We walked in silence, except for Jamie and James who kept their conversations to a whisper. When we came up to the dumpster I turned and looked at the group. "Are you sure you want to come in?" Carrie nodded her head. "Really it's a huge mess, you wouldn't want to see it. There's lots of bras and- and um... tampons. Everywhere, I'm mean hehe it's disgusting. You wouldn't want to see that." She expected James and Willson to turn around screaming but they nearly shrugged.
"We live with "Little Miss Pig Sty" here," Willson pointed to Jamie. "I'm sure it's nothing we can't handle." I sighed. I waked in the ally. "Here we are." I spread out my arms showing off the dumpster.
"You live inside that thing?" Jamie gestured to the dumpster.
"Not quite." I bent down and began my process. They all gathered behind me and watched me work. When I removed the poster Carrie gasped. I looked back at them and slid in.I flipped on my flashlight, they hesitated before entering. Jamie was the last one in. "Cozy." Stated James.
"We're not there yet." I exclaimed. I shown the light on the other hole. I jumped through, purposefully not telling them about the drop off. All of them stumbled when they landed. I paused before turning on the light. Here we go, I thought.With a click, the lights flickered on.
All my things took up half the room. It was neat and tidy, making it look even smaller. Everyone was silent, even Jamie. They walked around the room looking for the rest of my things. Carrie looked at the couch then back at me. "Where's your bed?"
"Your looking at it." I replied.
Willson looked at the box next to the couch.
"What's in there?"
"My clothes, toiletries, just little things." Jamie walked over to the table and sat down at one of the chairs. It tipped back and she gave a yelp.For a moment there was a long moment of science. Finally James, who had been mostly quiet the whole night spoke up.
"I've made up my mind." Everyone looked at him with wide eyes.
Willson spoke next, "We still have to talk to Josh about her. We are braking every rule that we stand by being here."
"Ya I know, but look at this place. It looks like-"
"Hey," I cut him off, "I know it may not look like much, but when you've experienced what's happened to me, you learn to be grateful for the little things."
"What did happen?" Questioned Carrie,
"It's none of your business." I snapped. We went silent again. I was trembling slightly. I'm not sure if it was rage or fear but all I knew was that I wanted this day to be done.
I took a leap and spoke up, "You said you wanted to talk about..."
"Yes actually." Said Willson. Jamie sat down on the couch.
"Have you ever herd of a thing called RJA?" She asked.
"No." I said flatly.
"Great. If you had we would have a situation." Jamie said arrogantly.
"RJA stands for Rouge Juveniles of America. We are a specialized group of teens who cause the government trouble." Said James.
"What kind of trouble?" I asked.
"Well, Carrie is our computer nerd, James and I are usually in the field, occasionally Jamie comes with us, but mostly she's our engineer." Said Willson.
"Who's Jake?"
"It's Josh," corrected Jamie.
"He runs the whole thing." Said Carrie.
"Who's Scott? I herd you mention his name at the police station."
"That would be me." Said Willson. She looked at him with a look of confusion.
"My first name is Willson, Willson Scott Buckner. We use our middle names with each other, and our first names for our jobs and things like that." Slowly I nodded.
"What are your names then?"
"My names Carrie Alex Monta." She looked at James next.
"James Edward Ferris, but everyone else calls me Ed." We all looked at Jamie. She rolled her eyes, "Jamie Scarlet Young. Don't wear it out."
"What about Josh? Is that his code name or what?"
"His full name is Cameron Josh Buckner." Said Wi- Scott.
"He's your brother?"
"Okay why again are you here?" Again they all looked at each other.
"We want to recruit you." Said Carrie. There was excitement in her voice.
"What, for RJA?"
"No for the circus, yes RJA." Snapped Scarlet.
"So will you do it?" Asked Edward. I was about to respond when I herd five nocks on the door.
PertualanganRJA (Rogue Juveniles of America) is a group of teens in America who feel like there isn't any point of being Americas little sweet hearts they want the rest of the world to think. Rebecca Kaitlyn Ross is in that precise situation. Her parents were...