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“Bella’s gone.” Alice frowned, rushing into the living room where only Rosalie and Emmett rested, “she’s gone and I lost track of her future.” She felt like she couldn’t breathe, the only time she couldn’t see anything was when Bella was with the Shifters on the reservation, but she also couldn't see anything when they were near Aurora.

“Good, maybe she’ll be gone for good.” Roaslie snorted, amusing herself, but the harsh glare from Alice made her a little embarrassed.

“Now's not the time for jokes Rose! Bella is out of her mind at the moment so having her around anybody other than vampires is a terrible idea! Having her around Aurora is terrible!” She snapped, hissing, she felt her anxiety flare up, she hadn’t had an attack since she was in the asylum but the thought of an innocent human, Aurora, getting hurt because of their recklessness unsettled her and brought such a feeling of disgust it had Jasper gagging.

“Aurora?” Carlisle walked into the room, “what about Aurora?” He had a nicely wrapped present in his hand, that was addressed to the girl, it’ll be rude if he didn’t send her anything and he cared about the girl despite her obvious dislike of him.

“Bella is missing and Alice thinks she’s with Aurora.” Emmett frowned, he was already standing up when Alice mentioned Aurora and Bella in the same sentence. He saw Bella leave, but only thought she was leaving to hunt.

“And how do you know?” Edward broke in, annoyed a little, just because Bella left to hunt doesn’t mean she would go after Aurora, she promised him she wouldn’t and even dry sobbed about being sent away to Carlisle.

“I can’t see anything if someone is near the mutts or Aurora! I lost track of Charlie’s future once Aurora hugged him and even lost yours and Carlisles when you went to visit her hospital room!” Alice screached, finger being repeatedly pointed between the two men, she felt horrible.

“Then maybe she’s with the wolves?” Edward cringed, they threatened to end Bella on sight if she stepped a foot onto their land, and he knew for a fact her and Jacob stopped talking after she became a vampire, choosing to instead distance himself and once Aurora came around, attached himself to her.

“Hard no,” Rosalie rolled her eyes, “stop trying to stick up for her! You know she’s probably stalking that poor girl!” She was fed up, “I should’ve kept her arms! That girl has done nothing but caused us trouble ever since she became a vampire!” She narrowed her eyes, this time everyone nodding their heads.

“S-She’s probably not with the human though!” Edward sputtered, he didn’t believe his own words and was greatly disappointed in Bella, but there was nothing that could be done at the moment since she was gone now.

“Edward.” Esme signed, she felt bad for Edward, she knew that Bella had told him that she was going hunting, she never really leaves the house other than to hunt so she usually overhears a lot of conversations, “Let us handle Bella for now.” The girl needed to be reeled in, she couldn’t stay here anymore, who knows what she could’ve done and they hoped she did minimal damage before they got to her.

“But,” Edward signed, he didn’t have to read anyone’s mind to know they were highly disappointed in Bella.

“We got this Edward.” Carlisle frowned, he rubbed his son's shoulders in an attempt to let him know they weren’t upset with him, even if he was defending Bella’s wrongdoings.

“Jasper, please calm Alice, we’re gonna need her help.” Carlisle signed, “and Esme darling,” He gave her a look, “please contact the Volturi, we’re gonna need their help.” He mumbled, he hated that he had to call them bad, he knows he’s never going to hear the end of it.

“The Volturi!” Rosalie almost flipped, “Bella’s dead.” She was going to lose more than just her arms this time.

“Rose,” Carlisle rubbed his temple, “we already discussed her punishment, so we’ll go through with that, but at the moment we need to head down to the reservation, they’ll be able to help track Bella until the Volturi can get here.” He thought it was impossible for Vampires to get migraines but he felt like he was getting one dealing with Bella.

“Carlisle.” Edward whispered, “please.” He felt like he was getting punished also, Bella was going to be removed from him and he only had for two years, he didn’t want to lose her again.

“We’ll talk later when we have Bella and make sure Aurora is safe.” He rubbed his back some more, but this time Esme joined in, disappointingly filling her, though she tried to stop it, she knew Bella was a problem but she didn’t think she’ll be this big of a problem.


“Leah, good morning.” Charlie smiled, fixing his belt, he was getting ready for work and just so happened to come across Leah who was pacing in the hallway.

“G-Good Morning Mister Swan.” Leah paused, quickly blinking, she didn’t think this far ahead. How was she going to tell Charlie that his sick daughter was missing, “leaving for work?” She looked him up and down, the man was wearing his uniform so it was a pretty dumb question to ask.

“Sure am, Thank Harry for me when he comes to get Aurora.” He smiled, “I’m not ready to leave her alone in the house yet.” He frowned, “speaking about Aurora, where's my little girl?” He lifted a brow, if Leah was here than where Aurora was.

“Sleeping.” Leah, pursed her lips.

“Sleeping? It’s eight, she’s usually up around seven fifty.” Charlie looked worried, the only time Aurora sleeps in is when she’s not feeling well.

“Y-yeah, she’s not feeling well.” Leah backed up towards the door a little. She had set up the bed in a way that looked like someone was sleeping in it but Charlie couldn’t possibly be that stupid to fall for it.

“Well I’ll check up on her before I leave.” Charlie checked his watch, moving towards the door only to get blocked.

“You don’t wanna go in there.” She jumped in front of him, “she doesn’t want anyone in there right now.” She mentally kicked herself, everyone that has ever met Aurora knew she was a huge daddy’s girl, upset or not the girl would like to see her father before he left her for the first time in a while.

“Well I’ll just peak my head in, to make sure she’s okay.” Charlie moved in another direction, attempting to get past Leah who once again blocked him.

“Charlie, I promise you, that I’ll look after her until you get back.” Leah signed, “she really doesn’t want to be distrubed.” She was pushing it, she could see the agitation on Charlie’s face but he did seem to take a step back.

“Well,” He mumbled, checking his watch once more, “I’ll leave it to you.” He sounded reluctant but he really had to get on the road if he wanted to make it to work on time.

“Don’t worry I’ll take great care of her.” Leah smiled, she relieved, she felt like kicking herself for coming up with that excuse but Charlie seemed to buy into it, and she was sure the man would leave work as soon as possible to get back to Aurora, so now all she had to do was get back Aurora safe and sound and in bed, before hopefully five.

“We need to pay the Cullens a visit.” She sent a text to Seth, hopefully he got the idea to bring the other Shifters because they were gonna need their help, Aurora was taken by a vampire and they needed all the help they could get in order to save her.

I hoped everyone had a great Christmas🎄, cause I can't wait for New Years Eve 🎉

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~I hoped everyone had a great Christmas🎄, cause I can't wait for New Years Eve 🎉

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