Ch.1:Three years

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Three years.

Three years without the love of my life.I still haven't forgotten about her,and I think I never will.

I never will.

Everyday I think about her.Day and night.

Christina tries to make me go out,along with Zeke,but I always refuse.Id rather wait here at my apartment,for when Tris comes back.

I try to always deny the fact that she's dead.I just tell myself that she's gone on some trip,and I'm here waiting for her.

I sounds like I'm mental,but I just don't want to say that she's dead.

It makes me break down everytime...

I get snapped out of my thoughts by a knock on my door.

I get up and walk over to my door.I open it and see Zeke standing there,along with Shauna.

He smiles at me,"What's up,man?"

I shrug.

He puts a hand on my shoulder,"Let me're still thinking about Tris?"

I nod,and look down.

My vision starts to blur,due to the tears that now want to come out.

Everytime I hear her name...all I see is her cold,lifeless,body lying on the metal table...

I don't want to see that anymore....

Zeke notices that he said her name,and frowns.He takes his hand off of my shoulder,"Sorry...I didn't mean to bring back the memory..."

I shake my head,"Whatever."

Shauna looks at me with sympathy.

Zeke looks at his watch,"Listen man,"he looks back up at me,"Christina's busy with work right now.So she told me to tell you to meet her at the abnegation sector at 9:30.She said it's important."

I shrug,"Whatever."

He pats my shoulder,then walks away.Shauna follows him.

I close the door and wipe my tears away.

Christina probably wants me to go and have another meet up with one of her friends.She keeps insisting that I go out with someone besides Tris,but I'm never going to do that.


I sit back down on my couch.I look out of my large window.I can see people walking around the streets of Chicago.They all look happy,while I'm in my apartment,suffering from great loss.

Even after three years...

My eyes roam all over the buildings,and streets,and people.

I grab a picture frame from my coffee table.Its a picture of Tris in dauntless.Christina had given it to me the day we let her ashes go.

I smile down at the picture,"I know you're alive,Tris,and I know you're out there,"I look back out the window,"Somewhere."

A/N:Yay!!!This is the new story I was talking about!Ill be updating tomorrow as well,so don't worry!Ill be updating next week too!👏😊

As I did with Fourtris:It was an accident,I want to know what you guys think of the cover,





5)Is it ok if I lie to you? (Very,very,bad)

Please be honest with me!

Anyways!!Comment and vote!!!Bye!!!

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