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[ Crowley earned a nod from each of the demons that were holding the trial against him and turned his head, smirking satisfactorily towards Abbadon

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[ Crowley earned a nod from each of the demons that were holding the trial against him and turned his head, smirking satisfactorily towards Abbadon. ]

Abaddon was sitting on the angel's left side on one of the benches in the park. He had his left arm thrown over the backrest of the wooden seat. The demon was sitting with his back straight and his hands clasped together over his lap. The other benches were empty but people were jogging and walking around and kids playing in the grass. The sun was shining and the birds were chirping, London was alive still. 

"Do you think they'll leave us alone now?" Aziraphale's voice interrupted the silence.

"At a guess, they'll pretend it never happened." Crowley responded, getting a "hmm" from both Aziraphale and Abaddon, "Right. Anyone looking?"

Aziraphale brought his hands up to his face, putting the tips of his index and middle fingers on both of his temples and shut his eyes while Crowley looked around.

"Nobody." Aziraphale confirmed and extended his hand towards Crowley, "Right. Swap back, then?"

Crowley took his hand and they swapped bodies, back to their original ones. They stretched out, looking finally relieved. Crowley moved the hand he had thrown over the backrest to surround Abaddon with it, but kept it on the bench. The tips of his fingers grazed her arm in an up and down motion, almost absentmindedly, whilst looking at Aziraphale. 

"A tartan collar. Really?" Crowley teased the angel.

Aziraphale turned to him, seemingly offended, "Tartan is stylish."

Crowley sputtered at that, rolling his eyes behind his sunglasses.

"I asked them for a rubber duck," Aziraphale spoke and Crowley turned to Abaddon with a small smirk, his eyebrows arched as if he was asking him if that was true, "and made the Archangel Michael miracle me a towel."

"He did," Abaddon assured him, a small smile painting her face, "it was quite funny actually."

The angel and the red-haired demon let out a laugh, Abaddon's smile just became a bit bigger.

"They'll leave us alone... for a bit." Abaddon could only focus on the demon's fingers instead of his voice, "If you ask me, I think both sides are going to use this as a breathing space before the big one."

"I thought that was the big one." Aziraphale's face fell, a mixture of sadness and confusion clouding his expression. 

Crowley spoke his thoughts out loud, "For my money, the really big one is all of us against all of them."

Aziraphale's face shifted, concerned now, "Heaven and Hell against... humanity?

"Right. Time to leave the garden." Crowley still looked at the angel but shifted positions, sitting straighter, his left hand dropping from where it was and now going around Abaddon's waist, "Let me tempt you to a spot of lunch?"

"Temptation accomplished." Aziraphale joked and they stood up, Crowley's left hand shifted from holding her waist to holding her right hand, "What about the Ritz? I believe a table for three has just miraculously come free."


A soft piano played in the Ritz while the three eternal beings were sitting around a small table. Aziraphale had ordered pastries and other types of food for them. A formally dressed waiter approached them with a bottle of expensive champagne and went around the table, serving it in the three glasses. Aziraphale was sitting straight and Crowley was man-spreading, as always. Abaddon was a mixture of the two, not sitting as straight as the angel but not as laidback as the demon either, just comfortable.

Aziraphale raised his glass and looked at the demons, "I like to think none of this would have worked out if you two weren't, at heart, just a bit good."

"And if you weren't, deep down, just enough of a bastard to be worth knowing " Crowley teased and they both smiled, and Abaddon would be lying if she said that she wasn't at least a bit jealous of their strong friendship, "Cheers." the red-haired demon lifted up his glass, "To the world."

"To the world." Aziraphale and Abaddon spoke at the same time and looked at each other with a small smile. Maybe he was not as bad as she had thought.

The three of them clinked their glasses together and took a short sip of the champagne. Putting the glasses back on the table, Aziraphale started to tell Crowley something excitedly. Abaddon didn't pay any attention to the conversation, she just gazed at the other demon with the same small smile she had plastered on her face the whole evening and she realized that for centuries she hadn't felt as content as she did at that moment.

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