Chapter 66: Rehabilitation of Sixx

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A/N: Nikki Sixx at long last goes to Rehab and gets the help he needs, with the support of course of his family.

We've just entered a new year 1988, It's now January of 1988 and Nikki Sixx is at last going to rehab. But before we get into that, Christmas 87' may have been spent in the hospital for Vince needed to recover and so did Nikki, but still it was of course a very bittersweet Christmas. The most important thing was that Vince got well and got his strength back and our little Charlie was healthy and happy. That night I took Vince to see Nikki, that is what I believe FINALLY drove the point home for Nikki. I'd been getting close to breaking thru, but Vince made Nikki finally realize and see the damage he'd done. After such a harrowing and emotional week that Vince spent in the hospital, it was a huge relief to go home for Vince and me, especially Vince. If you're wondering, Nikki didn't officially meet his nephew , my son until he left for rehab, oh he'd seen pictures, but Nikki had to deal with detoxing.... Detoxing for him was as I'd figured: A motherfucker.

Currently, we are seeing Nikki off to rehab and he looks like a scared and lost puppy. Everyone is here: myself, Skylar, Charlie and of course my beloved husband, as well as our extended family: the Mercury's.

I'd just arrived with my family, but anyway.... Skylar is thrilled to see Nikki again, and so is Destiny. Nikki tensed at first, but he soon managed to smile as they talked to him, clinging to his pants legs...which he finally crouched down to their level, and he was tackled by them both. Vince is holding Charlie, and he and I watch the scene while the others chat.

"Unka Nikki! Glad 'feein' betta! Get hep, we gotta you!" Skylar declares.

"We wuv you Unka Nikki!" Destiny hugs Nikki tightly, and he is fighting back tears.

"I'll miss you girls, I'm sorry I haven't been the best Uncle..." Skylar cuts Nikki off and Vince and I can't find it in us to reprimand her for...

"That boo-shit!" Skylar seems to have realized she swore, and I hide my snickers, but she shrugs it off quickly, "Sowwy me swear! But Unka Nikki, you da bestest Unka. You get hep, you be ok, weawwy."

Nikki only hugs her tighter to him, as he does Destiny before my daughter comes back to me and I pick her up and hold her as Destiny goes back to her parents.

"Remember you got this mate, we've got you. It won't be easy, things like this never are...but you're not alone. We are here for you." Freddie says gently to Nikki.

"Thank you for those words and I want to thank all of you for not giving up and I know I didn't make things easy, but I swear to god...I'm going to make you all proud. I mean that shi..." Nikki quickly corrects himself, "Um I mean that stuff seriously."

"Dude? Did you forget? I'm going to rehab too, with you. You're not the only one who needs to get clean. Why else would I have all this luggage?" Tommy though he's crying, also manages to lighten the mood and Nikki eyes wide finally lets the tears fall, sobs racking his frame as he and Tommy hug one another before parting.

"T-Bone...that means well so much. All of you here, are my family. Thank you for always having my back. I'm still scared to do this." Nikki sniffles.

"Nikki...we know or well can imagine how scary this is...but Tommy is going with you...and as for us? We will come see you and always, always stand by you and behind you NO MATTER what." I am starting to get emotional, trying to hold back tears.

Nikki is now standing in front of me, looking so very guilty, "I'm sorry...I let you down most of all, I mean Mick you're the closest thing to a father I've ever had. You're honest with me, you're a good friend...but no you're not just my're my dad." That did it right there, I broke down fully...and too this was the first time really, he'd called me 'dad'.

I bring Nikki into a hug and whisper, "You could never let me down...NEVER. I've always believed in you. I always will. You can do this Nikki; you can do this my son."

After we part, Vince exclaims tearfully but with a laugh, "Does that make me his mommy then?"

Nikki chokes out a laugh, grinning thru his tears, "Yes it does." Soon it is time to say our goodbyes until we visit Nikki which will be soon, but before we last thing.

"Nikki?" Vince asks as we're getting ready to leave, "Come hold your nephew Charles Nikki Neil-Mars. This is the first time you've officially met him."

"Vinny? You sure?" Nikki hesitates.

"Dude, I trust you." And Nikki gives in as Vince carefully hands him our son and Nikki's eyes are soft as he gazes down at Charlie.

"So, they named you after me huh? I bet money you have your mother's lungs. Cute little guy, will break a lot of hearts. When you're older of course. We really do have the best family, don't we? Be good for your parents, will you? First time meeting you and I can tell you now, you've got me wrapped around your little finger." Nikki kisses Charlie on his little forehead as Charlie falls off to sleep and is carefully handed back to Vince and me.

Watching Nikki and Tommy go in the rehab building, feels like the end of one era and the dawn of a new one. Finally, we all head to our respective homes...

It's kind of was the end of one era, the era of drugs I mean. Doesn't mean that the wagon wasn't fallen from, as far as booze goes...but things would get better. And eventually a break for Motley would come, Vince would try the solo stuff a few years from now in 92' but mainly all of us concentrated on running our record company and other projects until 97', but I am getting ahead of myself here.

Later that night after the kids is put in bed, which took a long time...because they were hyper and or emotionally charged up.....but anyway...Now Vince and I are laying in bed, watching tv and kissing of course.

"Big day for Nikki Moonlight." Vince sighs his head laying on my chest as I run my fingers thru his hair.

"Yes, but he needs this...and it will do him so much good. He needs rehab and he needs us."

"You're right Mick." My husband agrees with me, and yawns which causes me to yawn.

"Sleepy Vinny, both of us will till Charlie wakes up." Vince gives in to sleep and is out like a light...I follow moments later.

A/N: An emotional beginning to Nikki's rehabilitation, but at last he will get the help he needs and get better. So, the next several chapters will see some time-skips,  which will be until the end of the book. Next chapter 67 will be Mick from the present day talking about what happened during Motley's hiatus basically and their family during 1992-1997. Chapter 68 will start out in 1999 where Nikki meets 'thing II'. Stay tuned! More to come!

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