Chapter 70: So, She's pregnant? Now he's lost...'HER'

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A/N: Wherein some time has passed, Now Brandi aka THING II is pregnant...and things are not going well for Nikki, Vince is now much more pregnant and not too much longer till his and Mick's fourth child arrives. Read on my friends!

Some months have passed, and Vince doesn't have too much longer to go in his pregnancy. Maybe another month, anyway we'd found out that baby no. 4 was a girl and of course we were and are insanely happy. However, Nikki has NOT been doing well AT ALL. Of course, when it was New Years, Nikki did listen enough to protect his assets, his livelihood and all that. But he wanted to desperately cling to the idea of having a family of his own, he wanted a child and that child to have two parents...he wanted...Brandi DID NOT as it turned out, somehow Nikki would convince her to keep the baby...getting a little ahead of myself here. What she tried to do though.... was beyond wrong and this was BEFORE she abandoned little Frankie completely and Nikki too.

Currently, it is now April...Vince is due next month... And the kids, the older ones are out with some friends including the mercury's kids and the bon-jovi Sambora twins. Bobby, now 2 years old is on the couch cuddled up to his mother's baby bump, feeling his little sister move.

"OOOH, tickle!" Vince chuckles, ruffling Bobby's Auburn tinted hair.

"You know, your older brother and sister said the same thing when you were in my tummy." Vince tells him fondly, "And Skylar did the same thing with Charlie too."

"I was in there?" Bobby tilts his head.

"You were, not so long ago." I tell him as Vince, and I share a kiss. The following that Bobby asks, well if it's obvious to a 2yr old....

"Why Unka Nikki sad?" Vince and I share a look as if to say, 'what do we tell him?', "He need happy like ew and mommy, daddy!"

"Oh sweetheart, it's complicated." I sigh.

"Gone-ups (Grownups) say dat when no Ansa kestion!" Bobby pouts, all our kids are wise beyond their years, which again Vince says they get from me.

"He's not happy, because his wife is really, really mean to him. Uncle Nikki has always had mean partners and hasn't got to have anything like what your mother and I have, but he will. He will." And bobby seems to absorb my words, with a serious little nod, but then makes me snicker with....

"Dat betta daddy! Tanks answer kestion!"

Soon it's time for Bobby's nap, and I lay him down in the pillow/blanket fort on the floor his two older siblings favored as little kids and join my husband on the couch, but then the phone rings....and the ID: Nikki...I have a sinking feeling....

"Hey Mick. Hey.... Vin." I put Nikki on speaker, so my husband could listen.

"Nikki, man...what's wrong?" Vince looks frantic almost and Nikki's tone has me shaken...something has happened...oh god, can it be....

"'s pregnant." Vince and I look at each other stunned as Nikki bursts into tears.

"Breathe Nikki." I tell him firmly, but gently and so he does...

"I'm happy to have a child...but what she tried to do...see...I had caught her.... she tried to get an abortion." Nikki says. Voice a mixture of sadness, anger, and awareness even.

"WHAT THE FUCK?!" I whisper yell.

"S-She...I heard her...make an appointment.... i don't get it...I mean things have been good here lately. We've made love and..." Surprisingly Vince cuts him off.

"Nikki, but did you do that because you wanted to, or she did? Did she let you take her on dates? I get the feeling she was playing you...she has been." Vince looks at me, eyes filled with tears.

"I-I...but I wanted...I mean...she was...nicer to me...but what she did, I can't.... i can't.... i convinced her to keep the baby, but it wasn't easy. I did what I had to and sacrificed my motorcycle collection, save one...the one you got me Mick...that one, I fucking couldn't. But I gave her the money.... i did it to protect my child...but now, I've lost her...physically at least. She won't let me touch her, like AT the fast few days. That's another condition, apparently. Maybe a baby will help, I don't know...I'm taking steps to make sure she doesn't get rid of my baby, like abortion or otherwise." Nikki exhales raggedly. Vince is full on sobbing; I am crying too. I can feel how much he I have said, this...this was hurtful yes, broke Nikki's heart yes.... broke him? Yes and no...The yes is obvious, but the no...this is not him truly broken.... that wouldn't occur until Eric would be in a coma for 10 days, Nikki would then be truly lost with out his true other half.

"Nikki, I think you know deep down...this, you don't deserve never have...all those people that hurt you...and now her.... she's evil, Nikki.... abusive. I can get that's all you've ever known, but I am telling you. You will find happiness, you will someday. I know it's taking forever; I know...and I can tell too, you worry about not knowing what you're doing. You're not alone, we'll be behind you, help you with whatever you need. That's a promise. Your baby, was meant to be here, IS meant to be here. And the fact you sacrificed something you loved and are doing ANYTHING it takes to protect your child.... you're already a father, a damned good one." I tell him seriously...and for a moment there is silence on the other end, and I think for a second, he's hung up, until...

"I don't know what I would do without you guys. I really fucking don't.... I've been totally sober, no drinking since I found out.... i wanna try and do this right.... she's, she's sleeping in the guest bedroom. I've gotta go, love you guys." And Nikki hangs up.

"Holy fucking Shit, Mick...I mean fuck..." Vince mutters in disbelief, in sadness, even a little anger.

"I know Vinny, I know." I pause a moment, "he's torturing himself. He didn't say, but if I had to hazard a guess, she's a month along at least I feel that's right. But Nikki is torturing himself still.... he sees SOME, but Vin.... she will leave him; she will abandon him and his baby...but there's a part of him that holds out hope though it's foolish."

" I love you Mick. God, how I love you. I hope to God you were right on him finding someone, a true partner, though I, I know you're right on that. And I can see it Moonlight you don't wanna be right about what's coming. I wish that...I wish that it wouldn't happen, but it will as you say it will finally get Nikki to see." Vince sighs sadly.

I kiss him to comfort him and myself and Vince soon falls into sleep, and I stay awake watching over him and our thoughts keep returning to my 'eldest' Nikki.

So now you know a little more, behind what happened to Nikki or will. Nikki would hold on.... until Frankie was born....and so you know what happens there.... but coming up in the story, is Frankie's birth, and 'thing II's' disappearance. And oh the divorce papers would come and her giving up her parental rights...fuck she lost that when she did what she tried to do to Frankie....but what not many know today or even when all this would happen, is 'Thing II' would be put where she belonged: in jail....which would occur not long after she was found, which wasn't hard as it would turn out. Fun fact: she's still in prison.

A/N: Some twists and turns, 'Thing II's' evil....and her eventually getting what she deserves in the future as Mick foreshadows. Too some sweet moments with little Bobby. Next is Frankie's Birth and at that point Vince X Mick's youngest will be a couple months old, and their will be flight after the birth and not just from 'Thing II'....could Nikki make a flight to Mick and Vince?

A Live Wire for Love: A Mick Mars x Vince Neil Story (Sixx's Kitten Prequel)Where stories live. Discover now