Chapter Five

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I woke up to an empty bed the next morning, remembering yesterday's incident that made me deny every attempt Dax tried at attempting to talk to me. With a stretch and a sigh, I reached over to the side table to see I had a text from Dani.

~ Dani: Let's go shopping after classes for the party!

~ Me: Sure.

I groaned, setting the phone back down on the nightstand and flopping back on to my back with my arms spread over the bed. I felt like I had no idea what I was doing, or what I was supposed to be doing. I needed to find a job or a hobby or something to keep me busy. It was like I was going crazy. In this house, practically alone doing nothing, but reading and studying all the time. Maybe this party was just what I needed, a little relief from the loneliness constantly building in my chest.

I looked out the window that peered out onto the city. Being this high up felt like I was sitting on the clouds themselves. Even in the heavens it felt like I would never find peace.


Classes ended early today and Dani had already been dragging me into countless stores.

"Dani, my legs are literally going to fall off. Can we please just go? I am sure I can find something at home."

"Absolutely not, this is your first party in the city. You will need to look your absolute best." She grabbed my arm dragging me into another store, this time it had my mouth parting as I looked at the sign and back to Dani.


"Dani, this is way too much for a frat party."

Dani looked back at me with a fake pout on her lips. "Oh honey, when my brother invites us to a party, it is not some normal frat party."

Dani pulled me into the store, smiling brightly and I looked around. It wasn't that I couldn't afford what was in this store with all the money my family had, but I rarely stepped into one. Always figured it was too much for me or that I would never look right in clothes this expensive.

"Dani, darling." A woman with blonde hair and the same blue eyes as Dani's walked up to us wrapping her into a hug.

"Hi momma, this is Aspen." The woman looked at me with a wide smile before embracing me into a hug.

"It is so wonderful to meet you. My daughter and son have told me so much about you." She gave me another squeeze before releasing and I chuckled slightly. I put it together that this must be Dax and Dani's mother. She was dressed in an all black dress that hugged her tightly and went down to her mid calf. She a black and gold name tag pinned to her chest with the logo of the store just at the top.

"It is lovely to meet you as well Mrs. O'Donelle."

"Oh darling, I have not been Mrs. O'Donelle in years, Nat is just fine." I gave her a soft nod with a smile. "What are we looking for today girls?"

"Dax has some party he invited us to."

Nat rolled her eyes, "So dresses then, will this be going on your brother's dime?" She asked with a smirk and Dani nodded.

"He wants to invite us so he can pay for the expenses."

I laughed, shaking my head. "I will pay for my own."

Both of their heads snapped to me and mouths parted in surprise and it was at that moment I realized Dani did not know as much about me as I thought she did. "Umm my dad left me a fair amount when he passed, I am capable of covering my own cost." I quickly stepped away towards the racks before they asked any more questions.

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