Chapter 3

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"Wait June 8th?" I asked worried, that's Hayes' birthday! And he just told me he's having a party I can't miss my best friend's party! My dad had gone outside to do yard work or something I don't know, and my brother headed upstairs probably to lock himself in his room and play video games.
"Yeah sweetie! Aren't you excited?" My mom asked confused. "Well yeah", I replied," but that's Hayes' birthday mom. He's having a party and I don't want to miss it. But I guess a cruise is a better experience." I said. I always try to look at the positive side of things so that I don't sound like a brat. "I'm sorry Jess! I would have scheduled it the next week! Thanks for being a good sport" she said obviously appreciating my positivity. I walked to the kitchen to get a snack and call hayes about the news. I grabbed some blueberries and sat on the dark brown wooden barstool. I called Hayes and he picked up after 3 rings. "Hey Jess, what's up?" "Hey Hayes.. Uhm I got some bad news" I told him. "Crap I hate bad news" he said. I giggled, he knows how to lighten the mood. "I can't make it to your party next week, my parents surprised us with a cruise and they booked it to where we leave on June 8th. I'm sorry Hayes." "Hey J it's alright, it's not like this is going to be my last party ever! As long as you get me a present then it's okay" he said. I can tell he was smiling on the other end. "Oh shoot guess we're not friends anymore" I told him smiling to myself. "Okay bye" he said jokingly. "Oh whatever. Ok well now that we got that settled you want to come over?"
"Yeah sure, I'll be over in a sec" he told me.
"Okay see you soon bye" I said hanging up.
"No!" I shouted at Hayes
"Come on Jess pleaseeee" he pleaded.
"No Hayes you know I don't like being on camera."
"Just this once!"
"Okay. But only this time! Never again!!"
"Yes!" Hayes exclaimed throwing his fist in the air causing me to laugh.
"What do I have to do?"
He just convinced me to make a vine with him, which he and his brother, Nash, are kind of famous on. Well I wouldn't call it famous, but they have like 110k followers. And all the girls are in love with them. It doesn't make a difference in Hayes' personality though, he doesn't let all that go to his head. It does get annoying sometimes when he always wants me to be in vines. This is the first one I have been in, and hopefully the last. I'm only doing this to make up for his birthday party.
"Okay you stand over here and I'll..."
We made the vine and he posted it. He got a bunch of likes and revives, an lots of comments. Some saying "IS THAT YOURE GIRLFRIEND?!" And some haters telling him "he's ugly" which many fangirls who disagree, took care of that. But then there was the comments directed towards me. "OMG YOU'RE DATING HER?! SHE'S UGLY AND YOU DESERVE SO MUCH BETTER!" Those ones hurt. I brush it off though knowing that it doesn't matter what other people think, we aren't dating anyways. Hayes saw the comments I'm guessing and looked towards me. "Woah they think we're dating, mind if I clear that up a bit?" He said . "Haha yeah sure" I replied. He held his phone up in a selfie position. We made silly faces and he posted it on Instagram, and Twitter. The captions said "Hey everyone! This right here is Jess! She is my best friend and we grew up together! You guys don't need to hate on her because she's actually awesome. We're not dating but I love her like sister. Love you guys😘" There was lots of retweets and comments of relieved fangirls who actually think they might have a chance with THE ONE AND ONLY HAYES GRIER. *dramatically fants*.

Me and Hayes just hung out for a bit. I gained 2000 followers today on like all of my social media. That was pretty awesome. I decided not to let all the hate get to me because these people don't even know me, they've only seen pictures and videos of me on the Internet. Some people are rude, but it's whatever. My door opened and I saw my brother, Steven, stick his head through. "Mom wanted me to tell you dinner's ready."
"Okay thanks"
"Yeah yeah" he said walking out. My brother is your average 17 year old. He's tall, boring, and at times rude. But I love him, well I guess I have to. Me and Hayes went downstairs and dat at the table. "Hey Hayes!" My dad said. "Hey Mr. Stanley" Hayes replied. "You know you can just call me Ryan, like I've told you 100 times before" my dead replied. "Yeah I know, it just doesn't feel right. Haha". Hayes and my dad get along really well. It probably would be bad if they didn't. We ate the pasta my mom cooked and headed upstairs again. "Let's watch a movie" I said, "you want to just stay the night?"
"Yeah let me go grab my phone charger and stuff" he said
"Okay take your time because I have to shower"
"Haha okay"

We watched Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban. Our all time favorite. I had turned my tv off, we were in the game room so I was on one couch and Hayes on the other. We were on our phones until I started getting really tired. I checked the time and it was 1:00 in the morning. I usually last longer than this! Oh well.
"I'm gonna go to bed now Hayes. Goodnight!"
"Wow you wimp. It's only 1:00 am! Haha whatever goodnight"
Then I closed my eyes and slowly drifted off to sleep.
Okay so I tried to make this chapter a little longer. Hopefully I succeeded lol! well thanks for reading

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