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"Give us this day, our, our, daily b-bread and forgive us our, tres-tres-trespasses, as we for-forgive those who, who trespass against us."

"Would you say I trespass against you?" you teased, leaning into his back to press kisses onto his neck and get a better angle to thrust into him.

"And lead us not into temptation," he whimpered, his face turning bright red from knowing how he had utterly given in to temptation, and the fact he could no longer speak a few words before gasping or moaning only added to it.

"But-but deliver us from the evil one."

"Would you say I am the Devil, Father?"

His speech stopped for a moment as another groan pulled from his throat as he desperately tried to starve off his release but you could sense he was reaching his limit as his whole body trembled beneath you.

"For thine is the king-kingdom, and the p-p-power, and the glory, forever and ever."

You gave one last deep thrust into him and he knew this was it for him, he couldn't hold back any longer.

"Amen." you both said together as he finally came in your hand, his whole body shaking from the swarms of pleasure that crashed over him and made him collapse onto the cold stone floor of the church. His hips still moved in time with the pumps of cum that leaked out of him, fucking himself back onto the dildo which you had stopped moving within him. His cum went everywhere over the chruch floor as well and he knew he would have to clean it up soon but for now, as he felt you slowly pull out of him, leaving him empty but satisfied, he was content in lying there and not caring about what the afterlife might have in store for him.

Hellfire:Daniel Bruhl X ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now