Destin Sanguine

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"I will tell you of the hierarchy after you feed again. What was your blood type?" I frown. Will I have to kill someone again? I can't do that. Just then, the same thing that woke me in the hospital stirs; something deep and primal and hungry. I refrain from my scratching my gums as my fangs lengthen to their deadly points. My human side panics at the thoughts that flood my brain with them of blood, of death, of sucking the life out of a person drop by drop.

"Your blood type Olivvia?" I snap out of my thoughts.

"I don't know. I never had a reason to!" I defend myself. Dmitri sighs before waking over to his stainless steel refrigerator. He pulls out a bag of liquid and pours it into a wine glass sitting on the counter. It makes my human side taste bile but my vampire side wants to lunge for it.

"We're going to test your self-control. I'll fill this up ¾ of the way and you drink it as slow as you can," he orders before sliding the glass across the white granite. Hunger scrambles for control and I gulp the drain the glass, barely tasting the sweet liquid flowing down my throat. I stare at the empty glass for a moment before setting the glass back down. I've never drank anything that fast in my life; then again I've never killed for anything in my life either. A feeling of disappointment spreads through me.

"Most fledgelings fail the first few times, don't worry about it." We repeat the exercise until I finish the pint and Dmitri sits back in his chair. "In our society, we have ranks and laws. At the very top is the Council which is equivalent to royalty, comprising the bottom is fledglings like yourselves. Three quarters of the way up the metaphorical totem pole are the guilds." By the way he pauses I can tell this is important and the answer to my question. "The guilds grant fledglings their powers. They granted me the ability to walk among humans but not to resist the sun completely."

Powers? Like Edward Cullen could read minds? That's so cool! What can I do? Are powers innate and the guilds bring them out or do they transfer gifts to you; is there a giant pool they pull from? I voice my thoughts.

"You'll get to find out. I'm taking you there tonight." My eyes pop out. I am not prepared to meet more vampires! I've only had one night to adjust to this! I don't know the proper greetings and social conventions. I gasp as I realize I have nothing to wear. Do vampires dress like people did in the Victorian Era? Or in B.C.? "Settle, Olivvia. Anxiety is not a good scent on you. In the spare room there should be a dress that fits you."

"Why would you have any clothes that would fit me?" I question.

"I've changed humans before you and I assume something will fit. You have an hour to be ready, please accelerate your morning schedule to fit into that time." I jump up and speed into the closet faster than any human. After pawing through tons of clothes in the seemingly never ending wardrobe, I notice something that fits my measurements. My vampire brain computes that the light blue, button up jean shirt attached to a leather braided belt on the pleated white cotton skirt will fit me to a tee. I manage to dig out a pair of Oxford women's shoes the same color as the belt and a flower headband to sit over top of my braided bun.

I jump out of my room just as the Grandfather clock next to Dmitri's loveseat strikes one. Dmitri stands next it looking - although I hate to admit it - slightly dashing in a vintage suit. He wears a tailored black coat with a white button-up shirt, skinny red dress pants and shiny black dress shoes. His black hair is slicked down with gel; he holds a pocket watch in one hand and a red bowtie in the other.

"Are you quite ready, Miss Evans?" He asks before looking up. Something flashes in the cold depths of his blue eyes before they darken and he holds out an arm for me to take. I do before he proceeds to walk me out to a sleek grey Mitsubishi parked outside.

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