

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If you know what 69 means in sex, then you are going to know what this chapter is going to be about :>


In the midst of his horniness, Henry walked to William's front door. He was just hardened by the mere thought of William's curved body naked. Unfortunately, he was married and William was "straight". As Henry walked to the door he pushed the thoughts aside. He finally got to the door and knocked on it. He was Greeted from none other than William Afton. "Henry, it's just you." "Yeah, I was going to call, but I forgot" "it's alright Henry, come in" "thanks," and with that, William opened the door all the way so Henry could enter, then he slid the door shut behind him when Henry entered.

William asked Henry, as they walked towards the living room, "What brings you here?". "Oh, I just wanted to visit you and the kids for a bit" "Well, the kids are going to their mother's house for summer break," replied William, and as they settled onto the couch "they left today, I thought they were going to leave tomorrow?". "They were going to leave tomorrow but Clara came a day early, so she just took the kids" "so it's just you" ""Yeah," ."Well Charlie is going to be sad" "Elizabeth was crying because she wanted to be with Charlie" "poor, Elizabeth" "Yeah, poor, Elizabeth" "What are going to do?" "Well I was about to cook" "do you need any help?" "If you want to help" "I'll help" "Okay then let's start".

They get up, walk to the kitchen, and start cooking dinner. Henry asked, "What are we going to make?". He said, "I'm thinking of making chicken Alfredo." "ooooo~ Okay then." "we going to start with the chicken, so I'll open the fridge." William walked around the counter that was in the middle kitchen and opened the fridge. He bent over to reach the chicken. William's ass caught Henry's eye, and he started to think about how it might look without pants, and how red he could make it. William stood up straight, holding the frozen chicken Brest in his hand. "Would you mind cutting the chicken Brest into cubes for me, Henry?". "Sure, but I'm going to wash my hands first". Okay, you do that, and I'll be back in a moment." "Where are you going?" "I just have to use the bathroom". "Oh, okay then"

After William finished using the bathroom, he walk behind Henry to give him a bit of a scare. As he did, he yelled out "AHHH!!" And with this Henry turn around and swing the knife he In his hand, and with this he accidentally cut William. When Henry realized what he did, his face looked so num, tears began to form in his eyes, "I-I'm so so sorry William" is all he could say. As he tried to touch William he hesitated do to the fact he was scared to even touch William. "It's fine Henry I know you didn't mean to" is what William said to try to clam down Henry, because he could see how scared Henry was. "no it's my fault I should not swung the knife" "and I should not not scared you". "I'm sorry" "it's fine Henry" "how deep is it?" William took off his hand from his cheek, that was full of blood. "it not that deep it just a small cut" "Here let's go get you cleaned up" William and Henry both walk to William's bed room.

William takes a set on the bed, while Henry went to get the first aid kit. Henry come back and he's opened the kit and began to clean the cut on William.

Henry was so close to William face. He was never this close to his face before. William blue navy eyes were so pretty, and how his eyes looked so cold but when he laugh his eyes, warmed up somehow. 

William must of noticed how Henry was zone out, because he asked "are you okay Henry?" "Oh- y-yeah I'm fine" "look about the cut it not your fault" with this William moves his hand on top of Henry's. This makes Henry cheek turn a bit more red but then a thought came to his mind. A thought he had before he got here, but this time it came with more lust.

Henry moves his hand away from William hand and moves it the cheek that was not cut. "You know William, your eyes are so beautiful~" William got so flustered when Henry said these words. "T-thanks?" Henry moves closer to William face, and with these action their faces were so close together that they could feel each other breath on themselves.

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