Don't be weak!!

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I see girls in every day life being overly sensitive about the stupidest shit. Or if they get rejected by someone, they go somewhere and cry or let what somebody did or say to them affect their whole life or day.

Well I am here to say STOP IT!!

Stop letting little irrelevant crap get you down!! Do you know when you act shitty around friends or family, it rubs off on them? And makes them have a bad day even though they were having a good day before they saw you moping around because Joey don't like you.

One thing I wish girls would understand is just because a boy doesn't like you doesn't mean he is the ONLY BOY IN THE WORLD!!

Have you ever stopped to think that maybe that dude that doesn't like you or show any interest in you, may not be the one for you anyways??

Damn, I hate girls who mope around like somebody took their daggone organs and back bone out their body. Stop being so weak!! Get some backbone about yourself!!

You are beautiful!! And your tears are not worth any dude who doesn't like you or anyone that makes you mad!!

So get some tough skin!!

Never get in your feelings about small crap!! That shows how weak you are and some dudes and people will MOST DEFINITELY take advantage of that when they see that in you!!

So once again !!! STOP BEING WEAK!!!

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