Chapter 14: Pain

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"So when you say 'figure it out' do you mean. Figure it out myself or you have the once in a lifetime opportunity to be a good person and help me out by supply me with clues."

She laughed. "Figure it out yourself."

"Yeah that's- that's what I was afraid of." He said with a weak laugh.

She went to the edge of the circle and stood beside a tree. Watching him in silence.

"Uh...okay." He said and turned the red dagger in his hand, fiddling with it.

He gave her a sheepish smile and said, glancing at her, "Do I get a clue?"

She nodded. "Similar to Vampires, werewolf's claws and fangs are brought out from a strong emotion...or feeling. "

He nodded to show he understood and bit the inside of her cheek. "How else are they similar?"

"Silver can be deadly to both." She answered.

He frowned. "But it never bothered me. forks, knives, door handles.. nothing." He said.

"That's because you aren't 100% a werewolf. It probably felt like a slight tingle or itch when you touched it, but to other werewolfs and vamps it burns very badly."

"Can it still kill me?" He asked and she nodded.

"Are there any more differences between me and normal werewolfs?" He asked and she turned away from him.

"Yes. And you are normal." She replied but did not elaborate any further.

Connor took this as a sign to continue. He did not currently feel anything strong. He did  not feel sad, angry or particularly happy. He felt slightly excited though, but not alot. 

He wasn't sure what he could do to feel a strong emotion. There wasn't much he had to work with except the dirt beneath his feet, the leaves in the trees... And the dagger in his hand. He had almost forgot about it. He didn't know what it's purpose was or what he was supposed to do with it.

The only thing he could do with it was do what daggers were meant to do, cut something. He could carve the tree with it but that wouldn't make him feel any strong emotion.

He could cut himself, but that would hurt. All he would feel was...pain.

Connors mouth slowly rose into a smile and he turned to Sybil who was already watching him.

"Pain. Pain is a strong feeling right?" He asked, and bounced on his feet in excitement.


"Great. Great." He said staring at the dagger. He was suddenly aware of how sharp and pointy the edge was. He wondered where he would do it, on his hand, face, arm, leg?

"If you're afraid, that's okay. We can continue tomorrow."

"No- No I'll do it." He said and brought the knife to his right palm.

"Okay, nothing to be afraid of. You'll do it then it'll be over and'll heal." He whispered to himself and pressed the dagger hard into his skin.

He took in a deep breath before he sliced at his hand. As soon as he did this he felt a searing pain like nothing he had ever felt before, he clenched his hand into a fist. He dropped the knife in his left hand and used his right to grip his wrist―which blood was dripping down― as hard as he could.

He dropped to his knees and screamed in pain, his eyes filled with tears.

He could feel the claws on his finger extend. He could also feel his canines extending, so he opened his mouth. When his head lifted  he could see Sybil crouched Infront of him staring into his eyes.

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