17. Winter break

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I hope everyone is having a great winter break, and if you celebrate Christmas then Marry Christmas!!!!! :) If you don't then I hope you had an amazing day. :)

Have this as a gift. This chapter is not going to have smut I decide to make it a fluff chapter. And since I needed practice with them I decided why not. Well anyways enjoy. :)


Time: 7:30 pm

Everyone is out on Winter break. Henry and William were getting packed up because they were going to visit their family for the break. "Sooo~ you excited about going home for the break?" asked Herny in a happy tone. "No" "Oh......". William was not in the mood to talk, he has a lot of things to do, and talking to Henry is not one of them. William then felt a hand on his shoulders, "William are you okay?" "I don't have time to talk to you" "I'm just making sure your okay..." "Well, I'm fine so leave me alone"

Henry stepped away from William. Henry has tried so many times to become friends with William this school semester but William keeps pushing him away. Herny just wanted to get along with his roommate but by the looks of it, he might have to change roommates soon if it keeps going like this.

William sometimes can't stand Herny, he was always putting his nose somewhere it doesn't belong. And right now all he talks about is his happy family, and what they are going to do over winter break. William can't stand it but It's probably because he doesn't have a family, he only has a father due to the fact his mother left him. And William was planning to spend the holidays in the dorm room but his father invited him over, which was a big surprise because he and his father don't talk anymore due to the fact he knows William is bi and is atheist.

Henry sat down on the edge of his bed. "Are you going to do anything with your mom and dad on Christmas" "No". William wasn't facing Henry, he was still packing up the stuff he was going to need. "Ummm..... Do you have siblings?" "No". Henry was getting kind of pissed off by William. "Look I'm trying to have a conversation, can you at least try to talk to me". William let out a big sigh, "Fine, what do you want?" William turned around. Henry was kind of shocked that William did something he asked, "umm.... so who are you spending the holiday with?" "My father". Henry waited for more people but soon he realized that there were no more people, "what about your mom-" "She left me and my father" "oh....What are you and your father going to do for the holiday?" "I have no idea, me and my father don't talk to each other" "Oh, why?.." "Because he can't stand the decisions I made and my opinions".

With what William was telling Henry now understood why William was mean, rude, and cold to people. "Is that all you wanted to ask me?" Sais William trying to finish put the conversation. Henry on the other hand didn't want to end it so he asked, "Where does your father live?" "Ummm...He lives like 30 minutes away" "Really, does he live near a park name *****" "Yeah he does, the park is like 10 minutes away" "Oh my god we live near each other!" "Damn that's pretty cool" "What school did you go to?" "I went to a public school, you?" "Oh, I went to private school" "Well it's still cool you live near where I live" William smiled as he said this. Henry saw this and blushed but he still smiled back, "hey my mom picking me up do you want to tag along, or is your dad coming to pick you up?" "I was going to take the bus but yeah I'll ride with you if your mom is okay with it" "Yeah she'll be fine with" "okay, anyways I'm done with packing so I'm going take a bath" "Okay".

With that William got his clothes and headed to the bathroom. Herny moved more onto his bed and picked up a book. But he wasn't reading it all he could think that if things keep going like this then maybe he and William can be friends. or even maybe be more than friends but that's pushing it. 

The next day time 4:30 pm

"Hey, Mom!" said Herny as ran to hug his mom. "Awww, I missed you too Henry" She looks up and see's William, she was kind of nervous to say hey because William is 6'3 while she is 5'4. "Mom, this is William, my friend" "Hi William, Henry has told me a few things about you" "Well it's nice to meet you, Miss. Emily" "Oh you don't have to be so formal with me just call me Jane" "If you say so, ma'am"

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