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"Patience is a virtue Father, you need to be prepared first."

Without any more warning, his back suddenly arched as he felt cold water spill over his ass, trailing all down his crack and onto his ballsack and without thinking he said the first thing that came into mind.


"Such a dirty mouth Father, you should be punished for it."

Your left hand went to grasp his hip to hold him steady and with the other hand, you pressed your index finger into his hole, prising it open. A whimper left his throat as his body tensed up feeling how your finger pushed into him as far as it could. The inside of him was so warm it was almost as if he was burning your finger as you kept it buried within him. Slowly you pulled your finger out most of the way before pressing it back into him again which caused him to groan.

You started with a slow pace at first, letting him get used to his inside being repeatedly pushed open and stretched, and when you felt the rim around your finger start to relax, you pushed your middle finger into him as well. Your scissored your fingers inside of him, so he would get used to being stretched open further. By now he was whimpering, his own hip occasionally twitched back onto your fingers, pushing them in further. When you pressed your third finger into him, creating a triangle shape within him, his legs started to quiver. The feeling of being penetrated was a feeling he was surprised he enjoyed so much and quietly he started to call out to you, "More."

After a few more minutes fingering him, you pulled all three of your fingers out of him and watched the way his pretty, puffed up red hole clenched around nothing. He let out a pitiful cry from suddenly being empty and he thrusted his own back seeking you out again.

He didn't have to wait long however as you stepped into the harness and then grasping the dildo with one hand you poured the rest of the holy water you had gathered onto it, getting on your knee's lining up with his entrance. You took a hold of his hip again as you positioned the dildo on his hole and then slowly you pushed in.

Such a lewd moan left his lips as his entrance was forced open by you, being stretched further than it ever had before. He was panting for breath as it felt like it had been knocked out of him as you split him open and when you finally bottomed out within him, he could barely hold his weight and collapsed upon the top of the stairs. He could feel the coldness of the dildo pressing against his walls, the tip of it digging into that spot that could cause him so much pleasure.

"Look ahead of you Father, look at that picture of Jesus."

He whimpered as reluctantly his eyes flickered up to take in the sight of the Jesus stained glass and how it seemed to be looking exactly down at him.

"Look at how Jesus is watching you take it up the ass, in your own church none the less and it feels good doesn't it?"

"Yes," he whispered, a few tears starting to swell up in his eyes.

"I love it, I love it," he said in a slightly higher voice but it still wasn't loud enough.

Hellfire:Daniel Bruhl X ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now