Blood Test

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A flash wakes me from a coma like state. My hands are wrapped around something cold and I tap them nervously but I can't see what it is; I think it's a steering wheel. My vision is completely gone except for the neon red numbers six, zero, zero. Voices float around my ears and lights continue to flash by, I can smell my mother's perfume in the air. Until I slam into something big, heavy, with whatever I'm driving - I'm assuming it's a car. Searing pain flares through my entire body before everything drains away.

"Olivvia?" I yelp at Dmitri's voice and jerk back from our close proximity. He removes his hands from my arms. I can tell by his probing gaze that he wants to know what just happened. I tell him all of the dream that felt too real because that guiding inner voice pushes me too.

"That was not a dream Olivvia," Dmitri informs me. My reaction is immediate; my throat constricts with grief and tears spring to my eyes. Oh my god. I just watched someone die. "Don't cry, I never know how to handle tears. Whomever you dreamed about is not dead yet." I am mildly surprised by the softness in his voice.

"What I meant is you just sensed an event that will endanger someone's life. Normally you can only do this with whomever you are assigned to protect but sometimes, in only the most powerful vampires, they can sense events that will happen to anyone they share blood with." My blood turns stone cold - since my heart doesn't beat, I'm assuming it just kinda sits there.

The crash happened, if the numbers were correct, at six o'clock p.m. If I can see the event, surely the fates will allow me to stop it. But I don't yet know who will be killed. I think back to the vision as a last resort, did anything stand out? All I could smell was... my mother's perfume!

"What time is it?" I demand.


I ignore the tinge of confusion weighing on his words. Thank goodness it's not too late yet. Before I can take a step, my vampire instincts lock me in place and tell me the sun is still out. There has to be a way for me to save my mom. My second power, photosensitivity, comes to mind.

I reach for my pocket to find my dictionary app along with my phone, missing. I died, I don't own a phone anymore. How can I find out what my power is? It sounds sciency; I never payed attention in science class and apparently I should've.

"Slow your thoughts, fledgling, and I can tell you. You can manipulate rays of light," Dmitri answers.

"I'm a light bender? Like somebody from Avatar?" He rolls his eyes at me.

"Pop culture has oversimplified everything. Unless you need to create or destroy light, you will do it subconsciously and you will be able to broad daylight without being harmed as long as your powers are intact."

"Come with me or stay here, I don't care. Either way I'm going." When I spin around, he speaks into the strange silence of the house.

"In what car?"

I set my jaw. "I'll run. I'll find a way."

Without any more conversation, I dash through rooms of sleeping vampyres in various states of drunkenness until I escape the monotonous maze and emerge into the concrete parking garage. I inhale deeply to find Dmitri's scent that should permeate his car. Redwood bark and smoke scent drifts towards me from the corner of the huge room. Over three hundred and fifty expensive cars and cars bar my way, so I leap over them like a practiced runner over hurdles.

Running as a vampyre is exhilarating! My heart doesn't thud painfully in my chest; each step no longer jars my entire body. I don't sweat or even feel winded. I could run forever at top speed. All too soon yet not fast enough, it ends.

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