14. 69 remake (part 1)

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This chapter is going to be a rewrite of chapter "69". And since I was requested to write a part two of this chapter, there will be a second part, and I was also requested that both chapters of 69 will tie in with my sad man chapter as well. So the sad man chapter and both 69 chapters are in the same timeline. So in total for this AU, there are three chapters. (hope that makes sense.)


As Henry made his way to Williams's front door, he was thinking about William's curvy body. And how fine-looking William is. Henry hated these thoughts, 'how can he think about his best friend like that, he shouldn't even have these thoughts about him, to begin with,' But Henry decide to push these thoughts aside, once he made it to the front of the door.

Once he knocked on the door he was welcomed by none other than William Afton. "Henry, you finally made it" "Yeah, sorry about being late" "oh it's not a big deal but do come in". With that, William opened the door all the way so Henry could enter. "thanks, and I really am sorry for showing up late". Once Henry entered William slid the door shut. "like I said Henry it's not that big of a deal".

As Henry and William walked to the living room, Herny saw some boxes. "what are the boxes for William?" "Oh there the boxes my mother left me in her will when she passed, they finally came in" "oh that's right she left you some boxes" "yeah.." "do you know what's in them?" "Nope. Don't really care either so I'm just putting it in the attic" "what are you serious?! Why don't you open it?!" "Because I have an idea what's in it and I don't want to see it".

Henry made a face at William, "what now?" Asked William. "If you have an idea, what do you think it is?" "It probably pictures, and some old toys" "what if you find something interesting like money!" "Yeah right, me and my mother never got along, she hated me and hate her so there's no way there's going to be money in the box" "William she's your mother..." "I don't care".

Henry crossed his arms and looked at William. "What?" "William she's your mother you can't hate her" "I can and I will, I won't just forget what she did to me and how she made me feel growing up" "and that is?".

William looked away from Henry and changed the subject, "I'm hungry so why don't we make something to eat" "William...." "Look Henry just drop it okay" William looked back at Henry with a weak smile. So Henry did drop it.

"I'm hungry too, we should make some pasta" "okay, what kind?" "Let's make spaghetti" "yeah that's not too hard to make"

So with this, they both made their way to the kitchen. As they did William said, "Henry also try not to burn down my house again". Henry looked at William with an annoyed face, "I didn't mean to do that last time" "yeah yeah, just try not to do that again" "yeah whatever", Henry rolled his eyes as he said this.

Once they got to the kitchen Henry looked out from the window into the backyard. He saw that no one was playing. "William," "yeah?". William didn't look at him when he responded he was too busy looking for the stuff they were going to use to cook.

"where are your kids at?" "Oh, they're at Charlotte's parent's house for the weekend" "Why didn't you go?"  "They don't like me because I divorce their daughter" "Oh" "yeah, but I didn't like them to begin with anyways so it doesn't really matter to me" "Oh" "why do you ask?" "Oh, I thought the kids were playing outside" "oh that makes sense, but anyways come and help me with the spaghetti" "oh okay".

With this Henry went to get a pot and filled it up with water so he could boil the pasta in it. And William walked around the counter that was in the middle kitchen and opened the fridge. He bent over so he could get the meatball tray that was in the fridge. As William bent over Henry's eyes went to William's ass. Henry looked for a bit and said to himself 'that's a good size'. But once he realized what he was saying to himself he stop looking and turned the stove on.

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