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The tension in the air was thick and with every passing second, it felt like hours. You knew how his mind would be rushing with thoughts, his little Devil and angel debating on what he should say. Should he listen to you? Should he give in to the temptation of you? From the previous times you two have been in his office, they hadn't been so holy and he knew what angle you were trying to go for by suggesting this, yet nevertheless the temptation of the Devil, well, even a Priest would find it so hard to resist.

"If it would help you to tell me..."

He didn't need to say anymore, he has given into the trap you have woven for him.

"They are about you Father. I have lustful thoughts about you. I imagine you beneath me, calling out my name between your little pants and groans. I imagine defiling you within church, in front of Jesus."

You could hear the way his breath had picked up and you knew how much your words were clearly affecting him.

"Most of all, I want to have your ass thrusted up before me and I want to be pummeling into it with my toy. I want to see you lose it by being full up, from being thrusted into. I want to see how your pretty asshole takes me in so nicely. I want to see you come apart on my toy."

"Y/n I really don't think this is appropriate-" he managed to stagger his words out of his shaking voice.

"Did you just say my name?"

He hadn't even realised he'd used your name when clearly his rule was to not let it be known if he knew who was in the confessional booth. Inwardly he cursed at himself for his negligence to his duty though there was one significant reason to why he had not been paying too much attention to his words but he was desperately trying to ignore it.

"I offer my sincerest apologies, as you know it is my policy to keep confessions anonymous."

He paused to hear what you would say back, but you didn't give him a reply. Instead, he heard movement in the other confessional, a door opening and then suddenly the door of the booth he was in was pulled open, showering him in light. From where he was sitting he was forced to look up at you standing over him.

"My, my, what do we have here Father?"

He gulped, seeing how your eyes instantly trailed down to the fact that the crotch area had a prominent crease within the cassock. Daniel's eyes briefly glanced down to it as well. He could feel himself becoming aroused at your words before, but actually seeing his shame was a whole other humiliation for him.

"Y/n, this isn't, this isn't right. We need to leave this as it is, not to tempt the devil."

"Did you say that last time? Right before I had you cumming just from my hand?"

He swallows, remembering all too well the feeling of being brought to breaking point by your hand. You had worked wonders on him and he knew no amount of praying would ever be able to get the memory of the pleasure out of his mind but he was trying his best to withhold temptation again though seemingly failing miserably.

Hellfire:Daniel Bruhl X ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now