Birthday boy

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John had been waiting for this day since the beginning of June, it was Paul's birthday! Unfortunately John had something to do later in the evening to promote his new book, but George and Ringo would take care of him then.

The alarm sounded and both John and Paul woke up. "Mornin, Macca."

Paul was grinning ear to ear, expecting a birthday message. "Good morning!.....?"

John smiled at him and kissed his cheek then got up. "We don't have to do anything today, well I do later but we as a band don't. I'll go start the tea." John walked out leaving Paul glaring at the back of his head.

'Did he forget?!?' Paul made an annoyed sound and went to go brush his teeth.

John closed their door and gave a thumbs up to Ringo who brought out some balloons from a closet, George put a cake on the table and slapped the candles in, and John grabbed a handful of confetti to throw at Paul.

'Bloody good boyfriend he is, forgetting my birthday!' Paul spat and rinsed out his mouth then walked out into the living room, he was immediately hit with small colorful strips of paper.

Altogether the three others shouted, "HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!" Paul jumped and giggled.

"You did remember!!" He planted a kiss on John's lips. "Mm.."

Ringo coughed. "Get a room!" Paul chuckled and went over too him wrapping his arms around the smaller man. "Don't be plantin' no kiss on me mister. Haha"

"I'd have to smack ya!" George smiled and received a hug from Paul as well. "Happy birthday, Paul."

Paul was absolutely beaming. "Thank you guys so This is great hmhm. I'd say lets have cake but that's not an adequate breakfast. I'll make eggs then we'll have cake." John stepped in the doorway to the kitchen.

"No! You can't cook its your birthday! I'll do it." John smiled and started cooking.

'Well well today's my lucky day.' Paul smirked to himself and sat on the couch.

"You've got presents to open!" George tossed Paul a neatly wrapped box. Paul caught it.

"Hah thanks!" He read the card, saying it was with love from George and Ringo. Paul undid the bow and paper, pulling off the top. "Oh my god!" They'd gotten him seven records he'd been wanting. "How did you know??"

The two smiled. "Well you bloody whine and mope about whenever we pass that record store in the car!" George ruffled Paul's hair and he blushed.

"I won't now! Cause I've got 'em. Thank you guys, means a lot."
Once the eggs were cooked and ate, the cake was to be cut into, John lit the 2 and 3 shaped candles and started off the singing. "Happy birthday to Paul happy birthday to Paul! Happy biiiirrthhhdayy to paaaauulll~ happy birthday to Paul!"

"Those aren't the words, John!" Paul grinned nonetheless.

"I don't care! Takes too long to sing all that anyhow. Candles!" Paul nodded and blew them out.

'I wish me and John will be together for a long time..' He smiled and clapped once.

The four got slices and sat around the TV, eating and chatting. Somehow the clock ticked to 12:30 and Brian popped his head in.

"Good afternoon boys, happy birthday Paul. John you're needed for your book promoting."

John sat down his drink and kissed Paul quickly before heading out. "Now we get to have you until two!"

Paul furrowed his eyebrows. "Have me?"

"Oh none like that Paul! Just drive around and do a bit of shoppin'." Ringo got up and put on his sunglasses. George and Paul exchanged looks, already having 'had' each other. They went out on the town, found a quiet spot to do some window shopping, but we're soon chased by screaming teenagers back to the car.

Eventually they made it back to the hotel with some loot and a few beers for later.

John stepped back into the hotel. "Well if it isn't the great author John Lennon! Read us somethin'!" George leaned into Ringo who was trying to read.

"I can't I can't you 'ave to buy it first!" John grinned cheekily and sat himself down beside Paul. "Havin' a good day so far, Princess?"

"I sure am. Are you?" John nodded yes.

"Hush! I'm tryin' to read but you're yappin'!" Ringo squinted and furrowed his eyebrows trying to concentrate. George chuckled.

"Alright, Ritchie well leave ya too that." John got up and grabbed Paul's hand, pulling him towards the bedroom. "Let's write eh?"

An unsuccessful eight hours later, the two had come up with a handful of guitar riffs for tunes and jumbled nonsense for lyrics, plus that managed to wreck the hotel room. John was laying upside down, his back on the floor and feet on the bed. "Well that was a waste."

"Maybe not. We'll do something with those someday."

"Hopefully." They both walked into the living room and raised their eyebrows at the scene before them, Ringo was in George's lap, kissing him quite heatedly. John snickered. "Get a bloody room!"

The two coughed and looked at them then shuffled to their bedroom hands covering their lower half's. Pauls laughed and tugged John into the kitchen. "Let's eat somethin' then get back to our bedroom yeah?" He winked.

John felt a shiver go right through him down to his trousers, he cleared his throat. "Y-..yeah."

Paul giggled and picked up the first thing he saw, which happened to be a banana. 'This should be fun.'

"..Paul.." 'Really? Why was that there?!' John watched intently and licked his lips. "Damn you.." John got the fruit out of his hand and set it on the counter then practically carried Paul to the bedroom.

"Happy birthday to me.." Paul smiled.

Eyyyyy sorry I was gone I was in another state and the wifi sucked.

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⏰ Dernière mise à jour : Apr 14, 2015 ⏰

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