The Dead in the Nile

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The group arrived at the gates of Egypt safely after their trek across the desert. Sherlock took the time to peruse some of the market stalls. However both he and Hathor were concerned for Y/n. He would be fighting two of the strongest gods in the Egyptian pantheon at the same time. That was when Hathor noticed something about the magician as he walked determinedly towards the palace.

A new, unidentified servant was with him in astral form.

Y/n walked up to the foot of the palace stairs and turned to the others.

Y/n: "Wait for me, okay?"

Sakura: "I should go with you, as your partner."

Y/n: "No need."

The four mages looked up as Y/n smirked at the sky.

Y/n: "I have that covered."

Hathor looked to the sky and her eyes widened. Isis would be able to sense this as well. The servant that was in astral form near Y/n was simultaneously in the sky somehow.

Y/n kept his smirk as he entered the palace. the throne room was where he found his first challenge.

He was met by the grinning face of Sobek as Anubis held his staff at the ready, both of them illuminated by the light of the multiple braziers around the room...

Y/n: "I assume this is your trial?"

Sobek: "Yup. Don't cry about it in the underworld when we send ya there!"

Anubis: "We won't be doing that. Though Sekhmet may kill you while mating."

Sobek: "HA!"

True to Hathor's warning, Sobek drew a pair of golden khopesh swords that glinted against the firelight. Hieroglyphics were intricately engraved on the blades as Sobek held them across his chest.

Sobek: "I ain't holding back against you!"

In a blinding flash of speed, Sobek was upon the magician. However Y/n smirked as he ducked under the slashes from the swords. He kept dodging until they were right in front of Anubis. He then baited Sobek into a charge, which knocked both gods over momentarily.

Anubis: "Do not be distracted by him! Here, allow me to assist you."

Anubis tapped his staff against the floor and Sobek's physical stature grew as his speed increased to unbelievable levels. Y/n could barely catch sight of him as he charged, however he kept dodging and keeping Sobek close to Anubis.

This was how he would bait them. By staying close, he could ensure that Anubis could not fire any spells at him without putting Sobek at risk. While on the other hand, he was limiting Sobek's fighting capability by having him be careful of Anubis, who was providing him with a ludicrous amount of buffs.

The two gods tried to pry Y/n away, but it was difficult to do so without one harming the other.

Y/n: "A'ight. My turn to go on the offensive."

Y/n smirked as he kicked Anubis in the shin, stunning the god temporarily and giving him enough time to slide between Sobek's legs and deliver a cheeky kick in the pride.

The magician laughed as the god of the Nile charged full of malice at him. However he found his khopesh deflected by two swords. One of which tore down a kingdom, the other founded it.

Y/n smirked as both Clarent and Excalibur were in his grasp.

The magician and the god clashed in a fierce battle, both of their weapons sending sparks flying as Anubis kept his ally charged with buffs. Y/n needed to be rid of the caster quickly.

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