He Just Isn't That Into You

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Have you ever liked a dude and he doesn't pay you that much attention or he lead you on? Here are some signs you can look out for.

Sign #1:

When you spend all your time spilling your feelings out to him and all he does is say : "chill out it's not that serious", or if he hits you with the "oh, ok". Or if he doesn't respond to what you said at all.

Sign #2:

If you see him hugged up with another girl. Or he makes someone else his WCW.

Sign #3:

When he pays another girl more attention than he does you.


When your the one that has to chase after him. Me personally thinks it should be mutual. If he cares about you then you care about him. If he doesn't care about you then don't care about him. Life goes on.

Sign #5:

If he says "But I do Love You. But he is hugging another girl. Or he says "you are the only girl for me" but you catch him with other girls. And he possibly is saying the same thing to them. That is called his words are not adding up with his actions. Meaning if he says something but then goes and does the opposite of what he says.

If he does the stuff above ↑↑↑↑↑ to you then he is not that into you. And he is not the right one for you. Be patient and wait for the one that is Into You.

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