Chapter Nine

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I stood close by, making sure she got where she needed to go safely. I didn't know what it was about this girl, we had only ever talked briefly, but if anyone hurt her I would make sure they were put six feet in the ground. I saw her stumble, clenching at her chest with her hands and catching herself on the lockers. I stood close, but far enough she didn't know I was there. She crawled into a corner between the lockers and the janitor's closet. I heard a thud and ran to her. She seemed to have fainted, but she was still crying. I tried to get her attention, but nothing was working.

I called Dani. "Dani I'm sending you my location. You need to come here now, it's Aspen" I tried to keep my voice calm as panic pushed through me. I ran my fingers through my hair and pacing in front of her, trying to do everything I can to get her attention.

It was only moments later when I saw Dani sprinting towards us. "What the fuck did you do!" She snapped

"I didn't fucking do anything, I found her like this. I tried to get her to come to, but it's like she can't hear me." I said, completely panicking.

"It's because you can't, asshole, and if you ever were concerned with anyone, but yourself, maybe you would've taken the time to figure things out!" She practically spat at me before running to her.

"What happened?" She asked. "Some guy moved here, her ex uh-uh I...I don't remember his name. I didn't know she was crying and he tried to grab her, so I punched him and he walked away, but then I followed her to make sure she was okay and then this." I said, gesturing.

"That motherfucker has the audacity to show up here?" She said with a fury I have never seen before. She ran over and wrapped her arms around Savvina, rubbing her soothingly. "You need to go, she won't like it if she knows you saw her like this. Leave. I can handle it." She orders me.

"But, I-"

"Ryker, just leave."

I put my head down and walked down the hall to the bathroom to clear my head. There were only two people in this world I would let tell me what to do. One of them was Dani and the other her Mom. They were practically my family and the only women who had control of me until now.

In the dark: Darkness between us series (WIP rewrite)Where stories live. Discover now