Chapter 24

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"Ranboo help me."

"What do you need now?"

"It's freezing in my room. My clock thingy says it's high 50's in my room. How come Texas gets 80's, Florida, Virginia, and stupid California get mid 50's!" you cried.

"Don't worry. It's just the temperature feeling extra old today. Just turn on your heater."

"No. PG&E has already shamed me."

"How much electricity have you used if you are living in a house, by yourself."

"A lot I believe."

"That's a you problem. PG&E said I used average amount so I'm good."

"How is that possible. You sure they didn't mix up the mail?" you teased.

"Okay. First of all. Just because I stream more than you doesn't mean that that's just all the electricity used. I don't wait five minutes staring at the sink waiting for the water to turn warm in the morning."

"You should do that though. It's legit the best feeling ever."

"Have you ever heard of something called a drought before?"


"Well, California is still in a drought."

"Tell the city to stop releasing dam water into the bay then."

"It's not my problem! I can't control their movements. And they predicted more rainfall, so you know what that means."

"Desalination is expensive."

"So if fixing a broken dam!"

"I'm still cold."

Ranboo let out a sigh. "Fine. I'll be over and supply you with stuff. See you in five minutes."

You let out a cheer. "Bring your dog. The one you called dumb. Ah, I forgot his name. Domino has been wanting to meet the quote-unquote dumb dog."

You could hear Ranboo let out a chuckle. "Didn't know Domino could talk now but okay. I have to take him on a walk anyway. And he's handsome, not dumb. I believe you said the wrong word on accident."

Once again, a few minutes later you saw Ranboo walking his dog with flip-flops on. It was like his entire shoe wardrobe was flip-flops. Heck, even the dog had better shoes or socks or whatever it was.

"Okay. For like the millionth time y/n, this is Frisbee. Frisbee, this is my partner in crime otherwise called my girlfriend, y/n." 

Frisbee barked upon seeing Domino and tried making his way over to the cat tree, only to fail because Ranboo still had to take off his shoes or socks or whatever.

Once Frisbee was free to move, he made his way cautiously to Domino and stood a good foot away from him. 

"Catch!" Ranboo said, throwing his hoodie that he brought along at you.

"Two Ranboo hoodies. Pog. Thanks, boo"

Ranboo flashed you a thumbs up in response. "Why is your house actually so cold?"

"No clue. Makes sense why my mom and dad decided to leave me for glorious warm Florida."

"Why don't you turn up your heater?"

"That shit is too expensive."

"You're a multimillionaire."

You stared at him blankly. "How do you think I became a multimillionaire?" you asked, immediately breaking into laughter.

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