𝑪𝒉𝒂𝒑𝒕𝒆𝒓 ²¹

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[ Abaddon didn't pay any attention to the conversation, she just gazed at the other demon with the same small smile she had plastered on her face the whole evening and she realized that for centuries she hadn't felt as content as she did at that m...

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[ Abaddon didn't pay any attention to the conversation, she just gazed at the other demon with the same small smile she had plastered on her face the whole evening and she realized that for centuries she hadn't felt as content as she did at that moment. ]

Abaddon had spent more time in his apartment than ever. They were basically living together now, about 3 months after the failed try of Armaggedon. She constantly thought about what the red-haired demon had said that day at the park, the thing about it not being the real war, that there would be one even bigger; but right now she was happy and she didn't let those thoughts bother her too much, she would worry about it when it came.

Crowley came out of his room, Abaddon's eyes roamed over his body. His characteristical black skinny jeans hid his hands in its front pockets, a black shirt tucked into the jeans with a few buttons unbuttoned at the top, his sunglasses barely hanging on the shirt. He walked until he reached the door frame of the office, where Abaddon was sitting with her legs crossed and propped up on the desk.

"I'm going for a drive."

Crowley sometimes went alone on rides on his Bentley. Normally, Abaddon didn't even ponder or asked the question of going with him. She knew that he would most likely agree to her coming but she also knew that he needed some time alone every once in a while.

"Can I come?" she decided to change that this time.

Crowley tried to suppress his shocked face. With his glasses off, every little change in his expression was more noticeable, so she did notice his eyebrows slightly knotting together and his lips shifting from a smirk into a thin line.

"I would rather go on my own." he stated surely but shifted a little bit in his place; Abaddon hadn't expected that answer.

Still, she did know why he hadn't agreed. She knew that every few weeks Crowley would go and visit the kids that were in the military base and stopped the Armaggeddon. One time, she had heard Aziraphale call them something like "The Them", and say something along the lines of them wanting to be called like that. She knew that the red-haired demon wanted to keep it a secret, to keep the kids protected in case of a new war but especially to keep his reputation. He had turned softer and Abaddon had too. She wouldn't admit it either, though.

She never teased him about those visits, it was quite adorable in her opinion. He was sure that she had no idea about them so she also never made any comments about them.

"What if I wanna go and see those kids too?", until now.

"How do you know about that?" he stepped closer to her, two of his fingers slipping under her chin, his thumb lightly pressing on it to lift her head slightly up, making her look into his yellow slitted eyes while he raised an eyebrow, "Have you been following me, my love?"

The pet name never failed to make her heart take a small leap, yet, her face never showed it, "What if I've been?"

A smirk crept onto Crowley's face, he looked almost pleased with that answer, while bowing down a little to match her height in the chair. The fingers he had put on Abaddon's chin applied a little bit more pressure as he brought her face towards his. Their lips brushed together and Crowley took a step forward, finally joining them. His kisses were never bland or short, they were always long and quite passionate, even "good morning" and "goodbye" kisses.

He moved his hands, now cupping her face, and she moved hers too, from the armrests of the office chair into his fire-coloured short locks. She felt Crowley smile into the kiss and they slowly separated, her hands falling onto his shoulders, his staying on her face.

With their faces mere inches apart, he looked like he was thinking about something. Still, he kept quiet for a few seconds, his mouth keeping the same smile as the one when he was kissing her. He grabbed her right hand and stood up straight. "Let's go."

It only took a little tug from him for her to stand up and follow close behind.

Once on the street, the black Bentley stood out from the other cars, parked right in front of the block of apartments where Crowley lived. When they reached it, Crowley opened the door of the driver's seat side and entered it; Abaddon did the same but on the other side of the car.

When the red-haired demon started the car, the radio turned on automatically. She recognized the song that was playing even though listening to music was something she barely did nowadays. The song, if she remembered right, was called "Crazy Little Thing Called Love" by Queen; she knew how much Crowley loved their music, a smile on his face as he drummed the song with his fingers on the steering wheel.

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